DoD_Caen_Classic Pictures

04-26-2003, 09:17 AM
I have been working on a Classic map pack for the past few weeks which the pack will include remakes of: dod_hill, dod_dam, dod_snowtown, dod_omaha, dod_valley and dod_caen

Each remake will have " _Classic" added to the end of the name

I had started work on this remake of caen just for fun then decided to add it to the pack it is about 60 percent complete as you can tell in the pics it is still pretty bare the average r_speeds are around 650 i am plannning to boost them up to around 750 max from any point in the map

I left the map's basic layout intact so it will still feel like caen but it will look much better and have more atmosphere i am also planning to make a few different versions for the classic pack such as winter, rainny ect.

This map pack is just something i have been wanting to do for a while just for fun and so we could have some of the old maps for the new releease

Here are the picture links for the WIP DoD_Caen_Classic.


04-26-2003, 09:26 AM
I think i remember someone on the old forums posting pics of a remake of caen he that he was working on but i have not seen anything new about it in like months does anyone remember why it was ? i just hope i am the only one doing a remake . . . besides waldo :<)

04-26-2003, 09:27 AM
Did you recieve the author's permission to remake their maps? :(

04-26-2003, 09:29 AM
dude you rules!!!!! :D
i loved the old maps (except Dod_Dam)
but hell you're a great guy :D

04-26-2003, 09:29 AM
Helvan made dod_caen so no i did not get their permission.. but i doubt waldo did either

04-26-2003, 09:31 AM
If there is a classic map that i might have overlooked to be added in the pack then let me know.. i might just add it

04-26-2003, 09:33 AM
Well, it doesn't really look like the classic Caen... maybe add the func_tanks, take away the horse statue and it might.

Add dod_mountain. It was a custom map, but it was a classic.

04-26-2003, 09:34 AM
I can't stop you from making maps, but I strongly urge you to do only new versions of maps that the original author agreed upon. :(

Besides, if someone wanted to play the original maps, they still work, and can be downloaded at various DoD fan sites! :)

04-26-2003, 09:35 AM
Well i am remaking the best parts of every version of caen. Classic does not mean it is an exact remake of dod_caen just that it is a tribute to the map

04-26-2003, 09:37 AM
Well i thank you for not closing this thread :<) i have been doing my own creations for a few years for cs, tfc and dod but i have gotten so many requests to do a classic mappack for dod and i see no harm in it as long as i dont take credit for the map ideas...

I will give credit to all the original authors in the release

04-26-2003, 09:38 AM
That looks great!

04-26-2003, 09:40 AM

I will be posting pics of another map i am working on that is my own creation very soon so keep an eye out :)

04-26-2003, 10:31 AM
o damn
xeven is back! (i hope not)

04-26-2003, 10:34 AM
That post makes no sense kleinluka ?

Ginger Lord
04-26-2003, 10:35 AM

04-26-2003, 10:35 AM
They are basically the old version with the new textures (i think) well it does sorta look like newer textures.

GW, love it

04-26-2003, 10:38 AM
I love the concept of _classic but it should be with the author's permission. It's not very funny to see someone take credit for concepts you've created.
It's not an exact copy as you stated but you still used the same 'concept' and 'base' to make the classics as far as I can judge from the shots)

Just, try and get the permissions needed. It'll help you against critics and flames of being a 'copycat'

btw: very nice screenshots though :)

04-26-2003, 10:40 AM
I already stated that i will be giving full credit to the original authors and will only be taking credit for compiling the map pack

But thanks for your concern and the compliment :)

04-26-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by NC17
Well i thank you for not closing this thread :<)

I only see one moderator for this forum at the moment :)

04-26-2003, 11:08 AM
Great idea man, and the pics are looking really great.

04-26-2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by haircut
I only see one moderator for this forum at the moment :)

I'm always lurking and watching. ;)

04-26-2003, 05:32 PM
Isn't the mere fact the map is a classic because it has all the old texturing and quircks of yesterday ?

04-26-2003, 05:48 PM
That post makes no sense kleinluka ?

Sure it does, he thinks your Xeven.

