Update on bits and pieces

Trp. Jed
10-07-2003, 07:57 AM
Hello ladies...

Sorry I've been kinda quiet on the production front really but I've been really sick for about the past week and its not getting much better. Don't know whats wrong but I've hardly been able to move so I've been confined to the sofa most of the time.

Anyhew, as I had a few things I was working on I figured I'd just give a quick update because I know some people were waiting for stuff.

Animated Faces
So far I've animated all the death and a few of the movement anims that dont get fouled up. I started with the weapon shoot anims but it seems that I've hit a limit of studiomdl and need to compile a custom version to go any further. If I cant get that version to work I'll just have to go with what I've got and leave out some anims.

Steam Custom Content Installer
Thats done and tested (thanks those who tried it). I just need to write up the tutorial for it.

Marzy's weapons
I've been working with Marzy to tweak and UV Map his new weapon models. We've done the MK5 sten v_model and animated it (held by the front grip) and I've UV mapped it. We're just waiting for the skinner. Other weapons we'll crack on with once we see the results of the Sten.

Hackjob requests
I had a couple of request to do minor hackjobs to models buy a few people who donated a few dollars to my site. I have started them and I'll get them done as soon as I can, most of them are almost complete.

- Jed

Dying Robot
10-07-2003, 08:40 AM
Hope you'll feel better soon.

All the things sounds great, but I do have one question though.

The steam custom thingie, could you explain what that does a little closer...I haven't seen anything about that before so.

Trp. Jed
10-07-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Dying Robot
Hope you'll feel better soon.

All the things sounds great, but I do have one question though.

The steam custom thingie, could you explain what that does a little closer...I haven't seen anything about that before so.


Basically with us switching to steam and the files being stored in GCF's some users aren't sure where exactly to install files for things like maps, models, sprites, sound, etc.

I've made and open source installer which allows you to package up your custom stuff for people to download and it gives them a nice little frontend which unzips and puts everything in the right place.

- Jed

10-07-2003, 09:22 AM
Slightly amazing. Slightly.

Keep me informed about that steam custom content installers. Dodmaps.com is very interested in it.

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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.