Error Loading .BMP texture
Plastic Fantastic Lover
08-24-2003, 03:26 PM
I'm trying to reskin Vctrmaster's v_model of the 98k, and whenever I try to import my own skins using HLMV, I keep getting an 'Error Loading .BMP texture' message. I make sure the original and new skins are IDENTICAL in all respects (res,dim,color depth), and I still get it.
I just tested it. Your problem is that you compressed the bitmap when you saved it. Disable RLE compression when saving to bitmap (in photoshop you can do that in the dialog that appears after you have named your file and pressed save as).
Plastic Fantastic Lover
08-24-2003, 03:34 PM
Tankee! I use Jasc PSP, but still similar to photoshop.
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