HELP! Those people that use Milkshape and NViDia video driver!!

10-06-2003, 09:48 AM
For those that fufill the following conditions:

1) For those that use MS3D.

2) For those of you that use an NVIDIA card (prefably TNT2 'cause i'm using it, but others also would do as reportedly other vid cards also have this problem).

3) For those that can operate MS3D **without** any Mesa 3D .dlls ....prefably with no problems/crashes. So, they do not use the Mesa 3d .dlls.

Please tell me what NVIDIA Detonator driver version no. you are using!!!

You see, i've recently upgraded my Detonator driver to the latest version. Thus I think that's why my MS3D can't launch. You get this error:

WHY!?!? I've tried reinstalling it! No luck. I think it's either the driver or DirectX 9.0. But recently i got DirectX 9.0 quite long ago (for Call of DUty), and it wasn't a problem. Then again, i can't remembered if i upgraded further to a 9.0b. But the latest i remembered was downloading the newest NVidia Detonator driver!

Seriously, it must have detonated my Milkshape 3D!!

I cant use MS3d now!!

And no, I won't use the Mesa 3d .dlls! Sure, it works. But it is horribly laggy, framerate is poor, and makes MS3d horribly jerky!!!
Yes, i tried both 5.0 and 3.1 of the dlls...horrible pieces of !#!#$!! Yes, i can turn Hardware Acceleration to zero, but that would make MS3d and other applications run crappily!

NOTICE for everyone:
For those people that haven't updated their Detonator drivers yet, i suggest you don't! It may detonate your MS3D and prevent it from functioning!!!

Can someone help?

10-06-2003, 01:17 PM
Please download the Mesa 3.1 DLLs to fix it...

10-06-2003, 02:41 PM
yes the drivers sotp the error but they by no means fix MS3D. there is whol new kettle of problems like slowdown lag X-Ray rendering etc... They really not advisable at all :(

10-07-2003, 05:26 PM
I had the same trouble after updating my tnt2 drivers. I fixed mine by buying a new card lol

10-07-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by John Doe
I had the same trouble after updating my tnt2 drivers. I fixed mine by buying a new card lol

I pln on it too, but i need to save up a bit more money so i can spring for a top fo the line.

10-14-2003, 01:23 AM
Problem solved!

Try using an older version (i used a rather old version i admitted) version 23.11 of Detonator!

Do lemme know if there are later versions which work okay.

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