Mapping Position
Hi everyone, I'd just like to let everybody know that Realcombat League ( , is looking for DoD Mappers to create maps for league play. The dod ladder is growing very fast, as we're entering our second dod season, we would like to focus more on custom maps, as the League has done with the TFC ladder.
It's a good deal in my opinion, you know your maps will get played, which means they have to be practiced on, which means servers will run it, whatnot.
Anybody interested can contact me, and I can give you further details. I'm gonna need a previous map, which then will be tested by league members. It's not you have to make only maps for us or anything, we just would like to imrpove on the league, having maps just for the league would help out.
04-29-2003, 04:53 PM
1. What sort of maps do they want? Do they have stuff in mind w/ possible layouts they want someone to build? Or do they just want one to throw out a map and they will offer suggestions for better league gameplay?
2. What kind of scheldue would one work on and when do they want the map(s) done?
3. Do they want mappers to work together? Could possibly be a good thing if they want the maps to be invovative and done asap.
That's all I can think of for now. I don't know if i'm interested or not as sometimes I tend to get lazy and work slow.
I might be able to lend a hand but i will need more info before doing so
1. What sort of maps do they want? Do they have stuff in mind w/ possible layouts they want someone to build? Or do they just want one to throw out a map and they will offer suggestions for better league gameplay?
2. What kind of scheldue would one work on and when do they want the map(s) done?
3. Do they want mappers to work together? Could possibly be a good thing if they want the maps to be invovative and done asap.
That's all I can think of for now. I don't know if i'm interested or not as sometimes I tend to get lazy and work slow.
1. Really, we want maps that promote team gameplay. Maybe some attack and defend objectives style ones, but in the long run you can do whatever you want. Just so it has good teamplay
2. Pretty much at your own pace, I mean, we don't want some map in production for a year, but I know mapping, I realize what's realistic for a certain quality.
3. We don't really want more than 1 or 2 mappers, but if you want to work together, that's great.
It's pretty much up to you for a lot of stuff, but
I'll go a bit more into detail here:
As for custom maps, we have a method of selecting them, every Sunday we run the "Sunday Brunch" on our server (, where we have 4-6 custom maps that I've picked (I'm in charge of custom maps), and we play them all day, then vote on them. Whichever wins, will be used in league play. We've played all kinds of maps, from Stuka, to Hobofire tying with Revolted in this last weeks vote. All we want is good clan gameplay maps made for us.
Also, it's a possibility we could give some free webspace to any mapper who was willing to make a good map for us.
04-30-2003, 02:53 PM
Thanks for the reply, I'm interested. I was messing around with a french village scenery today, perhaps I can work that up into something...
I'm guessing a small, linear layout would be the best for league play?
What about the center? Large? small? 3 man cap? 2 man cap?
Not sure the kind of stuff leagues go for..
Thanks again, Let me know if there is anything else I need to know. Maybe you need my email address??
04-30-2003, 03:17 PM
if you give me all the info, blueprint etc i'll do it :D
I'm glad to see that both of you are interested... here's some of my ideas, though if you are really interested Quakeh, I can set up a layout and whatever you need.
Ender, actually, I don't think the map has to be linear to be good, as long as it needs teamwork. It should be relatively hard to capture however. I was thinking it could be more of an attack-defend style map, maybe a team has to blow up 2 88's or two tanks, or a dod_risk sorta documents capture, just where one team has to have a semi coordinated attack.
Our irc is , #rcl. Also, we do have a gamesnet channel, #rcl , but we don't always have ppl in it. I'm always in gamesnet #dodmaps, we can talk further there.
04-30-2003, 03:54 PM
clanplay maps are best when:
similar to anzio or railroad
5-6 flags with middle one 2-man cap or with two 2-man caps (like anzio where middle is one man but each team has a 2-man)
non-linear , multiple routes (especially to middle) (example of linear would be heatau with basically 1 straight away route) (non-linear as in anzio or railroad)
good MG and sniper spots for BOTH teams
multiple spawn exits (see railroad)
not super-detailed (i.e. no need for tons of rubble piles and planes sticking out of buildings), but a little detail is always good.
edit: I can't believe i forgot the most important part: MORE POINTS FOR FULL CAP (30-50 points) that way there won't be the camping of last flag and/or spawn camping... teams will go for fullcap, making for fast paced gaming.
Yeah, Techn9ne makes some very good points, though I do dislike anzio. Even so, I think some detail, and good looks are always good. We would like a pretty good map, not some crap thrown together in a day or two, but I don't think that will be a problem.
Also, I think having the map objectives based, so that an attacking team only gains points for winning forces them to attack and use teamwork.
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