Models, Skins, and Animations

Pages : 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

  1. Custom content = dead (25 replies)
  2. Canadian Packs (2 replies)
  3. Smoke off burning tanks (10 replies)
  4. Contorted Figures (4 replies)
  5. Skins on (10 replies)
  6. Happy Birthday Jed! (9 replies)
  7. Ref Pics: Operation Market Garden... (6 replies)
  8. Animation Choppyness :| (3 replies)
  9. Please help! Compiling model! (2 replies)
  10. Signing Off (10 replies)
  11. Adding Bones or Joints in MilkShape? (4 replies)
  12. Editor321 help meh!! (7 replies)
  13. HLMV 1.3 Released (18 replies)
  14. Making Moving crosshairs (1 replies)
  15. bbox help (0 replies)
  16. How do you make p_ and w_ from v_ models? (4 replies)
  17. Marzy? (4 replies)
  18. Sneak peek - HLMV1.3 (31 replies)
  19. can u get the camo and the texture (2 replies)
  20. Custom HUD (0 replies)
  21. Tell me v_mortar model (14 replies)
  22. .MDL textures...need to use Base 2 sizes? (2 replies)
  23. OK...I may have missed it..if so, I'm sorry... (7 replies)
  24. Developer's mode? (3 replies)
  25. Over The Top - media update 05/09/04 (7 replies)
  26. Maya 6.0 for free (3 replies)
  27. Best Web Pages To DL Models, Sprites, Sounds?? (1 replies)
  28. What to skin next? (10 replies)
  29. Hack jobbing? (4 replies)
  30. 3.1 Models (6 replies)
  31. GCF xtracter (3 replies)
  32. Rumor of alien invasion is true! (6 replies)
  33. Custom Spray Logo (1 replies)
  34. good compiling decompiling prog? (3 replies)
  35. is this a cool carbine replacement? (6 replies)
  36. new Fallschirmjager Hackpack (5 replies)
  37. Blood sprite question (5 replies)
  38. Default Springfield reskin w/ sheath (1 replies)
  39. dead back please help me out (3 replies)
  40. Problem with this UV map! (1 replies)
  41. probs with flag icons, vgui (1 replies)
  42. Making Stone Walls in Photoshop. A Tutorial For Skinners. (1 replies)
  43. screwed up skins (9 replies)
  44. Why I can't open DoD player models in Hammer or HLMV? (3 replies)
  45. Jeds HLMV (2 replies)
  46. How to Change Weapon Selection Picture? (4 replies)
  47. MaRzY's Death Models (1 replies)
  48. Who's Katana? (17 replies)
  49. Finnish Army Pack. Must See. (4 replies)
  50. [Question] are there any.... (0 replies)
  51. Shotgun model (1 replies)
  52. Animation help (2 replies)
  53. Low Quality models (1 replies)
  54. Who did these USMC skins? (13 replies)
  55. Steam skins (6 replies)
  56. What happened to Dillinger's British Para pack? (13 replies)
  57. Jed, question.... (1 replies)
  58. Anyone Know... (4 replies)
  59. Custom X-Hairs (2 replies)
  60. heres the pic of my new axis (3 replies)
  61. Install Skins? (1 replies)
  62. what ever happened to.. (1 replies)
  63. new axis-inf!!!!!!BY Mid (13 replies)
  64. Hacking Skin job Help. (4 replies)
  65. [req]need some refpics of a BAR (1 replies)
  66. In Search Of Talented And Dedicated Skinners (0 replies)
  67. Need Help! (0 replies)
  68. Sleeve ?? how ? (16 replies)
  69. got a question (2 replies)
  70. Strider_d_3000 (32 replies)
  71. marzy's 3.1 3 arm pull back thommy (7 replies)
  72. [Model request]axis-inf (1 replies)
  73. allied player model idea (6 replies)
  74. Max Milkshape importer Beta (26 replies)
  75. CS weapon models for DOD (9 replies)
  76. Unwrapping/UV mapping, questions. (2 replies)
  77. para-skins (6 replies)
  78. I wanna learn something, help. (4 replies)
  79. Can Jed write a GMax plug-in for Valve? (9 replies)
  80. Why doesent Lt. Firmalo's puff-shot sprite work no more??? (5 replies)
  81. Could someone send this.. (4 replies)
  82. somebody explain UV mapping to me, plz (8 replies)
  83. My Modeling/Skinning Plans (SPR) (15 replies)
  84. How many frames in idle.smd? (2 replies)
