Tutorials on Objectives

05-08-2003, 09:03 PM
Does anyone have any tutorials on putting objectives into maps? I've checked mardymouse, wavelength and valve-erc (am I the only one that can't find a thing on that site) with no luck.


05-08-2003, 09:41 PM
Could you be more specific and explain exactly what you want to do ??

Capturing all the CPs, holding the CPs for a long time, destroying flak88s/tanks, holding the fuel trucks/depot are all objective type maps.

05-09-2003, 06:01 AM
There is some stuff on my site but I admit the objective based tutorials sux :o

I'm in the proccess of updating all of the tutorials to work with Dod v1.0.

I hope to get some better objective based tutorials sorted. I need blow-up-something and capture-something tutorials.

05-09-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by -{ARES}-Sparks
Could you be more specific and explain exactly what you want to do ??

Capturing all the CPs, holding the CPs for a long time, destroying flak88s/tanks, holding the fuel trucks/depot are all objective type maps.

Well I'd like to start simple such as blowing walls up or holding areas like you mentioned.

Thanks Haircut. Your site is great and I'll be watching for those tutorials:) .

05-09-2003, 05:23 PM
While Haircut is updating his tutorials for DoD 1.0 (thanks Haircut for the great site and free example maps- http://www.mardymouse.co.uk ), you might want to look at this one from TFMapped ( http://tf.valve-erc.com ). It's geared for command control in a tfc map (walks thru how tfc map CZ2 was setup), but it will give you a start at setting one up for DoD. On the home page, in the right column 'InFocus', click on the link for Territorial Control.

Then, look at the DoD FDG entity reference list here ( http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?area=entity&game=dod ) , and look at entities dod_capture_area, dod_control_point, and dod_object. Hope this helps.

05-09-2003, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by -{ARES}-Sparks
While Haircut is updating his tutorials for DoD 1.0 (thanks Haircut for the great site and free example maps- http://www.mardymouse.co.uk ), you might want to look at this one from TFMapped ( http://tf.valve-erc.com ). It's geared for command control in a tfc map (walks thru how tfc map CZ2 was setup), but it will give you a start at setting one up for DoD. On the home page, in the right column 'InFocus', click on the link for Territorial Control.

Then, look at the DoD FDG entity reference list here ( http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?area=entity&game=dod ) , and look at entities dod_capture_area, dod_control_point, and dod_object. Hope this helps.

Thanks, the territorial control article didn't help much but I think I have an idea on how to do it. I make dod_capture_area and I set area_object_group to whatever is need to blow it up? And then that object is set by dod_object.

However, I don't seem to have the ent dod_capture_area :confused: (I'm using the 1.0fgd file)

How do I make explosions and light blasts after that? Hmm, maybe I should just wait for Haircut to update his site :D

05-10-2003, 02:41 AM
the dod_capture_area is a brushentity, create a brush with you aaatrigger then tie it to dod_capture_area

05-10-2003, 09:07 AM
Here is an old blow-up-the 88 map.

I was doing this one for DoD b3.1. It does work for DoD v1.0 but there might be a better way of doing it.

It might help you for now.

05-10-2003, 11:47 AM
can anyone explain briefly how to use the dod_location entity?

05-10-2003, 01:10 PM
Cheack this:

I guess you just add them to your map wherever you want one.

05-10-2003, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by haircut
Here is an old blow-up-the 88 map.

I was doing this one for DoD b3.1. It does work for DoD v1.0 but there might be a better way of doing it.

It might help you for now.

Thank you haircut. I'll look through it.

05-10-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by haircut
Cheack this:

I guess you just add them to your map wherever you want one.
i just thought there might've been a way you can attach it to an invisible brush, so when someone walks into that area and do the %l itll show(like with trigger_hurt, when you enter the area you get hurt)

as it is the %l variable announces the nearest dod_location or dod_control_point to where you are, which is poo.
theres many instances in maps atm, where you can be nowhere near the location or control point and it says you are.
for example i can be upstairs in the barre de waldo on caen, and itll say hotel entrance, saying that, caen locations are better than most.
on jagd you can take the right route as allies and go through the first lot of wooden doors and it still says BRITISHTANK2, go a little further and it says downed glider and youre nowhere near it.

05-11-2003, 04:33 AM
yea ... I started to use them in a map of mine and I wondered how close they could be to each other.

I have no idea how DoD sorts this out. There is no mention of the distance limits with this.

/me goes off to play with the entity a bit more.

EDIT: Basicly the dod_location's just split the map up evenly, dod_contol_points (Control Point Name) are used as locations as well.

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