Help Please

07-28-2003, 09:22 AM

I have imported a .3DS gun into Milkshape to animate.

I first decided to save the gun as a .SMD

So i went along the normal export route and got this error

'Found vertex with invalid bone assignement, Model not exported!'

Seeing as i have not done anything with the vertexes 'im working on a mond where im the animator and i have modelers giving me the work' i dont know what it could be, i would GREATLY apprecialte some help

Cheers in advance

Devin Kryss
07-28-2003, 09:58 AM
This means one or more vertices of the model are not assigned to any bones.

07-28-2003, 10:04 AM
1. Click the "Joints" tab
2. Click the "SelUnAssigned" button -> this'll show you which vertexes havent been assigned. You need to assign them to the proper bones before exporting.
3. Select the vertexes that show up, choose a bone from the list (you'll have to determine which one is which) and click the "Assign" button. To see what vertexes are assigned to what, just use the "SelAssigned" button.

Visual Aid:

07-28-2003, 01:46 PM
Thanks man(s) :)

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