Func_rotating problem..

04-29-2003, 06:12 AM
Im making a map with lighthouse on it.

Now I want the light to rotate at the top of it. For this I have created a reflector shield on ramp that I want to rotate. I also wanted to have a light beam comming out from it so a made a brush with the fade texture on it. I also placed a rod with the origin texture on that I wanted the whole thing to rotate around.

Well when I select them all and turn them into a func_rotating it doesnt really rotate... I have set rotation_speed to 10 and checked the "start on" box...

Anyone have any idea why it doesnt work ? Thats the first part of my problem.

The next is that my beam needs to be rendered additive while the rest is normal, otherwise the whole ramp/deflector is seen through... I guess it can be solved with 2 func_rotations...but if anyone has any smart solution :)

3rd problem is that the lightbeam hits pillars that holds up the roof when it rotates, is it possible to make so that the beam will pass right through the pillars?

Im attaching a picture from hammer since I dont have ingame shots here at work...

04-29-2003, 07:49 AM
Make the lamp it self the ratator and make the beam a func_illusionary and assign it to movewith the lamp and make sure the lamp is set to rotate on the right axis

i might to be able to make you a quick .rmf to show you what to do if you need

04-29-2003, 07:51 AM
Are you sure you have an origin brush for the rotator ? it will not rotate without it

04-29-2003, 08:15 AM
Yeah, I have the origin textured brush that its suposed to rotate around.

The func_illusionary that moves with the "lamp" will be great if it works, Im going to test it when I get home later...
I though that the move_with thing was for func_trains but the thought had crossed my mind, but I thought I should ask anyway.

About the axis, it might it be it, I know I have tested the x-axis and y-axis check boxes but it didnt change anything for me...

Im going to fool around abit when I get home later...

Dont bother with the rmf yet, maybe later if I can't solve it myself..

Thanks for the tips though.

04-29-2003, 08:18 AM
I made you a prefab... i forgot that you cannot set an illusionarry to movewith a rotator tell me where to send the prefab i ziped it so its about 2mb

04-29-2003, 08:30 AM
PM:ed you my home email...

04-29-2003, 12:38 PM
Turns out that the new HLFIX which i tested at work cant correctly handle the func_rotating. When I used Hammer to export to map file and the compile it, it works just fine :rolleyes:

04-29-2003, 09:21 PM
looks cool

04-29-2003, 09:53 PM
nice, very cool idea

04-29-2003, 10:30 PM
I know its no way neear done but a note.

Lighthouses are near rocky waters, I'm not saying include it but this leads you to think of 3 types of sides to the lighthouse island.

1- Man made, concrete edge with loks of aglie lines and the likes
2- A gentle slop of sand/grit into the water
3- A cliff face that usualy slopes in, this can be small(hip height) or very large depends on the map

04-30-2003, 03:46 AM
Thanks for the advises AB. :)

My Lighthouse is a part of harbour so its a combination of both 1 and 3. The harbour is part of the allies spawn area where they land and begin their seige on small village (probebly located somewhere on the western side of Norway) and are to work their way up to german heavy water factory, in order to blow it up or perhaps destroy some flaks so it can be bombed....

Estimated 15% done of the map so this might take some time finnish...

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