Models, Skins, and Animations

Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

  1. Update on bits and pieces (3 replies)
  2. Compiling Errors (3 replies)
  3. HELP! Those people that use Milkshape and NViDia video driver!! (5 replies)
  4. black SS skull head flags (3 replies)
  5. shoulder straps on weapons? (41 replies)
  6. Adding sides in milkshape (1 replies)
  7. how do you view .gcf files? (5 replies)
  8. We got missing. (9 replies)
  9. Help me find out what skin it is ! (dillinger/MarksM) escpecialy. (6 replies)
  10. 3.1 Custom Models/Sounds/Sprites (6 replies)
  11. How do you compile player model (0 replies)
  12. why?? (5 replies)
  13. Does anyone out there want to UV map a model for me? (10 replies)
  14. skin me plz or tell me how? (2 replies)
  15. Are there any custom explosions animations ? (3 replies)
  16. iron sights (8 replies)
  17. Thompson help (4 replies)
  18. 3d studio max Smd importer/exporter (7 replies)
  19. Congradulations to Nixon.... (5 replies)
  20. para cobra models to inf-axis (3 replies)
  21. Thoughts wanted - Custom content installers for Steam. (36 replies)
  22. $cliptotextures? (3 replies)
  23. Splash Screens and Consoles (10 replies)
  24. Mdl_flip.exe (4 replies)
  25. Help: Floating headgear after compiling (5 replies)
  26. .3ds In Milkshape (4 replies)
  27. sprite removal-1.0 (1 replies)
  28. yo joe need help...o (12 replies)
  29. default panzershreck (5 replies)
  30. i need help (7 replies)
  31. MS 3D Problem (0 replies)
  32. Changing what items go on differenct class? (2 replies)
  33. Helmets stay on? (14 replies)
  34. Modeling Programs and HL2 (5 replies)
  35. Custom Crosshair and STEAM question. (8 replies)
  36. Sky files..? (2 replies)
  37. WAD editor? (1 replies)
  38. Editor321 V1.1 (11 replies)
  39. To all skiners (6 replies)
  40. Adobe lighting help me (13 replies)
  41. 3.1 player models to 1.0 ? (1 replies)
  42. Attaching head gear in MilkShape (2 replies)
  43. Getting that phono in Merderet to play tu et partout? (10 replies)
  44. 3.1 to 1.0 hands (14 replies)
  45. How do you skin? (11 replies)
  46. must read (21 replies)
  47. cant post replayis how come? (1 replies)
  48. G.I. Joe 3.1 models convert to 1.0? (17 replies)
  49. Concept sketches (5 replies)
  50. If you'd like, you can see me on TechTV tonight :) (3 replies)
  51. Death message text? (1 replies)
  52. is it possible to convert from hammer to model (6 replies)
  53. Iron Sights in Dod Retail (7 replies)
  54. Last Chance for Russians (24 replies)
  55. Interesting thought... (10 replies)
  56. Some questions on tank modeling (2 replies)
  57. Good Site for References (3 replies)
  58. steam.... (26 replies)
  59. No Geocities (3 replies)
  60. Back Up And Running. (6 replies)
  61. Steam and custom content (7 replies)
  62. CS->DoD conversion? (14 replies)
  63. Need Help With w_models (1 replies)
  64. Flat-shading? (6 replies)
  65. mr.Fu "new Garand" (2 replies)
  66. problems with muzzleflash in dod... (4 replies)
  67. modelling along the hitboxes (9 replies)
  68. A Brit Pack... Need Help Finding Out If Its Been Made (2 replies)
  69. msMDLDecompiler 1.2 by Kratisto (2 replies)
  70. DoD Editing Center..... (24 replies)
  71. Meshing (4 replies)
  72. DoD Stuff Shut Down (4 replies)
  73. Animation Question (3 replies)
  74. no reload animations? (5 replies)
  75. Can some one skin this models...? (1 replies)
  76. Models (And pictures) (44 replies)
  77. help me with ms to fix texture error (3 replies)
  78. Model Request (6 replies)
  79. a animation problem --> trp jed (7 replies)
  80. Modelling, Texturing and Copyright Law (6 replies)
  81. Milkshape bone tilt question (9 replies)
  82. A little bit of everything (12 replies)
  83. Goodbye? Dead? Transience. (1 replies)
