
Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [16]

  1. Need Mapper (Kellys Heroes) (9 replies)
  2. How stable is 3.5 alpha? (12 replies)
  3. Will using null shorten my compile times? (7 replies)
  4. Map Limits (15 replies)
  5. Danzarised Caen (18 replies)
  6. [WIP]dod_insula (working title) (7 replies)
  7. HL2 Hammer Editor Pics (20 replies)
  8. preview: dod_getriebe_b3 (5 replies)
  9. Texture properties (4 replies)
  10. I Really Need Help From A Pro-mapper (3 replies)
  11. Compiler crashes... (23 replies)
  12. Preview: DoD_Abfall (48 replies)
  13. Tutorials on Objectives (12 replies)
  14. Snow... (3 replies)
  15. Merderet Download? (1 replies)
  16. hammer question (10 replies)
  17. Weird Problem since 1.0 (5 replies)
  18. and presents... (3 replies)
  19. Mortars on DoD_Charlie (4 replies)
  20. dod_dogwhite Preview. (129 replies)
  21. question about r_speeds (11 replies)
  22. Preview: dod_haven (26 replies)
  23. rain in donner (7 replies)
  24. Particle_shooter?? (2 replies)
  25. Preview DoD_Latan reanimated!!!!! (8 replies)
  26. Model Transparency Tutorial (5 replies)
  27. Small error in Zalec (9 replies)
  28. Error: File read failure (6 replies)
  29. Merderet / Vicenza Overviews (7 replies)
  30. Bug in DOD_CHARLIE (13 replies)
  31. Release: Fountain Using Particle Effects (27 replies)
  32. Problem with particle_shooter (2 replies)
  33. trees? (6 replies)
  34. How do you make a decent minimap? (13 replies)
  35. dod_salerno? (0 replies)
  36. Interested (7 replies)
  37. strange compile problem (3 replies)
  38. CHECK this out (32 replies)
  39. Day of Defeat mapping sites (2 replies)
  40. Fountain with Particles? (4 replies)
  41. Objective Target located randomly :: Reccomended? (8 replies)
  42. AllocBlock:Full ? (1 replies)
  43. WIP dod_??? (1st Map) (3 replies)
  44. couldn't exec map.cfg (10 replies)
  45. Dod mapping tutorial 2 (13 replies)
  46. Is there a way to make hammer show different model bodies? (7 replies)
  47. Will the missing maps be released??? (20 replies)
  48. Question for Waldo about models in dod_charlie (13 replies)
  49. VHE/WC Crashes (2 replies)
  50. Models or Func_Walls? (10 replies)
  51. { Textures - Problem (4 replies)
  52. Mapping idea/suggestion (4 replies)
  53. REL: New WAD by voll_da_freak! (10 replies)
  54. Teaser and Question (1 replies)
  55. Model Help (6 replies)
  56. Preview : Dod_churchtown (19 replies)
  57. dod_avalanche *New Bug* (6 replies)
  58. Preview: DoD_Hill_Classic (171 replies)
  59. *MAP RELEASE* DoD_Heckeniveau_B2 (now V1.0 compatible) (31 replies)
  60. DoD_Hedgerow, DoD_Ouitz, and DoD_Bunker... (13 replies)
  61. Found a fix for when worldcraft or VHE maximizes incorrectly in windows XP (6 replies)
  62. REQ: Anti-Spawncamp MG Tutorial Please (3 replies)
  63. Map error help. Any help appreciated. (11 replies)
  64. Video for complete newbs who want to map (13 replies)
  65. Goddamn dod_thunder (14 replies)
  66. Can I resize models? (9 replies)
  67. Making surfaces give off the right particle effect when shot? (6 replies)
  68. Using Sub-Models In The Env_Model (6 replies)
  69. Bad String? (6 replies)
  70. New DoD_Coldline pictures :D (42 replies)
  71. DOD 1.0 FGD fix (45 replies)
  72. Release: DoD_Frenzy (26 replies)
  73. Can't load up any of my maps :(... (6 replies)
  74. DoD_bridge2 UPDATED! (15 replies)
  75. V1.0 fire effects =) (28 replies)
  76. Two sample maps: (set of model clips and red smoke nade from charlie) (19 replies)
  77. Weather Effects Question (4 replies)
  78. good site for textures... (0 replies)
  79. Map Release: para_raiders (26 replies)
  80. dod_merderet vs dod_ramelle (18 replies)
  81. Some Final Bierville Photos (9 replies)
  82. subgroups (4 replies)
  83. Bazooka trouble (1 replies)
  84. Flash wad (6 replies)
  85. misnamed model? (0 replies)
  86. dod_hill , Request to ALL good mappers (3 replies)
  87. Compatibility: old maps and DoD v1.0 (1 replies)
  88. Mirrors needed for para_raiders (9 replies)