04-26-2003, 05:53 PM
come to think of it ... that caen does look like the one xeven was working on hmm...
next on DoD Mystery Channel.. is NC17 xeven? stay tuned to find out..:p
sorry i was bored anyway :p but ya that does remind me of that one he was working on

04-26-2003, 06:04 PM
its also his ". . ." instead of "..." writing style that makes me think he is xeven.

but back to topic :)

04-26-2003, 07:40 PM
Looks good except the cement/floor texture in the plaza

04-26-2003, 08:24 PM
wow man... after three months of mapping i still cant make a town.. yet you go in there and own everything D:
im sad i cant map like that

04-26-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Whoopy42
Sure it does, he thinks your Xeven.

Who is xeven and why did he say "i hope not" ? is this guy like a mad hacker or something ?

04-26-2003, 09:46 PM
Well i just finished the bank interior

Have a peek

04-26-2003, 09:49 PM
Sweet, and btw, Xeven claimed to be Helvan and was gonna remake Caen.

04-26-2003, 09:50 PM
looks good, but i still think dod_valley was the best and hope they bring it back

04-26-2003, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by MeNKeH
wow man... after three months of mapping i still cant make a town.. yet you go in there and own everything D:
im sad i cant map like that

Yea it took me a few months to master hammer but once i did it became almost as fun to map as it is to play

04-26-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Liebgott
looks good, but i still think dod_valley was the best and hope they bring it back

I am planning on doing dod_valley_classic dont worry

04-26-2003, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by ~LynX~D-D23
Sweet, and btw, Xeven claimed to be Helvan and was gonna remake Caen.

Why would someone impersonate a someone that everyone knows is no longer with the comunity ?

Well anyway i am not xeven and i am defiantly not helvan

These forums need a built in spell check just for me :D

04-27-2003, 08:38 AM
Just to clear things up :)

Main Entry: 1clas·sic
Pronunciation: 'kla-sik
Function: adjective
Etymology: French or Latin; French classique, from Latin classicus of the highest class of Roman citizens, of the first rank, from classis
Date: circa 1604

1 a : serving as a standard of excellence : of recognized value
2 a : historically memorable

So these are tribute maps... nothing more

04-27-2003, 10:00 AM
You still havnt answered my question: Why make these when you can just download the original maps from any dod fan site - and play in beta 3.1 / v1.0? :(

If someone would make a dod_thunder_classic, without having my permission, I'd go crazy, and these guys arn't here right now, so I have to go crazy for them. :p

04-27-2003, 10:08 AM
Hmm.... dod_thunder_classic you say...

Sounds like a good idea, I'll get right on it!


04-27-2003, 11:12 AM
Wow, this is going to be awesome.

04-27-2003, 11:38 AM
You still havnt answered my question: Why make these when you can just download the original maps from any dod fan site - and play in beta 3.1 / v1.0?

Why don't you mind your own business! What NC17 is doing, is just as creative as anything other mappers are doing, so just get off his back. There are no rules to mapping, there are no Legal consequences or Moral consequences for making a game map. The DOD team used a 3D engine and software development kit they did'nt create to make DOD. They did'nt get permission from Valve to make DOD. If NC17 used the map convertor to rip ready made maps you would have a point, but he's not so you don't!

04-27-2003, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Cracker
Why don't you mind your own business! What NC17 is doing, is just as creative as anything other mappers are doing, so just get off his back. There are no rules to mapping, there are no Legal consequences or Moral consequences for making a game map. The DOD team used a 3D engine and software development kit they did'nt create to make DOD. They did'nt get permission from Valve to make DOD. If NC17 used the map convertor to rip ready made maps you would have a point, but he's not so you don't!

I am minding my own business. Did you even read what I wrote? I simply pointed out that the maps he is trying to remake are already available as working downloads.

You bring up another interresting assumption. "There are no rules to mapping, there are no Legal consequences." That is the most illogical statement I've read today. Maps are protected as intellectual property / computer programs / art by international copyright laws. In a hypothetical scenario, a mapper could press charges against a person who violates the copyright laws.

04-27-2003, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Cracker
Why don't you mind your own business! What NC17 is doing, is just as creative as anything other mappers are doing, so just get off his back. There are no rules to mapping, there are no Legal consequences or Moral consequences for making a game map. The DOD team used a 3D engine and software development kit they did'nt create to make DOD. They did'nt get permission from Valve to make DOD. If NC17 used the map convertor to rip ready made maps you would have a point, but he's not so you don't!

