Question: rain in 1.0 and my map
05-03-2003, 12:49 AM
How do i get my map to take advantage of the 1.0 rain effect? I've looked around in hammer, the FAQ, and Google, but I guess this is too new to get results. BTW I am using the new VHE 3.5. Any help is greatly appreciated!
You need to add an info_doddetect to your map and select the type of weatherfx you want but i am still figuring out how to set it up right
yep, all you have to do is select snow or rain, there's a wind speed that affects it somehow, but not sure exactly how that works yet
05-03-2003, 10:21 PM
Thanks! Testing it now...
05-03-2003, 10:43 PM
Here is the properties in the info_doddetect for dod_chemille. So if you wan't rain exactly like chemille just copy its weather properties.
"origin" "864 -32 448"
"detect_axis_respawnfactor" "1.0"
"detect_allies_respawnfactor" "1.0"
"detect_wind_velocity_y" "25"
"detect_wind_velocity_x" "25"
"detect_weather_type" "1"
"detect_points_timerexpired" "5"
"detect_points_allieseliminated" "20"
"detect_points_axiseliminated" "20"
"detect_axis_infinite" "1"
"detect_allies_infinite" "1"
"classname" "info_doddetect"
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