- Gibs in v1.0 (11 replies)
- Request for simple crosshair (2 replies)
- MY version of the SS camo (23 replies)
- |MREQ| 3.1 k98 stab animations on enfield and new k98 (5 replies)
- hi..first try on spritin (3 replies)
- Whoever was looking for the 3.1 conversion (7 replies)
- KAR pmodel request (5 replies)
- Sprite Release: New Buttsmack death sprite (PIC) (15 replies)
- Crosshair format??? (4 replies)
- Request ( rather time consuming i would imagine ) (22 replies)
- Garand stock kill icon..... (7 replies)
- American sleeve models (8 replies)
- [MREL] Black Default Thompson (recoloured, reorigined) (6 replies)
- Which .WAD? (6 replies)
- enfield firing animation.. (2 replies)
- Drum Sight Bren (6 replies)
- Body parts Patch? (30 replies)
- Request: Splashscreen (3 replies)
- MREL - Axis Scope Sprite Refined (2 replies)
- Russian Skin Pack (4 replies)
- |MREL| Cherry Wood Kar 98 (Scoped) (9 replies)
- Where Are Tha Gibs!? (21 replies)
- New bayonet icon... (11 replies)
- SREL RealyPssd HUD! (5 replies)
- [MREL]Walther P38 (3 replies)
- [Mrel] Ajjer MP40 Converted (4 replies)
- REQ: Brighter Red dot crosshair (1 replies)
- What ever happened to... (6 replies)
- Iron Sights!! (10 replies)
- Mrel- RO Luger Converted (5 replies)
- [SREQ]: Bloody weapons (1 replies)
- Flags Question (1 replies)
- Other models.. (3 replies)
- MREQ - Nighthawks MG42 (6 replies)
- [MREL] Axis Fallshirmjager Reskin (18 replies)
- PREL: BA Customisation Pack V2 (3 replies)
- Who wants the compiler (66 replies)
- [MREQ] (ajjer?) MP40 converting to 1.0 (5 replies)
- [MWIP]Luger P38 (6 replies)
- [MREL] M1A1 Thompson (Default with recolour and reorigined) (6 replies)
- Can someone convert this garand? (5 replies)
- [MREQ] New garand (0 replies)
- Eliminating the crosshair. (7 replies)
- [MREQ]3.1 Thompson WITH 3.1 sleeves. (3 replies)
- 3.1 crosshairs in 1.0 .... (4 replies)
- HELP plz kthx :) (4 replies)
- REQ: more realistic sandbag bullet hit animation (3 replies)
- [REQ.] 82d ABN skinned paras (1 replies)
- [REQ.] "T" Crosshair (2 replies)
- Woohoo (0 replies)
- [MWIP]1.0 Tommy /w 3.1 animations (0 replies)
- |REL| dod team style american flag allied vgui thingy by request (4 replies)
- |REL| swastika's in default maps (57 replies)
- SREL-brit round flag player sprite (4 replies)
- MWIP: Kar98 recolor (4 replies)
- ne one gonna make a WaltherP38? (12 replies)
- AREQ: Default 30cal and MG42 hand-fed (4 replies)
- REQ: more realistic sandbag bullet hit animation (5 replies)
- sub models (3 replies)
- |REL| new and improved swastika vgui and objective icons (4 replies)
- Iron Sights (14 replies)
- come on men (24 replies)
- us-para reskin (41 replies)
- [MREQ] 3rd SS Totenkopf Skins? (1 replies)
- Map Textures (1 replies)
- MREQ - U.S & Nazi Flag Player Icons (0 replies)
- [MREQ] Attention MaRzy! (6 replies)
- |MREQ| Default K98 (1 replies)
- Missing Post? (1 replies)
- Release the New COMPILERS already!! (2 replies)
- dod 1968 tet offencive (68 replies)
- [MREL] Ajers MP44 skin (8 replies)
- MREL- Bots Mg 34, 42 Textures Converted! (24 replies)
- |MREL| Light K98 (5 replies)
- question about custom flag sprites/icons (2 replies)
- MREQ: Bots MG42 and MG34 skins (2 replies)
- Coming Soon - Skins Packs (80 replies)
- My first attempt (16 replies)
- scope crosshair? (3 replies)
- How does a person get a sleeve from a player model onto a v_model? (5 replies)
- Xhair sorted but help please (0 replies)
- MREL: Default 1.0 MP44 re-origin (15 replies)
- [SREL] Bloody Spade (6 replies)
- MREL - Fixed Tommy (Non humungous Foregrip) and Shoulder Held version (46 replies)
