Was looking at the manual for 1.0 and I'm wondering... dod_merderet, is that a renamed dod_ramelle?
yes that is.. it was renamed cause apperntly spr (Saving Private Ryan) Ramelle was made up... so they had to find a replacment and it was renamed to merderet meaning the merderet river i do believe... unless im totally wrong, its the morning so im still kinda tired ! :D
Ginger Lord
04-26-2003, 05:18 AM
Ramelle was a fictional town. The river Merderet it was set on is real however
Good to hear, historical background and realism aside, I like that map primarily because it's one of the few my clan can actually win on, on a regular basis :)
04-26-2003, 06:11 AM
Originally posted by Edenbeast
Good to hear, historical background and realism aside, I like that map primarily because it's one of the few my clan can actually win on, on a regular basis :)
Originally posted by Edenbeast
Good to hear, historical background and realism aside, I like that map primarily because it's one of the few my clan can actually win on, on a regular basis :)
Sounds like a favourite map for your clan :-P
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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.