Hammer 3.5
Loser Pants
04-28-2003, 02:50 PM
I tried to follow the directions on valve-erc, but I can only get the tnt model to render in Hammer, can anybody help/point me in the right direction?
04-28-2003, 02:53 PM
Hrmm, two things i can think of
1.) You have to be close in the 3d view in order for them to model
2.) You dont have certain visual settings set.
thats all i know
04-28-2003, 04:15 PM
I too have had this happen to me. The first day it came out I tried and it worked fine. Now today I just went to try it out to clip some models and it wouldn't work I tried several downloads.
04-28-2003, 04:42 PM
Don't use the new hammer beta, it killed my natural selection map I was working on. Wait for it to leave beta stages.
04-29-2003, 02:04 PM
Well...I have not had a single bit of trouble with it other than the ghosting of models if you open up more than one map at a time...it's actually been very helpful aligning models, making clip brushes, and finding leaks. I think I've had one hammer crash in the last week
You do realise 3.5 requires the use of the beta fgs files and isn't setup for mods outside of dod, cs and hl at the moment.
Try sitting there for a while and just loooking at it, it takes a while for mine to appear as mentioned.
Instead of starting a new post, I would like to ask how you get the pointfile thing working in 3d view? I've heard it can be done (not very well but im desperate).
04-30-2003, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Loser Pants
I tried to follow the directions on valve-erc, but I can only get the tnt model to render in Hammer, can anybody help/point me in the right direction?
I only had this problem with dod_object and not env_model ... :D
05-01-2003, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by Winnebago
Try sitting there for a while and just loooking at it, it takes a while for mine to appear as mentioned.
Instead of starting a new post, I would like to ask how you get the pointfile thing working in 3d view? I've heard it can be done (not very well but im desperate).
That should do it..
Well, Hammer 3.5 has in menu OPTIONS something that says like this: "max model render distance..." or similar. I set it to max (2000?) and now I can see my models rendered from far away.
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