You sir are a complete and utter MORON, the DoD ( team never had to ask permission to make the mod, nor do any other mods. The map program they used to make maps is free to use to anyone and people who create maps DO get mad if others recreate it without there permission, however if he wants to do it and risk geting legal action out brought against him by the original creators then thats his own business. Xerent has the right to ask the question, freedom of speach. So why dont you get off his back and shutup before this thread gets closed due to stupid idiots like you? There i said my $0.2 :p

**EDIT** xerent basicly explained what i was trying to explain :p ah well

04-27-2003, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Cracker
The DOD team used a 3D engine and software development kit they did'nt create to make DOD. They did'nt get permission from Valve to make DOD. If NC17 used the map convertor to rip ready made maps you would have a point, but he's not so you don't!

This might be the most stupid thing I've ever heard.
The dod team doesn't need permission to make a mod because Valve's release of the SDK is a permission to all the mod authors to make mods in the first place.

When you copy someone else's map w/o permission though, thats a different thing. Jeez I feel stupid for having to explain this

edit: also I would like to send a note to the mods that ripping/copying a map w/o permission and presenting it in the mapping forums should be treated like ripping textures w/o permission (thread closing). but thats up to you. just my personal opinion cause there will always be flames when threads like this one pop up, and this would be a good method to avoid it.

04-27-2003, 12:00 PM
You guys are going to get my thread closed with all this fuss... please settle down...

04-27-2003, 12:13 PM
I won't close this thread because someone decided to go rampage in it. :p

04-27-2003, 12:55 PM
In a hypothetical scenario, a mapper could press charges against a person who violates the copyright laws.

Good luck proving whoever copied your map actually did it.

You sir are a complete and utter MORON, the DoD team never had to ask permission to make the mod, nor do any other mods. The map program they used to make maps is free to use to anyone and people who create maps DO get mad if others recreate it without there permission, however if he wants to do it and risk geting legal action out brought against him by the original creators then thats his own business. Xerent has the right to ask the question, freedom of speach. So why dont you get off his back and shutup before this thread gets closed due to stupid idiots like you? There i said my $0.2

Show me where I said the DOD team had to get permission to make DOD? Stop kissing Xerents' ass phokus, he's a big boy he can answer for himself. People in this forum sure like to attack the intelligence of people they disagree with. The stupidest this the dumbest that, grow up for christs sake. If the creator of a popular map sees somebody ripping his material then that person has the right to complain.

04-27-2003, 12:57 PM
3 things I have to say...

1.) They look damn good

2.) The original maker couldnt care less cause Waldo took that map over

3.) IF you really want to, just go ask Waldo for his permissiom.


04-27-2003, 12:59 PM
**EDIT** dont want this turned into a flaming thread

04-27-2003, 01:00 PM

04-27-2003, 01:05 PM
I, dunno, why would someone want to play an uglier version of an old 1.1 map?

Also, since valve owns the 3.1-4.0 maps, doesn't that technicaly mean that people can now remake those maps (dunno why they'd want to though)

edit: I'm talking about the textures when I say uglier, the brushwork isn't bad.

04-27-2003, 01:27 PM
Here's the bottom line: The map is unoriginal (unargurable)
The brushwork is very basic (unarguable)
The visuals are sub-standard (unarguable)
Dod_caen allready exisists (unarguable)
Flamming is immature (unarguable)

As you see, my points are facts. There it is in black and white. We've seen the pics. Now will the moderators plz edit the thread to remove unneeded posts or close it. Thank you.


04-27-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by RPGreg2600
Also, since valve owns the 3.1-4.0 maps, doesn't that technicaly mean that people can now remake those maps (dunno why they'd want to though)

Yep - absolutely true. We did have one non HL WW2 mod ask if they could make a version of Caen, and we had to say "no way" to that.

04-27-2003, 01:59 PM
Hmm.... are you waldo?

04-27-2003, 02:01 PM
Oh god, have mercy on this thread.

04-27-2003, 02:07 PM
Wow NC17, those look awesome! I will definetly download your pack of maps. I can't wait to see dod_omaha :)

04-27-2003, 02:14 PM
Reguardless what others think...the map looks nice, If your making classic maps please do Mainz as well alot of us would really like that

04-27-2003, 02:22 PM
heres some food for thought. how about you think about the fact GAMEPLAY CHANGES IN PATCHES thats why maps get dropped, because the addition of the FG42 makes it to axis biased or some other such tihng. maps drop into nothingness for a reason and why you want to bring back an old version of a map designed for for old gameplay is beyond me.

as for the copyright thing heres a little anolgy

A painter paints a bueatiful and wonderfull painting, due to personal reasons he dissapears but the painting comunity wants more. someone takes a photo of it and touches it up with the photo guide and say its "new" art, with a tiny note about the original author behind the frame on the back. the painting community shuns and bans him. somone else sits down next to the painting and paints a practical copy. he does the same releasing it as "new" art with a near hidden note aobut the original author. but lo and behold this time the painting community loves him and rejoices. however the only differnece between him and the first painter is he didnt take a photo.