  84. Scaling in milkshape (5 replies)
  85. Good Bye.... (22 replies)
  86. "Playing Favorites" (28 replies)
  87. The Before You Leave Thread (1 replies)
  88. Converting the Allies to Brits. (3 replies)
  89. My thoughts on the "Modelling Dead"/"Goodbye threads" (20 replies)
  90. I'm begging those who know how to mess with models PLEASE read.. (4 replies)
  91. Bones and Joints (2 replies)
  92. "Not Quite Another Goodbye" or "I'll be seeing you again someday" (18 replies)
  93. sliings on wepoans (4 replies)
  94. How Do i add....To 3d max 5 (6 replies)
  95. New Weapon Tutorial (1 replies)
  96. Tutorial: Setting up origins with HLMV v.1.0 (5 replies)
  97. DoD Supply Needs you! (18 replies)
  98. Apocolypse (3 replies)
  99. Day Of Defeat Editing Center - New Emails (0 replies)
  100. need help with animations (3 replies)
  101. 3d max? (3 replies)
  102. what format are the call of duty models in (13 replies)
  103. DoD modeling: Dead? (17 replies)
  104. Another Goodbye (9 replies)
  105. no move when idle (2 replies)
  106. Brief guide about realigning textures (15 replies)
  107. texture error (8 replies)
  108. Want a lightsaber with p_model. (7 replies)
  109. Looking for a mesher (1 replies)
  110. UVW Mapping (4 replies)
  111. Smoke sprite firing Thompson is causing fps drop. Can i use the 3.1 one? (7 replies)
  112. French Models, Flags, Guns, Voice , ECT ! EVERYTHING FULL new Class's (1 replies)
  113. Meshing (1 replies)
  114. What are smoothing groups? (8 replies)
  115. facial animation etc... some questions (7 replies)
  116. Pistol Modeling Tutorials? (2 replies)
  117. how do i make wood? (9 replies)
  118. Giving a little back...Doing my part in the community (8 replies)
  119. Error Loading .BMP texture (2 replies)
  120. Animations help (4 replies)
  121. orgins question (5 replies)
  122. Question: Changing 'axis-inf' to 'axis-para' (3 replies)
  123. More Gibs! I Demand It! (11 replies)
  124. please tack a look (4 replies)
  125. New Flag Models (0 replies)
  126. Flag models Problems (3 replies)
  127. Farewell... (28 replies)
  128. HL2 Logo (3 replies)
  129. Skinning (19 replies)
  130. Idea: Copy-and-Pastable Unit Patches (9 replies)
  131. 3D App - Silo for $109 ... (1 replies)
  132. Maya Tutorials (1 replies)
  133. Interesting looking app. (8 replies)
  134. Question/Problem Origins (1 replies)
  135. News/Info about HLMV (20 replies)
  136. British/US Sleeves for All Models (3 replies)
  137. Question if i wanna modify a model (6 replies)
  138. Compiling... (9 replies)
  139. down! (5 replies)
  140. Black areas on model in milkshape??? (3 replies)
  141. Help with depth correction (4 replies)
  142. Having the Full Body as a 1st person model? (21 replies)
  143. Adding a Weapon to a model (15 replies)
  144. chaos Films needs you (0 replies)
  145. Map Specific Models (1 replies)
  146. A Bit of Gratitude (18 replies)
  147. converting a cs gun 2 dod help (22 replies)
  148. Can you view submodels with HLMV? (4 replies)
  149. how to make renders? (4 replies)
  150. Converting models (3 replies)
  151. Older DoD sites? (2 replies)
  152. Knife Skinning Tutorial... (0 replies)
  153. Rasterize....PS7.0 (3 replies)
  154. Just a thought (7 replies)
  155. Need some info from Ironsight modders (13 replies)
  156. Brushes...Grunge mainly... (6 replies)
  157. Iron Sights (5 replies)
  158. Compiling a mdl. help! (5 replies)
  159. American models..... (15 replies)
  160. How do you reskin models ?? (2 replies)
  161. milkshape problem (3 replies)
  162. Starting of Skinning (2 replies)
  163. Problems with HLMV (16 replies)
  164. blood puff (9 replies)
  165. Need reskins (1 replies)
  166. Mugsy's HLMV 1.25 Released (12 replies)
  167. Native Skins (9 replies)
