Small error in Zalec
05-08-2003, 12:56 AM
I used search and found nothing related to this, and maybe noone has noticed yet, but I found a small brush error in dod_zalec that isn't a big problem, but fixing it would lower the r_speeds 20 or so wpolys. It's a little cube of wall inside the doorway that is open but from the looks of the inside seems like it shouldn't be there.
See error here. (
05-08-2003, 02:53 AM
Good eye.
Yeh really good eye indeed! Id miss something like that to mapping it with those planks covering it up...
yea this error was an unintentional error that was created when valve was doing their internal testing. Basically all those cool mortar firings were not there until Waldo was giving the map and worked on it during testing. He added those and unfortunately, and unintentionally, left that little opening in.
I was able to get teh map early and spotted that error, but not before the deadline that valve had laid down for errors to be fixed. It is a really minor error and is fixed (with a few minor minor ones for 1.1)
05-08-2003, 01:28 PM
I know I noticed a bunch of glitchy things in Zalec, but I can't remember what they were so I guess this post is pointless. :eek:
05-08-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Mojo
yea this error was an unintentional error that was created when valve was doing their internal testing. Basically all those cool mortar firings were not there until Waldo was giving the map and worked on it during testing. He added those and unfortunately, and unintentionally, left that little opening in.
I was able to get teh map early and spotted that error, but not before the deadline that valve had laid down for errors to be fixed. It is a really minor error and is fixed (with a few minor minor ones for 1.1)
yes i distinctly remember seeing that in build we say, mojo.
looks like a fix for a patch release. :P
05-08-2003, 02:04 PM
How will that save 20 wpoly though? Just looks liek a texture that was accidentaly 'fit' to the surfaces.
05-08-2003, 03:37 PM
on the allies side of the blown up room (the room that is exposed after airtstrike) if you go underneath that ramp that leads up, theres a pile of rubble, ive been stuck in there plenty of times.
That glitch trips me out. Where is that leeding too? Why isnt it a leak?(i know it isnt, but it looks like ithe texture comes from the building behind it in the direction he is looking. if so, that means there is a space below after that wall that is empty).
And as RPG said, how does that save 20 r_speed?
05-08-2003, 05:29 PM
it saves r_speeds because it's a hole to an otherwise should be enclosed's not a leak because it doesn't touch the outside. It is the only opening to that small "room" and if it were blocked the inside would never be rendered while playing normally through the map. Thus saving all the polys that are in there. I like how I've found a rather obscure error :D
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