- [M-REQ] Ls3 Tommy conversion (0 replies)
- Your Files: Needed! (Free hosting ;)) (1 replies)
- [mreq] The A-Team (18 replies)
- |M/SREL| Grenades with pinpullsound... (4 replies)
- [MREQ] Player models with 256x256 texture maps? (3 replies)
- host wanted for released patched .wad's (7 replies)
- Crosshair request (0 replies)
- sprite question (0 replies)
- [REQ]Muzzleflash (2 replies)
- -ReL- Team Select Icons (13 replies)
- MREQ: Blood Swastika Banner (7 replies)
- Mrel: Hi Res Flags (6 replies)
- Trying to change bullet puffs (12 replies)
- [REQUEST] Default origins for Grenades (2 replies)
- |REL| BoB style paras (15 replies)
- Thoughts... (4 replies)
- [mreq] is this possible? old animations (2 replies)
- [REQ] Default Origins (1 replies)
- [Mreq] Default 1.0 garand with kar and enfield origins? (0 replies)
- [MREL] Meet the 12th SS (53 replies)
- DOD background request (3 replies)
- So... (1 replies)
- Colt Conversion, See Attached (12 replies)
- MREQ: Pistols Held Sideways; Akimbo Tommy guns (3 replies)
- [MREQ]Mets Wolfenstein HUD (6 replies)
- [MREQ]Firegolds BAR w/ Slinks Skin (8 replies)
- MREQish: Real W_models (9 replies)
- Distant sound models? (6 replies)
- REQ: realistic blood patch (0 replies)
- MREL 3.1 Tommy Conversion (2 types) by Whiskas (37 replies)
- req: default sten held by mag (4 replies)
- [MWIP] Black Tommy (7 replies)
- To the DoDTeam... (18 replies)
- Could someone make blank sprites for me? (1 replies)
- A Possible fix for Sub-Modeling (12 replies)
- Can Someone covert the old 3.1 crosshair to 1.0?!PLZ? (3 replies)
- Question concerning replacing models (2 replies)
- [SREL] Low Interference Crosshair(s) (4 replies)
- [MREQ] Geballte Ladung (11 replies)
- [MREQ] German Knife replacement (2 replies)
- The big problem with submodels (10 replies)
- [CREQ] Crosshair needed (0 replies)
- Half-Life Model Viewer NEED HELP (2 replies)
- [MREL] Devin's BAR Hackjob (46 replies)
- [MREL] Multi-Camo SS (8 replies)
- Request: Chuck Norris (18 replies)
- those little blue holes (2 replies)
- Cs Style Crosshair Wowzas! (0 replies)
- Ls3's Kar98 and poly's garand (2 replies)
- Ref pic help please (4 replies)
- High poly pack (5 replies)
- MREL: US Pistol whip (4 replies)
- Request: Axis Skins... (0 replies)
- sreq: better looking axis capture sprite (0 replies)
- [MREQ]High Quality W_ (7 replies)
- [Mrel] Beta 3.1 Thompson for v1.0 (22 replies)
- beta crosshair conversion fix!?! (0 replies)
- |REL| Dot XHair (blue and red) (2 replies)
- [MREL] Bare Hud (3 replies)
- [MREL] Shell pics (18 replies)
- [MREQ] Devins BAR (5 replies)
- [ MRels ] Iono Colt, Potato Masher (4 replies)
- RELEASE: Panzerschreck without shield (10 replies)
- [SREQ] Crosshair (5 replies)
- compiler/decompiler (8 replies)
- w_mills2.mdl (17 replies)
- [SREQ] Someone please convert this crosshair? pweease? :) (0 replies)
- [MREQ] Carbine (3 replies)
- |REL| Yellow default nade recolor (8 replies)
- [MREQ]Some info for the usless (3 replies)
- HOT! [MREL] DoD 3.1 Crosshair ! (20 replies)
- MREL: 3rd Panzer Grenadiers Player Models. (35 replies)
- Best Crosshair Ever!! ---->>>>> (33 replies)
- SREL: Default Crosshair Without Dot (3 replies)
- [MREL] 98K-Black-Style (4 replies)
- gore sprites? (9 replies)
- [MREL] 98K-White-Style (6 replies)
- Can someone upload default tommy? (9 replies)
- Pinpull (15 replies)
- Mreg: 3.0 Axis skins (1 replies)
- Does Event 5011, 5021, or 5031 still work in DoD? (0 replies)
- [SREL] New And Marginally Improved! (6 replies)
- |REL|Xhairs - Custom and Info on how to make them Dynamic (27 replies)
- mreq: war torn default tommy gun (2 replies)
