- [SprREL] *FIVE* BF1942-like HUDs! (30 replies)
- [SREL] Game-shortcut Icons (11 replies)
- cool idea (16 replies)
- SprREL: Custom ammo sprites, version 2 (8 replies)
- Icons (9 replies)
- Canadian skins/ models (4 replies)
- Photoshop Faces (6 replies)
- PhotoShop argh! (9 replies)
- [skinwip]axis dot camo v2 (9 replies)
- [MWIP]Thundershield (2nd draft) (6 replies)
- [MREL] British Webley mk. 4 High Resolution Reskin. (32 replies)
- SprREQ: MoH:AA Ammo sprites (8 replies)
- Old crosshair (3 replies)
- Missing shell casings (1 replies)
- |MREL| - Jagd Tank Slaughtered Soldier Hackjob (21 replies)
- Render Tool? (0 replies)
- [REQ]Crosshair circle (3 replies)
- Where can I get the "updated" "mdldec"??? (15 replies)
- [SprWIP] BF1942-like HUD (8 replies)
- [REQ] Anyone have this spade model? (PIC) (8 replies)
- MREQ - American Flag Sprite (5 replies)
- Volksgrenadier Preview (20 replies)
- Face Question (2 replies)
- X-hairs (5 replies)
- [M-Rel] Bittles HandFed MG and w_BAR (5 replies)
- [MREQ] Shouldered Devin Bar (2 replies)
- REQ-Shoulder Bar (0 replies)
- hmm, problem/question (4 replies)
- African American hackjob.... (159 replies)
- [REL]Weasel's 12th-SS Panzer Divison Pack (14 replies)
- Submodels in QSB? (0 replies)
- to any good animators... (2 replies)
- My site. New host. Easier Navigation. (5 replies)
- webley revolver idea (11 replies)
- Question about jackboots and rolled up sleeves. (4 replies)
- Req: Explosion sprites (1 replies)
- [SREQ] Right-angled crosshair (4 replies)
- [MREQ] Glimpsharp's old old garand (8 replies)
- sprite/model/skin To-Do List (2 replies)
- question (2 replies)
- [MWIP] Thundershield (5 replies)
- [SprRE-REL] Ikujinonai's Ammo Sprites Again! (12 replies)
- [Mreq] Jagd tank with commanders? (18 replies)
- [Mrel]RO Luger With 1.0 Arms & HP P&W (13 replies)
- Need some low poly skins for crap computer (1 replies)
- [MREL] A few things I've done lately... (3 replies)
- Help!!! (9 replies)
- Adding sleeves to player models (3 replies)
- Newest sand particle sprite release. (20 replies)
- [MREL] Ls3, P-Witty's Tripod .30 cal (64 replies)
- MREL US WWII Marine Camo (16 replies)
- [MREL] Enfield Reskin With Hi-Res Wood (33 replies)
- .....soon?..... (2 replies)
- Axis Camouflage Request (9 replies)
- old stuff (2 replies)
- REQ face person (5 replies)
- [Mreq] NightHawks MG42 (1 replies)
- Custom DoD Sprays (3 replies)
- [mrel] -=higher poly 88 flak=- (17 replies)
- SREQ- Pick up where he left off... (1 replies)
- [mrel] -=JAJA sticknade=- (8 replies)
- [MREL] Documents hack job (12 replies)
- [MWIP] Caen Tank hack job (137 replies)
- [mrel] -=JAJA Tommy=- (24 replies)
- Can someone convert the 3.1 Stg-44 to 1.0 plz (2 replies)
- 3.1b player mdls to 1.0? (0 replies)
- Document hackjob (11 replies)
- [MREL] Default Tommy Reskin w/ Darker Metal & New Wood (11 replies)
- [MWIP]Mills Grenade (1 replies)
- default Axis para reskin (16 replies)
- Error Hl model viewer (5 replies)
- [WIP] BoB reskin (16 replies)
- Question [photoshop] (14 replies)
- Studiomdl question. (6 replies)
- [MREL]High Poly MP41 Hack Job (16 replies)
- [Mrel] Brit-Us Dirty Faces (32 replies)
- [rel] -=crouch/aim sequence qc=- (36 replies)
- Puffy smoke (1 replies)
- [MREL] Shoulder Thompson Reskin (12 replies)
- [SprREL] Realistic (I suppose) Ammo Sprites! (45 replies)
- Texture not going to transparnet! (9 replies)
- Adobe Photoshop Question (4 replies)