Now for those strugling to understand teh releevance. the painting is the map, the photo is a ripping prog, add those in and tweak the charcters and you should see my point.

copying a map without ripping it is VERY un original and is very contaversal about copy right laws. If you want a achange to my map PM me. If i dont respond YOUR MESSED.

04-27-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by xerent
I won't close this thread because someone decided to go rampage in it. :p


04-27-2003, 03:24 PM
Just curious as to what you think about this waldo ? i mean you did dod_caen2 which is obviously a remake of dod_caen so what do you think ?

04-27-2003, 03:29 PM
Also there are a few people thinking that i ripped or decompiled dod_caen . . . not the case

I started this from scratch using pics from dod_caen1/2 as reference you will find that when you play the map there are many diferences such as all new textures, models, brushwork, and sounds among other things i have also added a few other things that have not been in any version of caen

Also how many remakes of cs_assault are there? and they are some of the most played cs maps out . . .

Progress report: the map is currently close to 80 percent complete so testing is not far off once i finish this map i will continue work on my other secret project that is totaly of my own creation

04-27-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by RPGreg2600
Hmm.... are you waldo?

yes timholt=waldo

and to NC17: looks good so far. one thing though PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO AIRSTRIKES/MORTARS FALLING RANDOMLY ALL OVER THE PLACE. That is the one thing i hate about the current version of caen. and if you could put the shootable tanks in like in the original.. that would be so hot!

Dances w Wolves
04-27-2003, 03:53 PM
i love this because the streets and plaza are more open and wider, ! great job i hope this is released with brits on it for 4.0 :D

04-27-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by NC17
Just curious as to what you think about this waldo ? i mean you did dod_caen2 which is obviously a remake of dod_caen so what do you think ?

I put a lot of work (at least I believe I did) into trying to contact Helvan before starting a rebuild of Caen. I emailed several known email adddresses for example. None bounced and no replies. In the end since he never responded given a number of chances to do so, I figured the map had somewhat reverted into like the "unclaimed" bin.

I've always worked his original "sig" texture into the rebuild as well. Hell he's even in the printed manual in the "thank you" list I think.

04-27-2003, 04:37 PM
We miss you helvan!:(

Dances w Wolves
04-27-2003, 04:45 PM
you did a spankin job waldo :D

04-27-2003, 05:06 PM
i think you lack creativity nc17


04-27-2003, 08:15 PM
I think the new textures look attractive. I have to say that, in my opinion, the textures in Caen2 look kind of cluttered and messy (no offence intended to Waldo).

I look forward to seeing the finished product.
Now all you flamers, kindly sit down and behave, OK?

04-27-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Techn9ne
yes timholt=waldo

and to NC17: looks good so far. one thing though PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO AIRSTRIKES/MORTARS FALLING RANDOMLY ALL OVER THE PLACE. That is the one thing i hate about the current version of caen. and if you could put the shootable tanks in like in the original.. that would be so hot!

The airstrikes will remain in dod_caen_classic but you will get much earlier warning before they fall you will hear a plane fly overhead then a few seconds later the mortar

And as for the tanks w/ guns we will haveto see what 1.0 has in store but there will most likely be no usable tanks because of balance and realism isues but i might add something special to satisfy the urge :)

04-27-2003, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by IR -inw-
i think you lack creativity nc17


Well you have not seen my own creations...

Oh and dod_ramelle... real creative . . .


04-27-2003, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by HeadHunter
I think the new textures look attractive. I have to say that, in my opinion, the textures in Caen2 look kind of cluttered and messy (no offence intended to Waldo).

I look forward to seeing the finished product.
Now all you flamers, kindly sit down and behave, OK?

