Models, Skins, and Animations

Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [14] 15

  1. Gibs in v1.0 (11 replies)
  2. Request for simple crosshair (2 replies)
  3. MY version of the SS camo (23 replies)
  4. |MREQ| 3.1 k98 stab animations on enfield and new k98 (5 replies)
  5. hi..first try on spritin (3 replies)
  6. Whoever was looking for the 3.1 conversion (7 replies)
  7. KAR pmodel request (5 replies)
  8. Sprite Release: New Buttsmack death sprite (PIC) (15 replies)
  9. Crosshair format??? (4 replies)
  10. Request ( rather time consuming i would imagine ) (22 replies)
  11. Garand stock kill icon..... (7 replies)
  12. American sleeve models (8 replies)
  13. [MREL] Black Default Thompson (recoloured, reorigined) (6 replies)
  14. Which .WAD? (6 replies)
  15. enfield firing animation.. (2 replies)
  16. Drum Sight Bren (6 replies)
  17. Body parts Patch? (30 replies)
  18. Request: Splashscreen (3 replies)
  19. MREL - Axis Scope Sprite Refined (2 replies)
  20. Russian Skin Pack (4 replies)
  21. |MREL| Cherry Wood Kar 98 (Scoped) (9 replies)
  22. Where Are Tha Gibs!? (21 replies)
  23. New bayonet icon... (11 replies)
  24. SREL RealyPssd HUD! (5 replies)
  25. [MREL]Walther P38 (3 replies)
  26. [Mrel] Ajjer MP40 Converted (4 replies)
  27. REQ: Brighter Red dot crosshair (1 replies)
  28. What ever happened to... (6 replies)
  29. Iron Sights!! (10 replies)
  30. Mrel- RO Luger Converted (5 replies)
  31. [SREQ]: Bloody weapons (1 replies)
  32. Flags Question (1 replies)
  33. Other models.. (3 replies)
  34. MREQ - Nighthawks MG42 (6 replies)
  35. [MREL] Axis Fallshirmjager Reskin (18 replies)
  36. PREL: BA Customisation Pack V2 (3 replies)
  37. Who wants the compiler (66 replies)
  38. [MREQ] (ajjer?) MP40 converting to 1.0 (5 replies)
  39. [MWIP]Luger P38 (6 replies)
  40. [MREL] M1A1 Thompson (Default with recolour and reorigined) (6 replies)
  41. Can someone convert this garand? (5 replies)
  42. [MREQ] New garand (0 replies)
  43. Eliminating the crosshair. (7 replies)
  44. [MREQ]3.1 Thompson WITH 3.1 sleeves. (3 replies)
  45. 3.1 crosshairs in 1.0 .... (4 replies)
  46. HELP plz kthx :) (4 replies)
  47. REQ: more realistic sandbag bullet hit animation (3 replies)
  48. [REQ.] 82d ABN skinned paras (1 replies)
  49. [REQ.] "T" Crosshair (2 replies)
  50. Woohoo (0 replies)
  51. [MWIP]1.0 Tommy /w 3.1 animations (0 replies)
  52. |REL| dod team style american flag allied vgui thingy by request (4 replies)
  53. |REL| swastika's in default maps (57 replies)
  54. SREL-brit round flag player sprite (4 replies)
  55. MWIP: Kar98 recolor (4 replies)
  56. ne one gonna make a WaltherP38? (12 replies)
  57. AREQ: Default 30cal and MG42 hand-fed (4 replies)
  58. REQ: more realistic sandbag bullet hit animation (5 replies)
  59. sub models (3 replies)
  60. |REL| new and improved swastika vgui and objective icons (4 replies)
  61. Iron Sights (14 replies)
  62. come on men (24 replies)
  63. us-para reskin (41 replies)
  64. [MREQ] 3rd SS Totenkopf Skins? (1 replies)
  65. Map Textures (1 replies)
  66. MREQ - U.S & Nazi Flag Player Icons (0 replies)
  67. [MREQ] Attention MaRzy! (6 replies)
  68. |MREQ| Default K98 (1 replies)
  69. Missing Post? (1 replies)
  70. Release the New COMPILERS already!! (2 replies)
  71. dod 1968 tet offencive (68 replies)
  72. [MREL] Ajers MP44 skin (8 replies)
  73. MREL- Bots Mg 34, 42 Textures Converted! (24 replies)
  74. |MREL| Light K98 (5 replies)
  75. question about custom flag sprites/icons (2 replies)
  76. MREQ: Bots MG42 and MG34 skins (2 replies)
  77. Coming Soon - Skins Packs (80 replies)
  78. My first attempt (16 replies)
  79. scope crosshair? (3 replies)
  80. How does a person get a sleeve from a player model onto a v_model? (5 replies)
  81. Xhair sorted but help please (0 replies)
  82. MREL: Default 1.0 MP44 re-origin (15 replies)
  83. [SREL] Bloody Spade (6 replies)
  84. MREL - Fixed Tommy (Non humungous Foregrip) and Shoulder Held version (46 replies)
  85. [M-REQ] Ls3 Tommy conversion (0 replies)
  86. Your Files: Needed! (Free hosting ;)) (1 replies)
  87. [mreq] The A-Team (18 replies)
  88. |M/SREL| Grenades with pinpullsound... (4 replies)
  89. [MREQ] Player models with 256x256 texture maps? (3 replies)
  90. host wanted for released patched .wad's (7 replies)
  91. Crosshair request (0 replies)
  92. sprite question (0 replies)
  93. [REQ]Muzzleflash (2 replies)
  94. -ReL- Team Select Icons (13 replies)
  95. MREQ: Blood Swastika Banner (7 replies)