- [MREQ] Kar98 and Enfield without Bayonets (11 replies)
- Fileplanet: Those Opinions You Have. (47 replies)
- SS v_ models (12 replies)
- To plaskon 78... (5 replies)
- REQ: 3.1 Console Splash Screen (0 replies)
- We Need an Animator (18 replies)
- Smoke Sprite Questions .. plz help (4 replies)
- Jin-Roh Skins? (6 replies)
- [MWIP] SS cuffs (23 replies)
- [REL] SPR style Axis scope sprite (23 replies)
- Minimap Icon Editing Question.... (0 replies)
- [REL] Kar98 scope (7 replies)
- REL :: Hitler Console, kar, and blood.spr (7 replies)
- Mreq (0 replies)
- [MRel]K43 reskin (15 replies)
- [WIP]Kar43 reskinn (1 replies)
- [MREL] Tan Wood K43 (8 replies)
- Glimsharp/Xrell's Website? (1 replies)
- [REL] Springfield scope sprite (21 replies)
- |REL| Squirty Blood in two flavours. (15 replies)
- the spec crosshairs (0 replies)
- No bipod on undeployed BAR yet? (8 replies)
- TREL: MaRzY's 576x256 worn torn axis textures (6 replies)
- mreQ- 3.1 garand coverted to 1.0 (1 replies)
- [MREQ] SMLE Mk. III (1 replies)
- Flag Request For Devin Kryss (4 replies)
- [SREQ] Lil Green Xhair (1 replies)
- [REQ]panzerfaust for panzerschreck (1 replies)
- [REL]Enfield Scope Sprite (18 replies)
- MREQ Silenced MP40 (3 replies)
- [SREQ] can anyone convert this 3.1 crosshair to 1.0? (0 replies)
- PLayer Models? (15 replies)
- WiP US Marines Camo. (19 replies)
- {MREQ] Stg44 reskin? (1 replies)
- [MREL] Devin Kryss STG44 HAckjob (40 replies)
- [Sreq]crosshair convert (13 replies)
- Any new explosion sprites? (1 replies)
- my custom SS sleeveskin (16 replies)
- [MREL] BoB reskin for para (9 replies)
- Mrel-High Contrast Player Pack (11 replies)
- [MWIP] British Airborne for 1.0 (47 replies)
- Install Modelskins? (6 replies)
- Flag Icons (6 replies)
- [WIP] Enfield scope -UPDATE- (2 replies)
- question about a retail picture.... (2 replies)
- [SREQ]Blood Puff (2 replies)
- HLMV question (6 replies)
- 5thRangers Skins (1 replies)
- Convert these Models (2 replies)
- SREL - splash pack (42 replies)
- Stupid Question... (8 replies)
- Away to fix the clipping errors near the buttstock on some models (11 replies)
- Any Info about this reskin plz (2 replies)
- [WIP] Svt-40 (9 replies)
- [mrel] luftwaffe feld divisionen v2 (8 replies)
- cl_bobcycle (6 replies)
- [MREQ] Shouldered BAR/Colt/FG42 (0 replies)
- Mrel 1911 (33 replies)
- [MREL] Who need more ammo? (17 replies)
- Sprite Preview: Sprite Pack for JAHJAH's weapon pack (PIC) (20 replies)
- Sniping crosshair? (0 replies)
- help with model transparency (again) (5 replies)
- Where is Glimsharp? (16 replies)
- MREQ: M1 conversion (10 replies)
- [MREQ]Mauser Pistol (18 replies)
- Attention- Devin and Russ (4 replies)
- Calling All Designers (4 replies)
- help with flags (13 replies)
- [MREL] British Ammo (13 replies)
- Request: Estonian flag (7 replies)
- Us airbornes ?? (0 replies)
- [mReq] Silenced Weapons (7 replies)
- MWiP Trigger's Airborne Pilots (10 replies)
- [MREL] K98 & Scoped K98Reskin (20 replies)
- MREQ: Hand-fed MG34 (3 replies)
- |S/M ReQ| **Canadian Flags and Icons** (7 replies)
- REQ: Wastikas on kraut helmets (3 replies)
- Re-origin Question. (5 replies)
- [Mwip]Springfield (4 replies)
- MREL: K98 Reskin (15 replies)
- That stupid spectator crosshair! (7 replies)
- luftwaffe feld divisionen reskin (16 replies)
- Mreq- 1928A1 Thompson (6 replies)
- B1 models and other strange stuff in your v1 models folder (3 replies)
- Axis with gaiters preview (20 replies)
