long distance sounds

08-05-2003, 04:27 PM
I have these p_models that have a sound you hear when your along way away from someone who fires (instead of silence), but theyre the default model. Are there any custom/highpoly/pretty:D p_models that have these sounds?

If not, would anyone be interesting in making them?

Maybe like the tripod .30 cal, and a sheathed scopedkar especially, since the default p_model is so different from those v_models.

you can get the sounds here:


Mystic Cobra
08-05-2003, 06:18 PM
Do the sounds really work..? and this might be kinda hard, cause there are so many custom weapon skins/models.

08-05-2003, 08:14 PM
yeah, of course they work! :D

type stopsound in console to turn off ambience and you can hear all the gun shots. or most, rather.

And Im just saying maybe someone could add them to some of the more popular models. like that tripod 30 cal seems to be pretty popular.

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