[WIP]dod_insula (working title)

05-09-2003, 11:37 AM

I'm back at it again. After getting dod_v2base out, this one is my second map. dod_insula is a working title. I think it will rename it dod_grunberg. Production is going VERY fast since i'm in a creative mood last weeks. So there's a pro, compared to the rather slow finishing of dod_v2base.
Currently, the allied spawn of the map is almost finished (brushwork). I'm going to start the middle part of the map and after that the axis.

Right, what's this all about?

setting: a german village called 'grunberg'.
situation: the allies have seized half of the village, the germans are still occupying the other half.
The village itself is a mixture of a couple of main roads and a small maze of backalley's. Some houses are accessible and are easily turned into small strongholds.
A small sewer system makes it possible to pop up unexpectedly and make quick changes to the situation.

Allies: capture the axis half of the village.
Axis: capture the allied half of the village.

I know, unoriginal objectives. But my main goal with this map is to creat swift but hard streetfights with shifting situations.
I've been inspired by flash and donner for the lay-out of the map ;) Anyway, enjoy these screenies



PS: if you are wondering what happened to the farm. I had a small accident with conflicting filenames and stuff and I accidently deleted it... *waaaaaaaaah* anyway, good because otherwise I wouldn't be making this map!

05-09-2003, 12:00 PM
Could use some variation in buildings & architecture. Not only in design but also in height & width, mix it up.

Your roofs seem to be a bit weird, others might not share that opinion with me though.

Kinda has a anzio feel to it right now from a brushwork point of view.

05-09-2003, 12:24 PM
Nice work, Inch.

The Atmosphere looks great, GJ

El Capitan
05-09-2003, 01:02 PM
nice work, again some variation ;)

maybe a few obstacles scattered around too :P

05-09-2003, 01:42 PM
yah roofs seem a little too simplistic, I'd adjust those to look better. Otherwise not bad.;)

05-10-2003, 04:14 AM
thx for the feedback :)

Well, first i'm doing all the 'rough' brushworks. I'll add more details like craters, different textures, etc. in a second fase.
Last, I'll do the lighting and the entity (objectives) work.

these shots represent a weeks work so I hope the release version will look much better.

@ender: I had the 'anzio' feeling too :)

05-10-2003, 06:06 AM
My eyes sees:

1) A DoD_Oslo kind of map
2) Innaccessable houses D:
3) Overused textures

other than that

its not too shabby

05-10-2003, 08:17 AM
I have to agree with what has been said already. The height of buildings needs to be altered somewhat so that not everything is at a specific height. The textures all seem to repetitive, and on the curb, you may wish to find something else as it looks kind of odd having bricks in an arch shape. Lighting seems a bit dull, you may want to darken it a tad and have those streetlights emit some light to add some more atmosphere.

It isn't a bad start, but it needs some more work on making things look different from each other. Keep at it, and I'm sure it will turn out good.

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