HELP: Error: Exceeded MAX_LEAF_FACES

05-02-2003, 06:19 AM
How does one go about finding this problem? I haven't changed any brush work since the other night...

And yet this is the error I'm getting :(

Also, the door that FD sent me, to help me, has disappeared totally.. :( No where to be seen :(

This is royally frustrating...

There are no prefabs...

As far as I know there's no carved brushes... (Don't think I ever used that tool), and actually there's not alot of brushes period...

What's really weird is, like I said it was working fine the other night.. it's just since 1.0 that I've had this problem... :(

05-02-2003, 04:34 PM
see ->

is there anywhere you can think of where a brush might be shattered? maybe a small brush touching a big one and not func walled?

have you tried this new tool, HLfix ( ?

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