  89. about maps models (1 replies)
  90. A small non-playable map w/particle effects in it (14 replies)
  91. Info for Comunity: Gun Penetration (14 replies)
  92. The mini-map (20 replies)
  93. Wip: dod_qual (31 replies)
  94. (3 replies)
  95. The New Particle Effects in 1.0 (4 replies)
  96. Preview DoD_NoName (7 replies)
  97. Download dod_bridge2 ! (17 replies)
  98. Question: rain in 1.0 and my map (4 replies)
  99. Will you change your map designs since 1.0 hsa come out??? (2 replies)
  100. Can a mapper make these old maps (16 replies)
  101. status of cr44? (0 replies)
  102. Preview: DoD_Scorpius (32 replies)
  103. REL: dod_bridge2 (16 replies)
  104. [Ques] Using the "leaf" texture (3 replies)
  105. dod 1.0 entity tutorials (3 replies)
  106. Lost wad file (2 replies)
  107. Using many differents WADs? (9 replies)
  108. HELP: Error: Exceeded MAX_LEAF_FACES (1 replies)
  109. *wip* dod_??? (4 replies)
  110. flag problems (1 replies)
  111. Preview: WIP (16 replies)
  112. Ok.. I've got a problem here.. (2 replies)
  113. Will there be a FY_ICeworld of DoD?? (18 replies)
  114. Stationary MGs? (14 replies)
  115. Models or Prefabs? (18 replies)
  116. Unrealistic doors in 1.0 (18 replies)
  117. Name of Custom Map from 1.x? (6 replies)
  118. Mapping Position (8 replies)
  119. release, well sort of (11 replies)
  120. Map sounds (1 replies)
  121. Ideas for my Convoy DoD map (30 replies)
  122. 1.0 Flash... what does that mean for 3.1 Flash and Flash2? (18 replies)
  123. Post your tuts ! (1 replies)
  124. Func_rotating problem.. (10 replies)
  125. DoD mapping, will ti be back? (1 replies)
  126. HLfix - new mapping tool (15 replies)
  127. I think i'll re-make valley (59 replies)
  128. My questions (11 replies)
  129. Why Waldo... why? (22 replies)
  130. Hammer 3.5 (10 replies)
  131. No-Ents batch file request (1 replies)
  132. Map idea: historically accurate weapon amounts (3 replies)
  133. What happened to Narvik? (3 replies)
  134. Work in Progress: brit_controlled_town (15 replies)
  135. DoD Textures Stock Xchange *Remake* (30 replies)
  136. Were do *you* start and end? (16 replies)
  137. pre-made object help. (27 replies)
  138. Kleineh's DOD WAD #1 (jagd,zalec,merderet, etc..) (20 replies)
  139. i want to make the ground as soft as a kittens fur (6 replies)
  140. Texture help (6 replies)
  141. Revolver - New Half-Life Utility Application (2 replies)
  142. Batch Compiler 2.0.2 (11 replies)
  143. big texture thread download link (7 replies)
  144. preview: DoD_bridge2 (137 replies)
  145. Working mirrors for Kami-platinum.wad (added fileplanet mirror) (16 replies)
  146. Request: brit_valley (10 replies)
  147. Weaponstrip entity (10 replies)
  148. Help with error please. (4 replies)
  149. will host YOUR Maps! (2 replies)
  150. Cylinders (5 replies)
  151. Map Models Post (15 replies)
  152. tutorial: blowing up models with bazooka (5 replies)
  153. Waldo's maps ? ? ? (12 replies)
  154. DoD 1.0 FGD? (9 replies)
  155. Available textures (0 replies)
  156. Preview: dod_campagne (77 replies)
  157. My WIP DoD Map (60 replies)
  158. Preview-dod_Dogwhite (30 replies)
  159. *WiP*DoD_D-Day (28 replies)
  160. Hedgerow (20 replies)
  161. Falling damage (11 replies)
  162. Texture Request (6 replies)
  163. DoD_Caen_Classic Pictures (120 replies)
  164. Need a host? (6 replies)
  165. Best Place To Host Map Pics ? (4 replies)
  166. Hammer beta (12 replies)
  167. like on the old forums (12 replies)
  168. Map request for some time after 4.0 (6 replies)
  169. bazooka tutorial? if there is such a thing (12 replies)
  170. Bierville Final Version Preview (14 replies)
  171. ramelle? (5 replies)
  172. Map ideas thread (192 replies)
  173. Helloes!!1!1! (41 replies)
  174. JUst seing what happens to these boards when a rather large image is posted (28 replies)
  175. dod_flugplatz pimpage (49 replies)
  176. Mappage Spammage (2 replies)
  177. Maps! (10 replies)
Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.