Need Mapper (Kellys Heroes)
I love kelly's heroes the film its a classic war film and i would really like som1 to make a dod map about it. i have loads of ideas so please email me on..
thats also my msn account
05-09-2003, 06:17 PM
some guys were working on it late 2002 here. dunno what happened after DoD retail came out.
05-09-2003, 07:27 PM
I never saw the movie but if you post some pictures I could see what I could come up with.
Draft Dodger
05-09-2003, 07:40 PM
Yeah, someone was working on a Kelly's Heroes map on the old forums, but it just dried up and we never heard about it again. Too bad I can't go search the old forums for the thread, it might be fun to have an objective to capture the gold. :D
yea post some pics of what ur talking about
05-09-2003, 09:46 PM
Maybe have 2 Allies objectives, escort Oddball's raildriven tank to the place it breaks down, then both sides have to blow open the door to the bank and make off with the gold. Since at the end the kraut commander and the heroes coooperated it'll be pretty hard to do that...
Heh, I remember the kelly's heroes map... that seems like ages ago, but it was only a few months.
05-09-2003, 11:28 PM
Hulk Bogan
05-10-2003, 06:00 AM
dod_kellysheros was made by our team member, 4thIDUSA of the Houston DoD custom map team.
He's in Kuwait with the 4th Infantry Division...but the map can be available if someone requests it.
I'm not really into hosting "legacy" (pre 1.0 retail) maps anymore...but I can provide it if someone requests it.
send request to
05-10-2003, 06:02 AM
"Hi, I don't know how to map, but I want to command someone who does!!!"
you think anyone will listen?
and btw
map ideas thread
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