Well yea as with all maps things change before release so some of the textures you see in the pics might be different in the final version

And for some reason in dod_caen2 it didnt seem like waldo used the texture alignment tool at all :)

04-27-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by NC17
And for some reason in dod_caen2 it didnt seem like waldo used the texture alignment tool at all :)

you obviously havent played that map much or just done make maps much because there is quite a few places where he did do alot of texture alignment

04-28-2003, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by Safeh
you obviously havent played that map much or just done make maps much because there is quite a few places where he did do alot of texture alignment

Yes but there were equally as many places where it was not used

Every blowable wall objective for instance

04-28-2003, 01:36 AM
Here are 2 new pics 1 of them is an updated pic of the plaza which i have made a bit wider and added a few things to but is still not complete and 2nd is a pic of the new axis spawn area

04-28-2003, 02:12 AM
Looks better. But you should really go for a new ground texture on the plaza. The plaza looks really weird. Don't really know what it is.

04-28-2003, 05:17 AM
I have a few questions...

According to what waldo has already stated in this thread... He assumed Caen was in the "Public Domain / Orphan" bin, because Helvan didn't reply..

Also, FuzzyDad has also stated that he will be remaking dod_hill.... Both of which I believe are Helvan maps are they not?

If that is the case, then where is NC17 wrong for remaking a "classic" version of Caen?

Since Helvan is no longer in the community, and his map has already been redone without his express permission by the DoD team, what makes them more right to do it, than NC17?

That being said.. The maps look interestesting.. but frankly, I'll be passing on d/loading the classic map pack, I agree with Angry Beaver (I think it was), that the maps were changed/updated for a reason, as gameplay, and the game system matured and changed, and older version of them just really don't fit in anymore... Besides that, I look forward to new maps to play...

Now as far as your "other" project that is original, NC17, I shall look forward to seeing that... As I am curious, as some of your textures and work look interesting in the screens.. and it will be interesting to see what you come up with for your original project.

04-28-2003, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by flox
Looks better. But you should really go for a new ground texture on the plaza. The plaza looks really weird. Don't really know what it is.

I know it is a tad to bright and plane... i will change that texture before release so dont worry it will look a bit more gritty like it should

04-28-2003, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by Cyber-Surfer
I have a few questions...

According to what waldo has already stated in this thread... He assumed Caen was in the "Public Domain / Orphan" bin, because Helvan didn't reply..

Also, FuzzyDad has also stated that he will be remaking dod_hill.... Both of which I believe are Helvan maps are they not?

If that is the case, then where is NC17 wrong for remaking a "classic" version of Caen?

Since Helvan is no longer in the community, and his map has already been redone without his express permission by the DoD team, what makes them more right to do it, than NC17?

That being said.. The maps look interestesting.. but frankly, I'll be passing on d/loading the classic map pack, I agree with Angry Beaver (I think it was), that the maps were changed/updated for a reason, as gameplay, and the game system matured and changed, and older version of them just really don't fit in anymore... Besides that, I look forward to new maps to play...

Now as far as your "other" project that is original, NC17, I shall look forward to seeing that... As I am curious, as some of your textures and work look interesting in the screens.. and it will be interesting to see what you come up with for your original project.

Well the reason that waldo had to remake dod_caen was because it would have upset a lot of people if they took out the map that was played more then all the other maps combined and they most likely took dod_hill out because of some r_speeds issues and the fact that it was not based on any real location (dod_hill was suposed to be a recreation of that scene from saving private ryan where they attack the redio bunker)

04-28-2003, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Waldo
I put a lot of work (at least I believe I did) into trying to contact Helvan before starting a rebuild of Caen. I emailed several known email adddresses for example. None bounced and no replies. In the end since he never responded given a number of chances to do so, I figured the map had somewhat reverted into like the "unclaimed" bin.

I've always worked his original "sig" texture into the rebuild as well. Hell he's even in the printed manual in the "thank you" list I think.

You might like my main easter egg in dod_caen_classic :)

04-28-2003, 08:38 AM
I dont know why people make such a fuss about this . . .

I mean i would take it as an compliment to have of my work recreated

04-28-2003, 08:40 AM
Can someone that knows the whole story sit us around the campfire and tell us all the events that lead up to helvan leaving the team ?

Panzer Meyer
04-28-2003, 09:47 AM
Looks awesome, but the plaza seems to open. At least it looks that way, just something about it looks to open, or to clean. Add more rubble around the buildings, especially at the parts where the buildings have parts blown away, like the bank's top and bottom floor.

