strange compile problem

05-07-2003, 02:49 PM
ok, im updating my map from 3.1 to 1.0, but i keep getting wierd errors. here's one of the console dumps..

Last 32 messages parsed.
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
0 0000 svc_bad
BAD: -1:svc_bad
Wrote erroneous message to buffer.dat
Host_Error: PF_precache_model_I: 'models/mapmodels/end_table1.mdl' overflow

ok, now the wierd part is that the part where it says end_table1.mdl will change everytime. I delete the offending entity and it just finds another one. This problem just popped up after countless successful compiles with the entities in place. Is this something to do with my map or just my compter?

05-07-2003, 06:15 PM
Try these solutions.

The console says "HOST_ERROR: No Precache: *1" and the map won't run
This is a bit of a tricky one, with no clear solution to fix it. First of all, make sure that the map has been compiled successfully (at least CSG and BSP programs, in that order). Next, save your map as another name, and delete entities and compile until you delete an entity and find that it works- then go back to your original map, delete the entity causing it, and recompile. Finally, don't compile with worldcraft- use a batch file instead.

It tells me this in the console, and won't load the map: "HOST_ERROR: No Precache: *3" preceded by loads of "svc_bad" messages
Open the .MAP in Worldcraft and compile this instead. Also save as an RMF to stop it happening again.

It tells me this in the console, and won't load the map: "Host_Error: PF_precache_model_I; '[model/spritename]'"
Open the level in Worldcraft, select all and copy into a fresh map (remember to keep texture lock on!). Recompile.

05-08-2003, 04:42 PM
would this apply?

05-08-2003, 05:47 PM
thnx for the help guys. i figured it out earlier today, i just removed a few models and it worked fine. I guess i went over the limit on # of models you can use in 1 map.

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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.