  168. Model Converting Question (0 replies)
  169. smd->mdl mapping problem (2 replies)
  170. I need a skinner. (4 replies)
  171. Anyone know of a UV method/tool that can do this? (2 replies)
  172. bOnd Gameplay Movie (2 replies)
  173. Grenade explosion sprite (24 replies)
  174. Models utilizing sounds (5 replies)
  175. Who made this... (11 replies)
  176. mossin nagant (2 replies)
  177. link icon (0 replies)
  178. Russian pack creators :) (16 replies)
  179. Pah! Who needs HL2 for facial animation (22 replies)
  180. 2 error questions... Plz help me out!!! (8 replies)
  181. New HL Model Viewer Progress (28 replies)
  182. Canadian skins! (4 replies)
  183. 3.1 conversion to 1.0 (8 replies)
  184. Skinning clothing (6 replies)
  185. Whats wrong with this picture? (28 replies)
  186. long distance sounds (2 replies)
  187. firmalo's german panzerlehr pack (1 replies)
  188. Not that you care... (4 replies)
  189. Silenced Greasegun (1 replies)
  190. Looking for a blue toned Axis pack. (6 replies)
  191. Model to mak flying helmets disappear (3 replies)
  192. for those that are interested (3 replies)
  193. what happened to ska warz US player pack (42 replies)
  194. hello (26 replies)
  195. converting models for 3.1 (4 replies)
  196. New SS Axis Skins? (12 replies)
  197. Im back with more sprites. (23 replies)
  198. Wood Tut Please (17 replies)
  199. Help needed to adjust my iron sights (6 replies)
  200. grenade!!!! (5 replies)
  201. 3.1 k98 (3 replies)
  202. What would a realistic grenade explosion look like? (16 replies)
  203. Help: US-inf qc (4 replies)
  204. Weapons Sprites (1 replies)
  205. Scope Question. (3 replies)
  206. 3DS MAX 6 Released. (14 replies)
  207. Wow, nice k98k (16 replies)
  208. Gore pack? (13 replies)
  209. Sprite help. (12 replies)
  210. Crosshairs , need Help !! (3 replies)
  211. The End ? (4 replies)
  212. What's about RUSSIAN PACK? (16 replies)
  213. Where is death sprite? (1 replies)
  214. Airborne uniform question (6 replies)
  215. Editor321 Hosting (9 replies)
  216. Learning more about skinning (4 replies)
  217. Help Please (3 replies)
  218. Could somebody please fix this for me? (9 replies)
  219. [MREQ] Band of Brothers, E Company Player Models. (3 replies)
  220. The carved in letters on the reciever of the Thompson. (7 replies)
  221. Repel Animation (6 replies)
  222. how does milkshape work now... (12 replies)
  223. 3.1 models/sprites/sounds site, know of one? (6 replies)
  224. 3d Studio Max or Maya? (28 replies)
  225. Added forums and format. (15 replies)
  226. need the parachute models (11 replies)
  227. req, default garand reskin (7 replies)
  228. Who made the Cromwell tank model in dod_jagd? (14 replies)
  229. Well i've learned a bit about making models and i need some help (6 replies)
  230. Ska Wars Allies? (23 replies)
  231. This is what my 5th Wiking was SUPPOSED to be :) (23 replies)
  232. Freddy Kruger Glove? (9 replies)
  233. Low Poly Models (5 replies)
  234. [WIP] Conker's Pack:Need opinions (28 replies)
  235. mac10 for thompson (14 replies)
  236. Custom Dynamic Crosshair (5 replies)
  237. Scope for Carbie (12 replies)
  238. Upgrade ! from milkshape to 3dstudio max (4 replies)
  239. Thats it!! (10 replies)
  240. 3ds to v_model.mdl (17 replies)
  241. random veriables? (6 replies)
  242. [mreq] Vg-98 (2 replies)
  243. [SKIN-REL] Skullz Airborne (5 replies)
  244. lets make a modern weapons pack (61 replies)
  245. DoD Studios down. (5 replies)
  246. Pre-Rel STEN MKII Wooden Butt (skinner wanted) (2 replies)
  247. MREQ- LS3 tommy 3.1-1.0 (4 replies)
  248. Compiling errors (2 replies)
  249. Photoshop brushes (13 replies)
  250. External rendering (2 replies)
Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.