I remember those box tanks from 1.0, 1.3 that was great fun, hahah. Especially when I guy was in there and you had to flush him out. I actually felt like I was assaulting a tank. You had to sneak behind it, jump on it and try to thorw a nade into it or shoot the guy.

I wish something like that could be added in again.

04-28-2003, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Panzer Meyer
Looks awesome, but the plaza seems to open. At least it looks that way, just something about it looks to open, or to clean. Add more rubble around the buildings, especially at the parts where the buildings have parts blown away, like the bank's top and bottom floor.

I remember those box tanks from 1.0, 1.3 that was great fun, hahah. Especially when I guy was in there and you had to flush him out. I actually felt like I was assaulting a tank. You had to sneak behind it, jump on it and try to thorw a nade into it or shoot the guy.

I wish something like that could be added in again.

I would like to add something to that affect but i will not make a brush based tank (higher r_speeds and lower visual quality) but if someone would like to make a realistic scale tank model with an open hach and a simple inside and front viewport i might be able to figure something out :)

Ginger Lord
04-28-2003, 12:48 PM
Now....Why do we want to play this "classic" version...?

We can easily get all the other version over the net

By all means go ahead and do it...i just think it wont be as popular as youd hope

04-28-2003, 02:13 PM
Why make a classic version?

well, why not?

Also, the 1.3v of Caen is fun, but why not something the same but just different?

and you gusy some of your guys out there. Why invent the wheel twice? Just change it a little to make it more fun or interesting.

04-28-2003, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Ginger Lord
Now....Why do we want to play this "classic" version...?

We can easily get all the other version over the net

By all means go ahead and do it...i just think it wont be as popular as youd hope

It will not be exactly like dod_caen nor will it be exactly like dod_caen2... it will have the same basic layout and objectives but i have added enough new things to make it a new experience worth playing

Speaking of which play testing might start "soon" :D

04-28-2003, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Cracker
Show me where I said the DOD team had to get permission to make DOD?

Originally posted by Cracker
The DOD team used a 3D engine and software development kit they did'nt create to make DOD. They did'nt get permission from Valve to make DOD.

04-28-2003, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by NC17
Can someone that knows the whole story sit us around the campfire and tell us all the events that lead up to helvan leaving the team ?

I have no idea myself - before my time.

04-28-2003, 05:46 PM
Remake Vn61, Mainz, And tstation.

Monkey Lib Front
04-28-2003, 06:40 PM
Tstation plz

04-28-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Ginger Lord
By all means go ahead and do it...i just think it wont be as popular as youd hope

Not to let you down or anything but I doubt Custom map servers will be jumping at the chance to play caen, again. I don't think we will see dod_caen_classic ending up on Kustom Kettle anytime soon :p


04-28-2003, 07:42 PM
I agree and have to add to Plato's above statement. We already have a caen that's 10x better than the old one. Why would we want a half old and half updated one?

By all means, I'm not against what you are doing. Just think caen is a bad choice. Why not do a map people actually would like to see a updated version of?

For Example:

I'm sure the original makers of these maps will be easier to contact also.

04-28-2003, 11:20 PM
Actually... Mainze might be hard to find the creator of... I heard some people in BFE tried to do so, to get a new version of it done..

Who did Valley? I think I'd like to give it a shot at making a remake/update of that, but I definantly would like to get ahold of the creator first and get permission, if possible.


You didn't answer my questions... Nor were you supposed to. MY questions were for all the people *****ing about you doing the remake (not those who were saying, go ahead, but it wont be popular, but the ones who were having fits over it), since Waldo, did a remake of caen, and FuzzyDad has discussed/planned on doing a remake of Hill.. And neither got permission to do so, because as Waldo mentioned getting ahold of Helvan is bloody impossible... :)

04-28-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Plato
Not to let you down or anything but I doubt Custom map servers will be jumping at the chance to play caen, again. I don't think we will see dod_caen_classic ending up on Kustom Kettle anytime soon :p


Well I have said this about 5 times before but I guess I must say it again...

This is not dod_caen or dod_caen2 with new textures... it is a totally new map dedicated to dod_caen it has the same basic layout and objectives... but I have added many new things that will make it a new (but familiar) experience

I already have 12 servers that will be hosting the map once it is released some of which i have made custom maps for in the past and they know my maps get a lot of play time

04-29-2003, 04:56 PM
Keep it alive people :)

04-29-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by NC17
Keep it alive people :)

try posting more pics then

04-29-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by NC17
.... they know my maps get a lot of play time

Which maps are that Mr. Xelven or whatever your name was on the previous boards?

