Smoke sprite firing Thompson is causing fps drop. Can i use the 3.1 one?

08-27-2003, 10:59 AM
When i fire the thompson and stand still then the smoke puff does serious damage to my FPS. It goes from 99 all the way down to sluggishness 30- something.
Can i maybe swap that smoke puff with the 3.1 version and get rid of that FPS drop?

If so, what file(s) would i need to swap?

08-27-2003, 11:09 AM
I have simalir problems, i also get a drop of upto 35 FPS when firing a weopon and also the same thing happens when i use the mini map. But i'm not sure if it's down to the sprite why your FPS drops when firing your thompson, i think it may have something to do with the dynamic lighting. Although if it is down to this, i know they are making dynamic lights optional in 1.1.

08-27-2003, 02:27 PM
well even in the middle of a reasonable firefight my fps seems to be rather normal behaving.
The serious fps drops only seem to happen when i'm near smoketrails(bazooka) , that blackish smoke (tank-donner, caen allie spawn) and when i'm standing in those smokepuffs from my weapon.

my specs are a7v8x-x , athlon 2400+ , 512 ddr cas2 400mhz, sblive value , win98se , gf2 pro 64 mb
all around dod maps i avg 85 to 99 fps.

Lorda Mercy
08-27-2003, 02:54 PM
copy null.spr over the v_model smoke puff sprite.
i think it's called blast smoke.spr or something of the like.

i also boosted my FPS by nulling out the post-grenade hanging fog.

and remember this simple equation:
smoke sprites + ati 64 DDR video card = poop FPS

08-27-2003, 03:24 PM
turns off every particle effect

cl_particlefx 0

08-28-2003, 08:45 AM
the sprite you want is bazookapuff.spr, this is the one for both V and P models.

08-28-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Lorda Mercy
copy null.spr over the v_model smoke puff sprite.
i think it's called blast smoke.spr or something of the like.

i also boosted my FPS by nulling out the post-grenade hanging fog.

and remember this simple equation:
smoke sprites + ati 64 DDR video card = poop FPS
I find quite a few 'smoke' sprites in the map, can you be more specific maybe?

Basically i'd like to null;
-the smoke puff when i fire my weapon
-the black smoke that comes from some stationary objects in maps ( i.e. tank in donner )
-the smoketrail from bazooka.

What sprite names are these?

and to add to your equation:
smoke sprites + gf2 pro 64mb + athlon 2400 = poop FPS

08-28-2003, 10:14 AM
like i said bazookapuff is the smoke that comes from the end of your barrel.

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