  85. item placement for downloaded stuff (3 replies)
  86. Compiling the Default Models with changed Equipment (4 replies)
  87. Calling All Spray Making Pro's (8 replies)
  88. GMax SMD Export Hack (2 replies)
  89. Ok this is gonna be my first attempt at this.. (9 replies)
  90. Shows you how poor CS is..... (18 replies)
  91. What do I name my crosshair sprite? (2 replies)
  92. Panzerfaust (4 replies)
  93. Help With SoftImage XSI: Exporting and Bones (4 replies)
  94. Poly limit? (31 replies)
  95. P_30cal compiling question (1 replies)
  96. New forums at DODEC! (5 replies)
  97. Play in League, but want to use custom stuff: How? (5 replies)
  98. Preference of models (26 replies)
  99. Compiling issues (6 replies)
  100. Steam File Question (2 replies)
  101. Simple Crosshair Request. (1 replies)
  102. obj_icon Question (5 replies)
  103. Finding classnames? (3 replies)
  104. Hey Guys (1 replies)
  105. animating multiple frames in MilkShape? (16 replies)
  106. need stuff. adresses (1 replies)
  107. Slight Snag... (1 replies)
  108. Help Required: Health bar (1 replies)
  109. sniper shooting (1 replies)
  110. Need Help Making World Models (2 replies)
  111. [NEWS] 1.7.1 new version of ms3d (12 replies)
  112. is this posable? if so (VERY COOL) (9 replies)
  113. Animators (even wannbe Beginers) (0 replies)
  114. milkshape 3d problem (4 replies)
  115. what the f.. (4 replies)
  116. Sleeve Textures (5 replies)
  117. Free models (7 replies)
  118. installing things in 1.3 (4 replies)
  119. Trying to find author of higgins model (2 replies)
  120. Shading Issues With Milkshape. (11 replies)
  121. Anyone have the default US_Sleeve texture in higher res? (2 replies)
  122. Vacation (1 replies)
  123. 1.3 crosshairs in what directory? (5 replies)
  124. SoftImage XSI dotXSI 3.x Exporter Plug-in for Milkshape 3D, v1.0 (7 replies)
  125. Model Flipper and Texture Swapper by [CDG]Foz (0 replies)
  126. How? (13 replies)
  127. Band of Brothers Steam Splash (34 replies)
  128. Animation for Owens machinegun (0 replies)
  129. Question (14 replies)
  130. Crosshair (1 replies)
  131. crippled models (8 replies)
  132. Hmm a little help please? (16 replies)
  133. Stuck? (4 replies)
  134. Complete Russain conversion for Brits? (7 replies)
  135. Spectator Crosshair (2 replies)
  136. Assigning bones? (2 replies)
  137. What directory do I put custom models/sprites in? (1 replies)
  138. Grease Gun skins? Also neutral flag skin... (1 replies)
  139. Effexx's Droid Army.. (22 replies)
  140. Lmao (8 replies)
  141. Help needed (8 replies)
  142. Tips (0 replies)
  143. Bit of help? (2 replies)
  144. DoD IK Rig by Jennifer (7 replies)
  145. Staff Needed[Hi Res Pack or WWII Advance] (3 replies)
  146. 'Official' max 6 smd exporter (2 replies)
  147. Hey (11 replies)
  148. Point me in the direction of maya and 3d studio max tutorials? (0 replies)
  149. help out? (3 replies)
  150. [NEWS] This Just in... MS3D 1.7.0 free??*Joke Thread* (8 replies)
  151. Undead Luftwaffe (3 replies)
  152. vgui ? (2 replies)
  153. wonna know how a tommy works ?? (8 replies)
  154. anims in 3dmax 4.2 (3 replies)
  155. Shoulder pack (4 replies)
  156. Convert models (0 replies)
  157. Models messed up (7 replies)
  158. bullet casings (1 replies)
  159. WON Ingame Font (1 replies)
  160. problem compiling... (9 replies)
  161. How does HLMV compress with transparent colors (8 replies)
  162. Modeler Wanted for DoD Movie Project (5 replies)
  163. Will 1.1/1,2 models work in 1.0? (1 replies)
  164. ERROR: "Too Many Events" (3 replies)
  165. Stupid Question (4 replies)
  166. perblums with orgen????? (2 replies)
  167. custom vgui (8 replies)
  168. using transparencies makes the skin look like #$%^& (6 replies)
