dod_merderet vs dod_ramelle
Colonel Forbin
05-04-2003, 10:20 AM
I don't know if many people have played merderet yet, since it was included in the retail version, and not in the download version of DoD, but it's basically a redone ramelle.
But it's like a million times worse than ramelle. Check out these screens:
Nice rope texture. I wonder why they switched it from that one that actually looked like a rope.
This door don't look right.
Just me giving someone the old shank, but look at the lighting difference, and the textures. Meredet is totaly lacking textures.
Meredet is insanely bright, and it makes the map look like ****. Ramelle used to have some atmosphere to it, but the brightness totaly screws that up. Lighting is a key component of mapping, it's an art all of it's own. The lighting in Merderet is a mess.
If we judged maps on how good their textures are, then you would be right i guess. But we dont, so dont complain. you cant say the map is crap because of 2 textures. Ramelle is an awsome map that plays really well. Im getting tired of people like you that are nit-picking for problems.
How could ramelle be "a million times worse" because of 2 textures?
Turn your brightness and gamme the way you like it if you dont like the default brightness.....
05-04-2003, 10:48 AM
I agree about the visual complaints. IR made me texture 1/3 of the map in 10 hours so it was really rushed.
It looks kinda old school compared to the other maps in 1.0 but it plays nice so there..
is someone willing to post a download link for this map, i am really egar to play it
Aaah, poor klein being whipped in the inwdungeon again :(
Colonel Forbin
05-04-2003, 11:31 AM
Those two textures i showed were just examples, the whole map is full of wierd stuff.
I'm just wondering why they'd switch from a map with good textures and nice lighting, and screw it up with ****ty textures and terrible global lighting.
Ramelle was good, why were there so many changes made?
Do you not notice the changes to everymap? Anzio got re-arranged pretty good for example. And almost every map has been re-textured.
I dont care if the textures are big teddy bears and giraffes, it might take away from the atmosphere of the map, but not the gameplay.
lets complain a little more...
im sure the mapper is sorry he cant full fill YOUR needs.
1. merderet looks so much nicer than ramelle
2. meredert doesnt have those anoying ambiences and earthquaks
3. textures are awsome! they are 100% better than rammeles
maybe some will agree maybe some wont
i knew some people were going to be unhappy
but alot of people like the new version aswell
the main reason i guess for me to retexture it
was that i wanted to get away from the ever going on
! this doesnt look like the movie you suck ! crap
now its nothing like it anymore just has a few things from it
and thats good imo
05-04-2003, 01:55 PM
05-04-2003, 03:50 PM
I'm dissappointed with it personally, it just looks brutal, the brightness makes it feel like there's a leak in the map almost. I'm hoping this isn't the only updated ramelle, if anything could you just have the original ramelle and convert it over to dod v1.0 but changing a few of the entities and nothing else and having that released as well.
05-04-2003, 04:36 PM
i was under the impression that merderet and vicenza weren't finished and that was he reason that they weren't included..even when i was playing i was like "wow this would be cool if they finished it!"
merderet is a great map, i just think it needs more atmosphere
05-04-2003, 10:39 PM
the problem with that is that it *did* have atmosphere, it's called ramelle.
i prefer the ramelle lighting
05-04-2003, 10:48 PM
i prefer merderet lighting
05-04-2003, 11:19 PM
while i dont really like the lighting on merderet, i have to agree that it has very soild gameplay also things need to be taken into account, as any 1.0 mapper will tell you, making even ONE offical map is hard, all the maps were constantly worked on and its a lot of work, making two offical maps is obviously much much harder which is why little things like the texture alinement on a door cannot always be perfect.
vicenza seems finished to me, possabily one of the most "finished" 1.0 maps, i had a great game of it the other day 5v5 every one was sneaking and both teams were attacking the objectives at the same time.. some of the best dod i have ever had.
05-05-2003, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by Unreal*
while i dont really like the lighting on merderet, i have to agree that it has very soild gameplay also things need to be taken into account, as any 1.0 mapper will tell you, making even ONE offical map is hard, all the maps were constantly worked on and its a lot of work, making two offical maps is obviously much much harder which is why little things like the texture alinement on a door cannot always be perfect.
vicenza seems finished to me, possabily one of the most "finished" 1.0 maps, i had a great game of it the other day 5v5 every one was sneaking and both teams were attacking the objectives at the same time.. some of the best dod i have ever had.
amen, Unreal. The gameplay on merderet is very solid, and despite the lighting I actually like playing it better than Ramelle.
thanks for the praise on Vicenza, too. I am really looking forward to finally playing some big games of it once it goes wide with the retail release.
BTW: dod_kraftstoff >> para_kraftstoff, and i really liked the para version.
i agree i like the new version of ramelle AND krafstoff and like izuno said.. i liked para_kraftsoff to D:! but i like the newer version
I never really liked ramelle and i dont care how bad the new version is because IR made up for it with dod_jagd and dod_bridge2 :D
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