The End ?

07-29-2003, 03:20 PM
Alright, folks. I'll keep this short: A new version of HLGuard (v1.50) has been released. But this time, they have even included a feature called "file-checking". When you join a server (the server use original models, sounds, etc), the HLGuard file-checker will check all your files by reading the CRC. If the CRC is not equal to the server files, a message is shown for all clients: "<nick> <authid> modified file <file here>", and you get kicked, if the hlguard settings is configured that way.

I had to reinstall my DoD to continue play on any HLGuard 1.50 server, since the default is set to have file-checking on.

Does this mean the end of an era of people making custom material for DoD and all other mods?

More info here:

07-29-2003, 03:44 PM
Im not worried about this at all most servers i play on use VAC or CD and since they added this evil little feature i doubt any well maintaned server will use HLGuard because most server admins probly have something custom in there dod folders and they dont want to have to deal with that crap..

07-29-2003, 04:38 PM
Not even close to the end, this is mainly geard towards leagues. Thoe, people have the option to run it on there public server. Anyway, I never liked HLGuard so I dont play at HLGuard servers.

07-29-2003, 04:40 PM
the end is not here...

just a stupid program, like soundcheck for CS

=DD=Wolf Kahler
07-30-2003, 02:53 AM
A vast number of Natural Selection servers had the built-in file-checking enabled. Its custom community has flourished despite that. I wouldn't see such a thing harming the vastly stronger DoD custom community in the least.

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