  169. Creating X-hair Q.'s (13 replies)
  170. Fixing Devin's or Splinter's Russians (4 replies)
  171. Russian T34 tank? (24 replies)
  172. Got GCFscape problems? (3 replies)
  173. DoDv1.3b crosshairs (1 replies)
  174. Picture of a M1918A2 Bar's "Rear Sight" ? (0 replies)
  175. Installing custim skins on Steam DoD?! (13 replies)
  176. Where do I assign hands/legs? (0 replies)
  177. Sprite Help (15 replies)
  178. Color in Sniper Scopes????????? (12 replies)
  179. Mini Thompson that needs finishing (16 replies)
  180. Model for a map (2 replies)
  181. Flag and Hud Icon Help needed (7 replies)
  182. Half-Life Model Viewer 1.2 (9 replies)
  183. Sleeveless MG Gunner (1 replies)
  184. where are the hands?? (5 replies)
  185. Question about fonts (4 replies)
  186. DoD Editing Center Seeks fresh meat (5 replies)
  187. skinning insignia... (13 replies)
  188. fonts in Jedīs VGUI 1.2 (2 replies)
  189. Recomendations for good player models (15 replies)
  190. Player Models (0 replies)
  191. Installing New Models with Steam (4 replies)
  192. British Para Weapons (1 replies)
  193. Custom Flags question... (4 replies)
  194. VGUI Weapon picture problems (5 replies)
  195. Problem with default models (5 replies)
  196. jeds model viewer (19 replies)
  197. Is it possible? (10 replies)
  198. DOD Kustomization Sites (5 replies)
  199. Anyone know of an Installer Creator with Backup Uninstall functionality? (3 replies)
  200. How do ya get these to work with Steam 1.2? (1 replies)
  201. pause studiomdl ? (3 replies)
  202. Installing models....what's wrong with my STEAM?? (2 replies)
  203. Japanese Pack (17 replies)
  204. Map Model Destination ? (8 replies)
  205. Making a custom Ammo Hud (7 replies)
  206. DOD video help (4 replies)
  207. Brit models don't work? (3 replies)
  208. How to make your own Flags (12 replies)
  209. Custom "wall puffs" REQUEST (1 replies)
  210. Glimsharp's is mp44 (25 replies)
  211. ;_; (16 replies)
  212. Question about transparency areas when recompiling a model. (1 replies)
  213. X-hair (4 replies)
  214. A good animator. (6 replies)
  215. hey Conuck (0 replies)
  216. Sushi's Reanimated Stg44 (8 replies)
  217. Wanted - Recomendation for custom v_models as pics for VGUI (44 replies)
  218. 1.3 Sprites (4 replies)
  219. Stuck Trooper in glider (5 replies)
  220. Congrats Jed (25 replies)
  221. Mortar Artillery Explosions (0 replies)
  222. What happened to DODEC? (19 replies)
  223. ive made some models but...... (3 replies)
  224. getting player models to work (2 replies)
  225. aliitle lighting problem (2 replies)
  226. hand models (1 replies)
  227. How to hackjob a player model? (6 replies)
  228. Para to Inf Convert - Help! (8 replies)
  229. Help finding a model (4 replies)
  230. Yay for me and XSI! LOL!!11!one (8 replies)
  231. 3dmax 6 SMD export? (3 replies)
  232. Marzy Sleeve Help (2 replies)
  233. Custom shell models (1 replies)
  234. Hack Jobbing, Converting player models, sliding textures, and other useful Tutorials. (35 replies)
  235. Cant get new player models to work (3 replies)
  236. Trigger - where are you ? (18 replies)
  237. Problem with a sleeve (2 replies)
  238. Are 1.1 player models compatible with 1.2? (1 replies)
  239. Get Yer 1.2 Player Models Here (13 replies)
  240. compiler (0 replies)
  241. Model Help, Please (3 replies)
  242. MSA in 1.2 (5 replies)
  243. THIS ERROR (sprite) (1 replies)
  244. crosshairs... how do I make them (1 replies)
  245. Need help on drum mag (1 replies)
  246. compiling (0 replies)
  247. Need model- Canuck Garand Redux (1 replies)
  248. Hackjobbing without MS? (5 replies)
  249. Please Read This Good Skinners (2 replies)
  250. pldecal.wad on STEAM ?? (3 replies)
Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.