Preview DoD_NoName

05-03-2003, 05:28 AM
Iīm currently working on my new map! But itīs unnamed till now... The map contains of two parts, one industirell part as you can see on pic one and the mine area. Iīm currently working on the industirell part of this map, I think i will post the new images soon! This map doesnīt contain of the real war history, itīs only a new map idea :P


I decided myself to put the brits and the axis in this map! :D

These pics are one week old, there are many chages!

05-03-2003, 07:00 AM
Looks pretty kewl. Good work. It's in early stages tho :-)

05-03-2003, 07:28 AM
reminds me of Koln a bit...... i like it though

05-03-2003, 08:31 AM
Indeed very nice...good job

05-03-2003, 09:47 AM
Very nice, got a consisent theme going.

How about some new pics? I would like to give better feedback.

And what are you plans for gameplay?

05-03-2003, 09:54 AM
thx @ all...

plans for gameplay are capturing important buildings like that what you can see on pic 3 and/or some panzerfaust action :D

05-03-2003, 11:47 AM
Reminds me of koln in Africa(all the sand textures), good job for an early pic of it.

05-03-2003, 12:37 PM
Yeah, I like it. Keep up the good work.

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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.