- MREQ: Left Handed Models! (7 replies)
- [req] stg44 (4 replies)
- [MREL] AJjer62nd's FG42 Reskin (25 replies)
- [MREL] Shouldered Garand (5 replies)
- Where have you gone... (1 replies)
- [mrel] -=the JAJA p and w model pack=- (58 replies)
- Help with submodels (0 replies)
- [MREL] 82nd airborne V2 (56 replies)
- [MWiP] Hacked Map Model Pack (10 replies)
- Devin Kryss - SS v4 (55 replies)
- [spr:rel] Green Crosshair (4 replies)
- Release: Crawfords p/w spring models (0 replies)
- request: GreaseGun Model (0 replies)
- Release: V2 of black bar with altered wood. (0 replies)
- Release: Tommy reskin dark metal and new wood (14 replies)
- Release: FJ for normal axis (1 replies)
- third person view (13 replies)
- Model Request.. (4 replies)
- [REL] Scot Pack woohoo :) (34 replies)
- |REL| New Flag Pack (2 replies)
- [SkinQ] How to get the blue transparent again after reskin? (2 replies)
- MREQ: Can someone convert my reskinned carbines from 3.1? Please! (4 replies)
- REQ - Rusty's Scoped Enfield (5 replies)
- [WIP] 12th SS Edition V1 (2 replies)
- re-origins help (2 replies)
- Just a small work ..... (1 replies)
- Attention Vandori! (11 replies)
- SREL: MiniMap Player & Camera Icons v2.0 updated (16 replies)
- [MWIP] Enfield preview (3 replies)
- [MREL] Snow camoflaged flak 88 (11 replies)
- Canuck (3 replies)
- [WIP] Enfield skin-conversion (6 replies)
- Flag Models (13 replies)
- Mrel Map Model: Flak88 Recolor (18 replies)
- [REL!] luftwaffe feld divisionen (17 replies)
- Finished: FJs for normal axis (20 replies)
- tehehe (37 replies)
- [rel]Axis faces (16 replies)
- [MWIP] War Torn Axis (3 replies)
- AREQ IronSighted RPGs (10 replies)
- Request: Panserfaust (17 replies)
- How to Install Huds (0 replies)
- MREL - Italian Army of the South (16 replies)
- whats up with the GIBS (1 replies)
- Help? (4 replies)
- What Happend to the Official Canadian Skin Pack? (2 replies)
- [MREL] Heer Recolor to Green w/ Proper Helmet Insignia (8 replies)
- Sorry to anyone..... (5 replies)
- [mreq]---> Personal favourite! (1 replies)
- [MREL] Blueshift grenade (13 replies)
- [REL] Some nice stuff.... (28 replies)
- the symbols on the axis helmet? (10 replies)
- Some skin help with default K98 Model (6 replies)
- [prev] luftwaffe feld divisionen (10 replies)
- . . . Soon . . . (51 replies)
- Console Picture Bigger? (10 replies)
- [WIP] Bren (2 replies)
- Tommy Sway (7 replies)
- MREL: Whiskas' New and Improved MP40 (107 replies)
- [REQ] Russians for Brits (look pls) (75 replies)
- MWIP - dod 1968 (46 replies)
- [MREL]M1 Garand Reorigin (37 replies)
- us- reskin (6 replies)
- MREQ - High-res Piat, Bazook and Panzershrek Skins (0 replies)
- [mreq] - Airborne! (2 replies)
- mrel - helmet with heer camo cover yay (7 replies)
- map icons (3 replies)
- 5th Ranger Skins. (1 replies)
- MWIP - Italian Brithish ReSkin (10 replies)
- MREQ- Thompson with correct rear sight (15 replies)
- [M-REF] German uniforms (0 replies)
- A little problem with model transparency (7 replies)
- [REQ]WWII british war pics (4 replies)
- Mercatorn's BoB skin pack (24 replies)
- Wavelength HL Resources reopens (2 replies)
- how do I reskin the sleeves?? (4 replies)
- MREL - War Torn Scoped Enfield (8 replies)
- Sprites (3 replies)
- [MREL] M1 Garand Reskin (9 replies)
- [REL]mp-40 reskin (14 replies)
- we need rocket gibs! (3 replies)
- gib (1 replies)
- [mwip] Retouched skin pack-"spielberg look" (44 replies)