WIP dod_??? (1st Map)

05-07-2003, 06:05 AM
Ok... I've been ghosting around the forums for years now.. and decided with my new nice shiney comp that I built back in Nov, that it might be about time to start working on a map for DoD, especially since all the neat new stuff was there to play with... :)

So this is my first attempt..

Screeens at: Amerabyte DoD Resources (http://www.amerabyte.com/dod/index.php) pictures are in the images section.

It's currently called dod_test1.. but will eventually have a new name. It's brit vs axis, and is set in a Africa coast area.. No specific location atm... What I have is basically the brit spawn area, though I am considering re-doing that, to make it a capture point, and placing the spawn location elsewhere...

One other thing..

How do you get the R-Speed info to show up.. I mean what's the command for that?

Comments, Suggestions, and such are more than welcome...


05-07-2003, 06:37 AM
You can see r_speeds with these commands typed to the console:
developer 1, r_speeds 1

Ever heard of zhlt compilers? It looks like you didn't run rad at all. (no shadows and full brightness)

Try this for easy zhlt compile (http://www.planethalflife.com/eddi/)

Your map is really in progress. You should post screens after making more progress. And btw.

It's pretty good start for a starting mapper :-)

05-07-2003, 06:43 AM
maybe you should wait to post pictures until you have something other than a made in 10 minutes WIP

05-07-2003, 06:59 AM
It's my standard procedure to close all threads with maps with the desert skybox.......

and that's not a map yet. That's still a couple of brushes. Nuff' said. Come back when you have something decent to show off.

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