04-29-2003, 07:56 PM
Hill and Caen are the most played, if you're talking about Helvan.

04-29-2003, 09:36 PM
NC17, you're not fooling anyone, I know you're Xeven because you posted another screen of that same beach map you'd been working on under the name Xeven before you got banned for childish behavior and bad language.

04-29-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Wittman80
NC17, you're not fooling anyone, I know you're Xeven because you posted another screen of that same beach map you'd been working on under the name Xeven before you got banned for childish behavior and bad language.

Actually i have not posted pictures of any maps other than dod_caen_classic let alone a beach map, I DID how ever put out a request for a beach texture set for a map that i plan on making some time soon but i have already found/made most of the textures i need

I have only been with the dod forums for 2 months who ever this xevan person is aperently the only thing he has in common with me is the caen remake like somene said earlier

Now please stop finding false reasons to flame this thread

04-29-2003, 11:31 PM
And if i have posted a picture of any map other than dod_caen_classic please give us the link . . .

04-30-2003, 10:41 AM
I can't, it was in the old forums and you know that

04-30-2003, 11:16 AM
I remember a "NC17" posting in the old dod forums before they went down. How would this Xeven create a new name on the old forums if he was banned on them?

04-30-2003, 11:20 AM
I really don't like this thread.

Just letting you know.

Absolut Vodka
04-30-2003, 11:23 AM
Does it really matter if NC17 is perhaps Xeven? I doubt he is...but even if he was, he is displaying mature behaviour.

04-30-2003, 11:44 AM
click me (

too interesting you're wearing the same |OX| tag as xeven isn't it ? also too interesting you posted textures for the beachmap that you were pimping under the nick "Xeven". Too interesting your caen map looks the same as xeven's one. And too interesting you write ". . ." instead of "..." just like xeven.
Stop fooling around, wake up.

I mean I could care less make me laugh.

04-30-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by kleinluka
click me (

too interesting you're wearing the same |OX| tag as xeven isn't it ? also too interesting you posted textures for the beachmap that you were pimping under the nick "Xeven". Too interesting your caen map looks the same as xeven's one. And too interesting you write ". . ." instead of "..." just like xeven.
Stop fooling around, wake up.

I mean I could care less make me laugh.

1st of all i have no tag and i am in no clan

2nd of all the textures i posted have not been used in any maps yet

3rd what does my using spaces between my periods have to do with anything? there are many people that do the same thing it represents a drawn out pause

And what does your little .txt file mean? it is a mess of text with alias' strewn about

You will never prove that i am someone i am not, please stop being imature

04-30-2003, 12:31 PM
sorry this 'fight' is kinda stupid but you had this in your sig a few days ago so stop lieing.
the text file is a log from DOD's irc channel from shortly after you got banned from the dod&inw forums.

04-30-2003, 12:34 PM
There was a NC17 on the old boards, if I remember correctly that NC17 and Xeven were talking back and forth on there. Making map prefabs. Not 100% on that.

And you still haven't answered what maps you have made that servers run.

And no 2ltben, not what Helvan made.

04-30-2003, 01:30 PM
It's probably his buddy or something.

Point being: Noone cares for a caen remake. Come up with your own map ideas.

04-30-2003, 02:05 PM
Point being: No one wants a caen remake, so either make another map from an original or under-remade map or make a caen map actually based on the city layout in a good scale instead of the majority of the city scaled down into one map(caen's been in every single day of defeat release since the alphas IIRC) and it'll NEVER disappear. It's the most played DoD ,and it's the most versatile. No matter what the team adds it can play it and test it well. I'm still waiting for a map based on the hilly field area with the jump scene from The Great Escape. Almost all DoD maps made are either abandoned urban areas, overused battles, or heavily wooded areas. I'd like to see a large map with armor support(a halftrack or two where players spawn and a 360 degree MG sandbag) on a track with Panzergrenadier tactics. The armor support fights the real battle while infantry takes out pockets of resistance, a small allied camp in a forest pocket.*hint* *hint*

04-30-2003, 04:20 PM
man, he's even stubborn about remaking caen like xeven was

04-30-2003, 04:47 PM

^^^ How this thread has gone

04-30-2003, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by kleinluka
sorry this 'fight' is kinda stupid but you had this in your sig a few days ago so stop lieing.
the text file is a log from DOD's irc channel from shortly after you got banned from the dod&inw forums.

