Texture properties

05-09-2003, 04:59 AM
Hi, I didn't find a thread about this so I must ask this myself. In Day of Defeat 1.0 different kind of ground (texture) causes different kind of effect when grenade exploses on it.

I mean if you throw grenade on sand you can see huge amount of sand blowing up, but if you throw that grenade on rock or stone floor you can see only a small puff.

So, I've made a few custom textures. When I throw a grenade on a surface covered with sand texture I can see only a small puff. I would like to know if there is a way to change texture properties so I could see a bigger explosion.

05-09-2003, 05:47 AM
From what I've seen only the textures listed in the materials.txt file in the sound directory work. Textures in that list will give off the correct sound when walked on/shot and the correct particle effect.

You could edit the file and add your own textures but that would mean any other custom map that did the same thing would load another different version of the same file screwing your sounds and effects up.

The way I do it is to edit my custom textures to match the names of ones already in the file. I would like to find a better way of doing this.

There was a thread on the old forums about making DoD have the ability to have your own custom sound file so that each custom map wouldn’t have this problem, anyone remember that?

El Capitan
05-09-2003, 05:58 AM
// 'C' concrete (Concrete is the default)
// 'M' metal
// 'G' Grate/ventilation (Removed V for Ventilation)
// 'D' dirt
// 'T' tile
// 'W' wood
// 'P' grass
// 'Y' glass
// 'S' water
// 'R' rock
// 'A' sand
// 'L' gravel
// 'E' leaves, bushes
// 'N' snow
// 'F' flesh (Used in anzio meat rack)
// 'B' brick
// 'Z' stucco
// 'H' heavy metal ( dod_charlie, hedgehogs )
// 'K' sky

If you look in dod/sounds/material.txt file it will tell you what texture produces what sound. By making a seperate wad file and naming your textures the same as these you can get around this, so say if your texture in your <yourname>.wad was 123_woodfloor.wad you could rename this to "x_woodplz" and you should be ok :)

Hope that makes sense, and hope it helps

05-09-2003, 12:09 PM
Thanks! Luckly I have only few textures that need bigger explosion effect so the method you told me should work just fine. It would be harder if I would have lot of textures. Thanks for your help!

05-10-2003, 06:47 AM
Single material.txt is HL engine limitation AFAIK, so maybe it will be changed in upcoming patch.

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