I Really Need Help From A Pro-mapper

05-09-2003, 03:26 AM
I am getting all the time the error ALLOCBLOCK:FULL in Half-Life.

It all begins with DoD 1.0:

I reloaded the map, added ALL new wads from 1.0 to Hammer , remove kami-platinum wad and start reasigning textures.

Later I add this new cool tree models... and the nightmare starts...

I have tryied recompiling the map with only 6 wads, replacing textures to get only a few ones,... no luck.

My map is done ine blocks: first I setup all the buildings as blocks. Then I cut one block and modell it alone. When finish, I just cut/copy/paste in the main map file....

Well, if you are a real mapper (Waldo? :D ) and want to help me, please, email me (ampostata@THISNOTterra.es) and I will give you my .rmf...


05-09-2003, 05:48 AM
I don't know if you have seen this Invaluable web page but I'll post the link any way:

If you want just Waldo's help then you are best to PM him :)

EDIT: ahhhh ... I see you have already asked this question .... sorry :o

05-09-2003, 05:10 PM
When I check "MAP PROPERTIES" it says:

SOLIDS: 1112
FACES: 6788
TEXT MEMORY: 7.21 mb

Are these values SO HIGH that can cause my error?

I have tryed retexturig it with 60 textures and still fail.

I compiled with 8 mb for texture memory (although when compiling it says just 3.51 mb) and again, it fails.

Is someone able to help me? Anyone knows an email to Valve/DoD team where I can send my question/problem?

05-09-2003, 06:20 PM
you locked in on textures and wads. but did you check names? did you check RAM? any SKY boxing?

have you tried the big box method to figure out where in the level the error cause is?

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