3D App - Silo for $109 ...

08-19-2003, 10:40 AM
Silo To Be Released For $109
August 15, 2003 - Nevercenter Ltd. Co. is pleased to announce the pricing and availability of our new subdivision surfaces modeler Silo. Silo will go on sale as an internet download for a price of $109, only at www.nevercenter.com. Our new website will launch during the week of August 18th, and will include a free downloadable demo of the program. Below is a selection from the Features section of our new site, to give you a small taste of what Silo is about. The menu listing is not final.


08-19-2003, 11:15 AM
Looks like a program that could well end up in my tools box, and and it seems a fair price.

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