Im bored with dod, i want to learn how to make maps, are there any tutorials or guides out there?
Mapping FAQ pwns (
05-07-2003, 03:08 PM
I think you should download this movie.
Thursday supplied the link and its great!
05-07-2003, 03:15 PM
for the millionth time, why don't we just change the name from "mapping forum faq" to "new to mapping? start here."
mapping forum faq sounds like it has something to do with the forums and just all around doesn't sound that important.
Draft Dodger
05-07-2003, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by chuwawa
I think you should download this movie.
Thursday supplied the link and its great!
Download this movie!!! It is priceless to anyone who has not mapped for DoD before because it teaches you the very-bottom-line basics like setting up Hammer, making and texturing brushes, adding a sky, and placing spawns. I say again, download it and keep it for reference!
05-07-2003, 05:24 PM
there is a second one out by RJ, you can get both of them here:
Definatly check out the Valve-ERC ( for some related generic Half-life editing.
05-07-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by redfalcon
for the millionth time, why don't we just change the name from "mapping forum faq" to "new to mapping? start here."
mapping forum faq sounds like it has something to do with the forums and just all around doesn't sound that important.
Good idea Red Falcon, Mapping FAQ is somewhat vague but its easy to find, the problem is people fail to the entire thing before they begin asking questions. Do what Fragman did in the old boards, in his sig he had "Wana learn how to map? Click Here!" and it was a link to the FAQ. Anyway, maybe wear the FAQ link in ur sig. I think I will.
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