Wow that is amazing you can actually paint red letters over a black background and post it on the net. gj!

Also that .txt doc in no way links me to this xevan person

And how would i be able to register on these forums if i had been banned ?

Now come up with something new to try to fabricate this lie of yours try something like putting my face on someones body that is wearing a shirt that says xevan on it, that would be undeniable proof . . . :rolleyes:

04-30-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Faceman
There was a NC17 on the old boards, if I remember correctly that NC17 and Xeven were talking back and forth on there. Making map prefabs. Not 100% on that.

And you still haven't answered what maps you have made that servers run.

And no 2ltben, not what Helvan made.

-For TFC: PIT, Decker (both of which were in rotation on maberrygames tfc server about a year ago)

-For CS: cs_mall (should not have released this one it was my first map for hl and it showed)

I have released none yet for dod ( have only been mapping for dod for a few months)

Absolut Vodka
04-30-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by NC17
Wow that is amazing you can actually paint red letters over a black background and post it on the net. gj!

Now thats just BS. I remember you posting that pic klein showed in the texture exchange thread. Strangely enough that texture is gone and it now says "Last edited by NC17 on 05-01-2003 at 01:13 AM ".

04-30-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Absolut Vodka
Now thats just BS. I remember you posting that pic klein showed in the texture exchange thread. Strangely enough that texture is gone and it now says "Last edited by NC17 on 05-01-2003 at 01:13 AM ".

What do you mean its not there?

I posted that texture and it is still there and the editing i did was to let people know that they needed to copy/paste the masked texture links into a new window and that i had given a wrong link to one of the textures the pic klien posted was obviously edited because the date it was uploaded to dodstudios was yesterday and i uploaded mine a few days ago

05-01-2003, 05:32 AM
why don't you just admit it...jesus... you're like Homer simpson wearing a DEVIL-Halloween costume and Marge asking him "Homer is this one of your halloween costumes?" ""

You did have this pic in your sig. Don't say I made this pic and uploaded it to prove my point. That's silly.

05-01-2003, 06:35 AM
1) I think your screens look very, very promising. How much "in demand" this is, is another matter.

2) I don't think you're ripping off the "Caen" map, since it's apparent that you're doing it all from scratch ... But: You might run into trouble using the same name (I know there's no copyright on map names, but we do have de facto rules).

3) I'm not gonna comment on anything else since it seems this thread kinda blew up in everone's face. :-/

05-01-2003, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by kleinluka
why don't you just admit it...jesus... you're like Homer simpson wearing a DEVIL-Halloween costume and Marge asking him "Homer is this one of your halloween costumes?" ""

You did have this pic in your sig. Don't say I made this pic and uploaded it to prove my point. That's silly.

Yes i had the logo saying |N |C |7 on it as my sig for like 2 posts but it did not shot up so i removed it

You still have not answered my question which is how could i register on these forums if i was banned from them ?

05-01-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by KlaymenDK
1) I think your screens look very, very promising. How much "in demand" this is, is another matter.

2) I don't think you're ripping off the "Caen" map, since it's apparent that you're doing it all from scratch ... But: You might run into trouble using the same name (I know there's no copyright on map names, but we do have de facto rules).

3) I'm not gonna comment on anything else since it seems this thread kinda blew up in everone's face. :-/

Well i did not want to use a different name for a map that is obviously a remake of caen and i also did not want to make it so there would be one less name for dod maps that are fresh ideas so i just decided to add _classic to the ends of all the maps in the map pack and caen_classic is the only remake i am doing that is still an official map i am doing this remake of caen for fun more then anything else it does not really matter to me if it gets played or flops but so far it is turning out to be a very good map in its own right

And you can thank klien for ruining this thread with his imaturity

05-01-2003, 11:06 AM
You can easily sign onto these boards if you were banned from the others. You can notice a few previously banned people on here now.

Originally posted by KlaymenDK
3) I'm not gonna comment on anything else since it seems this thread kinda blew up in everone's face. :-/

Yea? Seems the other way around.

05-02-2003, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by Faceman
You can easily sign onto these boards if you were banned from the others. You can notice a few previously banned people on here now.

Yea? Seems the other way around.

Yes but i was signed onto the old boards for about a month before they closed

Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.