- Help please......... (1 replies)
- You know what would make an awesome grenade model? (16 replies)
- Can someone convert this? (0 replies)
- [MREL] Obj-Flag Sprites (3 replies)
- Nazi & American patch here (23 replies)
- [MREQ] Red Devil models for brit replacements (2 replies)
- [MREQ]Slinkey and Nomad (0 replies)
- Does anyone know... (1 replies)
- [MWIP]MoH Sten (4 replies)
- [WIP]Canpack Reskin (9 replies)
- Weapon V_models the old way or FOV way (20 replies)
- Canadian Forces Replacements (34 replies)
- [SREQ] "Lime green" dot crosshair (3 replies)
- MWiP - Shoulder View Pack v1.0 (61 replies)
- MREL: Potato Masher (13 replies)
- URGENT question about Skin Transparency (2 replies)
- Old Thompson (10 replies)
- MREQ: Removal of bayonet from Kar98 p_ and w_ models (3 replies)
- SREQ: Updated Selection Sprites (9 replies)
- |REL| Rounded British Player Icon (15 replies)
- 1.0 Version of British Delisle Commando..Yay? Nay?rbine (36 replies)
- Blue Portions of weapon skins. (14 replies)
- [mreq]satchel (1 replies)
- [Mreq] Marksman Stielhandgranate on v1.0 version (1 replies)
- sreq: swastika capture and map sprites (5 replies)
- sreq: rounded british player sprites (1 replies)
- 3.1 Grenade explosions (9 replies)
- K98 and Enfield without bayonet (1 replies)
- German camo references (0 replies)
- [Req] Poly's M1 skin on default (0 replies)
- MREQ shoulderview stg44 and thompson (7 replies)
- [mreq] default w_bar.mdl (1 replies)
- Garand w/ Bayonet (6 replies)
- [MREL] Ankalar's BAR Convertion (10 replies)
- Swastika VGUI axis selest here (22 replies)
- Swastika player icon on camera-map here (4 replies)
- REQ: Scope sprite tutaorial. (6 replies)
- [MWIP]STG44 reskin (6 replies)
- Are there any bots for v1.0 (7 replies)
- Fixed Team Select VGUI (3 replies)
- DOD Customisation pack (1 replies)
- Regarding para skins... (0 replies)
- Blood Tunning .... (33 replies)
- Enfield & Garand conversions (31 replies)
- |WIP| Band Of Brothers Stlye Paras (26 replies)
- Some bad news (25 replies)
- mreq: default stick nade with 3.1 wood (5 replies)
- mreq: default black mp40 p&w models and menu art (0 replies)
- [Srel] Accurate Crosshair (16 replies)
- help needed with sprites (4 replies)
- DOD TEAM- Muzzel Flash (5 replies)
- SREL:Single-pixel red dot crosshair for 1.0 (10 replies)
- Changing 1.0 Origins (6 replies)
- Request: Get rid of the dog! (11 replies)
- So has it been proven? (5 replies)
- [MWIP]Ankalar's Bar Converted (8 replies)
- British sleeve is fugly (2 replies)
- [mreq] 3.1 Crosshair ? (11 replies)
- MREQ - Kar98 and Enfield with no Bayonet (1 replies)
- Blue version of default x-hair (3 replies)
- [Pack REQ] Australian Infantry Pack (1 replies)
- Crosshair attmept (1 replies)
- Merca_Spriteset 1.0 (13 replies)
- 2 questions! (4 replies)
- SPREL: New Sniper Scopes (14 replies)
- MREL: Black springfiled bolt recolor (18 replies)
- |REL| allied normal sleeves (2 replies)
- Swastika head icon here (10 replies)
- MReq: Real US Models (9 replies)
- SPREL: Totenkampf deaths head skull replacment. (14 replies)
- Call To Arms!!!! Los Los Los !!! (34 replies)
- Communication scripts? (1 replies)
- SRel - icu DoD crosshair NEW FOR 1.0! (21 replies)
- Release: Black mp40 (14 replies)
- mreq: black mp40 default model (4 replies)
- MREQ: Default Axis Models with proper markings (0 replies)
- MREL: Allied Model Reskins. (US 3rd ID/Darker Brit) (31 replies)
- Release: Black BAR (19 replies)
- [MREQ]Garand (13 replies)
- My Canpack need hosting... (17 replies)
- MRel - mp28 (Sten replacement) (6 replies)
- W_bar Model with Bipod (12 replies)