Why Waldo... why?
One of my very first experiences in DoD was getting a random mortar dropped on my head circa 1.1b dod_caen...
Now here we are on the verge of 1.0 and I find myself thinking... "Will I be smited by the map gods in 1.0 also?"
IMHO random mortars are very annoying and just disrupt good ol' straight up gunfights... what the mod is made for.
Dances w Wolves
04-28-2003, 05:20 PM
random mortars are good because:
funny to watch it happen to someone else,
keeps you on your toes
sometimes save your life (e.g. a guy runs towards u and gets hit)
adds a nice little touch because u have to time ure run through certain areas
bad points:
people who have crap timing and don't pay attention to the sounds.
They're easy enough to avoid, the real *******s are mines :)
those mines are nasty *******s, i can never avoid them :(
04-28-2003, 05:36 PM
I toned down the damage level (like to 15) on those. Now they just make you pee your pants. That and die only if you're hurting pretty bad already.
04-28-2003, 05:54 PM
The mortars aren't as random as you think.
04-28-2003, 07:20 PM
8/10 times I will run up the beach on overlord and hear that all-too-familiar *Kla-click!* BOOOM! When I first played caen2, I got hit THREE times in a row by shells, all of which killed me instantly. Since then I always run for cover when I hear one.
thats it though, the craters arnt cover when a mortar is comming in, whadda ya think made the crater :P
Originally posted by Waldo
I toned down the damage level (like to 15) on those. Now they just make you pee your pants. That and die only if you're hurting pretty bad already.
You changed the mortars in the new version of caen??
omg . . .
Gah... im tired of having to suffer because 2 people way out in the boonies still have a tandy computer with no speakers and a 2mhz cpu and the dod team has to tone some part of the game down to accomidate them :(
04-29-2003, 12:10 AM
it's good, people will be running, but then again 3 seconds before the impact you should here the mortar comming.
04-29-2003, 04:01 PM
while you are fixing caen can you get rid of the 5 point flags so owp doesnt think they are good for going 15-5 with only 3 flags?
its quite easy to avoid getting hit.....u hear em u run like a freekin french man :D or just duck for cover ever 5minutes;)
04-29-2003, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by NC17
Gah... im tired of having to suffer because 2 people way out in the boonies still have a tandy computer with no speakers and a 2mhz cpu and the dod team has to tone some part of the game down to accomidate them :(
It got toned down because people didn't like dying from "random" explosions. It's got nothing to do with system specs.
One of those key little rules for game design is to minimize things where the player fails because of randomness. A mine field with no sign that says "mines!" is bad. Players die and think, "WTF?". But if there's a sign, and they still go in, they go "Ah that's what the sign was for" or "I should have payed attention!"
The mortars in Caen were like that. You'd sometimes just die from what seemed a totally random event. No way you can use your head to avoid it (beyond like realizing they always hit the same spots every time).
04-29-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Xerophobia
while you are fixing caen can you get rid of the 5 point flags so owp doesnt think they are good for going 15-5 with only 3 flags?
Well done for perpetuating the kind of prejudicial remarks that the forum reset was supposed to remove.
Josif Stalin has said: "Artillery is a god of war."
Did you know that the only artillery shell you won't hear is the one that kills you. The "fiuuuu" sound it makes can't be heard when it travels directly towards you.
In DoD it's good idea to have the warning sound, and reduced damage, because DoD is a game and it should be fair, in comparison to the real world, which isn't.
I remember hearing somewhere that the team has put in a new system, one of them said something about how the mortors are better and will...(lost train of thought)...screw it, something about how it will be either really really easy to doge (maybe a shadow or something), or will be player dependant (mortors only kill if player did something to make them to).
Tim, what about the mortors on Charlie? Are they 15 damage as well? Won't do much to put off the beach snipers I fear :(
I always thought that the mortars were kind of good for atmosphere, and also for their distracting effect on snipers/mgs. That huge cloud blocks your vision and the env_shake screws your aim for a few, allowing some guys to sneak through. Plus when I hear that big explosion, it makes me kind of duck my head just sitting here, so its pretty cool, I think.
04-29-2003, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by snow patrol
Tim, what about the mortors on Charlie? Are they 15 damage as well? Won't do much to put off the beach snipers I fear :(
There are two types - one type is a lower damage. They make a lot of noise, smoke, throw up a lot of sand. Make it hard to just sit around, and will kill you sooner or later, but not in one hit.
The second type is controllable by the axis. They can bombard the beach. The player that activates the mortar and kills someone gets the credit.
04-29-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by DarkPenfold
Well done for perpetuating the kind of prejudicial remarks that the forum reset was supposed to remove.
Originally posted by Waldo
There are two types - one type is a lower damage. They make a lot of noise, smoke, throw up a lot of sand. Make it hard to just sit around, and will kill you sooner or later, but not in one hit.
The second type is controllable by the axis. They can bombard the beach. The player that activates the mortar and kills someone gets the credit.
nice :D
04-30-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by Puupertti Ruma
Did you know that the only artillery shell you won't hear is the one that kills you. The "fiuuuu" sound it makes can't be heard when it travels directly towards you.
Actually, the reason you don't hear the one that kills you is that the round is supersonic.
It arrives at its destination before the sound of its approach. The sound you hear is the sound of the previous round, not an incoming one.
/me gives Waldo a big hug
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