dod 1.0 entity tutorials
Can we please get some info on how to set up the new/changed 1.0 entities such as the particle_shooter and doddetect?
05-03-2003, 04:08 AM
Yeah, team :) you have promised some tut maps and other things explained, your maps are very nice (haven't seen 1.0 yet :p), but don't be selfish, let others improve the world too. :D
Originally posted by Craftos
Yeah, team :) you have promised some tut maps and other things explained, your maps are very nice (haven't seen 1.0 yet :p), but don't be selfish, let others improve the world too. :D
Yes please i cant finish what i am mapping untill i know how to set up the new ents
Well, I'm going to sit down with a 2L of pepsi worldcraft 3.5 and a hullva lot of time. I think I'll post some tuts when i figure them out.
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