  96. Mrel: Hi Res Flags (6 replies)
  97. Trying to change bullet puffs (12 replies)
  98. [REQUEST] Default origins for Grenades (2 replies)
  99. |REL| BoB style paras (15 replies)
  100. Thoughts... (4 replies)
  101. [mreq] is this possible? old animations (2 replies)
  102. [REQ] Default Origins (1 replies)
  103. [Mreq] Default 1.0 garand with kar and enfield origins? (0 replies)
  104. [MREL] Meet the 12th SS (53 replies)
  105. DOD background request (3 replies)
  106. So... (1 replies)
  107. Colt Conversion, See Attached (12 replies)
  108. MREQ: Pistols Held Sideways; Akimbo Tommy guns (3 replies)
  109. [MREQ]Mets Wolfenstein HUD (6 replies)
  110. [MREQ]Firegolds BAR w/ Slinks Skin (8 replies)
  111. MREQish: Real W_models (9 replies)
  112. Distant sound models? (6 replies)
  113. REQ: realistic blood patch (0 replies)
  114. MREL 3.1 Tommy Conversion (2 types) by Whiskas (37 replies)
  115. req: default sten held by mag (4 replies)
  116. [MWIP] Black Tommy (7 replies)
  117. To the DoDTeam... (18 replies)
  118. Could someone make blank sprites for me? (1 replies)
  119. A Possible fix for Sub-Modeling (12 replies)
  120. Can Someone covert the old 3.1 crosshair to 1.0?!PLZ? (3 replies)
  121. Question concerning replacing models (2 replies)
  122. [SREL] Low Interference Crosshair(s) (4 replies)
  123. [MREQ] Geballte Ladung (11 replies)
  124. [MREQ] German Knife replacement (2 replies)
  125. The big problem with submodels (10 replies)
  126. [CREQ] Crosshair needed (0 replies)
  127. Half-Life Model Viewer NEED HELP (2 replies)
  128. [MREL] Devin's BAR Hackjob (46 replies)
  129. [MREL] Multi-Camo SS (8 replies)
  130. Request: Chuck Norris (18 replies)
  131. those little blue holes (2 replies)
  132. Cs Style Crosshair Wowzas! (0 replies)
  133. Ls3's Kar98 and poly's garand (2 replies)
  134. Ref pic help please (4 replies)
  135. High poly pack (5 replies)
  136. MREL: US Pistol whip (4 replies)
  137. Request: Axis Skins... (0 replies)
  138. sreq: better looking axis capture sprite (0 replies)
  139. [MREQ]High Quality W_ (7 replies)
  140. [Mrel] Beta 3.1 Thompson for v1.0 (22 replies)
  141. beta crosshair conversion fix!?! (0 replies)
  142. |REL| Dot XHair (blue and red) (2 replies)
  143. [MREL] Bare Hud (3 replies)
  144. [MREL] Shell pics (18 replies)
  145. [MREQ] Devins BAR (5 replies)
  146. [ MRels ] Iono Colt, Potato Masher (4 replies)
  147. RELEASE: Panzerschreck without shield (10 replies)
  148. [SREQ] Crosshair (5 replies)
  149. compiler/decompiler (8 replies)
  150. w_mills2.mdl (17 replies)
  151. [SREQ] Someone please convert this crosshair? pweease? :) (0 replies)
  152. [MREQ] Carbine (3 replies)
  153. |REL| Yellow default nade recolor (8 replies)
  154. [MREQ]Some info for the usless (3 replies)
  155. HOT! [MREL] DoD 3.1 Crosshair ! (20 replies)
  156. MREL: 3rd Panzer Grenadiers Player Models. (35 replies)
  157. Best Crosshair Ever!! ---->>>>> (33 replies)
  158. SREL: Default Crosshair Without Dot (3 replies)
  159. [MREL] 98K-Black-Style (4 replies)
  160. gore sprites? (9 replies)
  161. [MREL] 98K-White-Style (6 replies)
  162. Can someone upload default tommy? (9 replies)
  163. Pinpull (15 replies)
  164. Mreg: 3.0 Axis skins (1 replies)
  165. Does Event 5011, 5021, or 5031 still work in DoD? (0 replies)
  166. [SREL] New And Marginally Improved! (6 replies)
  167. |REL|Xhairs - Custom and Info on how to make them Dynamic (27 replies)
  168. mreq: war torn default tommy gun (2 replies)
  169. Help please......... (1 replies)
  170. You know what would make an awesome grenade model? (16 replies)
  171. Can someone convert this? (0 replies)
  172. [MREL] Obj-Flag Sprites (3 replies)
  173. Nazi & American patch here (23 replies)
  174. [MREQ] Red Devil models for brit replacements (2 replies)
  175. [MREQ]Slinkey and Nomad (0 replies)
  176. Does anyone know... (1 replies)
  177. [MWIP]MoH Sten (4 replies)
  178. [WIP]Canpack Reskin (9 replies)
  179. Weapon V_models the old way or FOV way (20 replies)
  180. Canadian Forces Replacements (34 replies)
  181. [SREQ] "Lime green" dot crosshair (3 replies)
  182. MWiP - Shoulder View Pack v1.0 (61 replies)
  183. MREL: Potato Masher (13 replies)
  184. URGENT question about Skin Transparency (2 replies)
  185. Old Thompson (10 replies)
  186. MREQ: Removal of bayonet from Kar98 p_ and w_ models (3 replies)
  187. SREQ: Updated Selection Sprites (9 replies)
  188. |REL| Rounded British Player Icon (15 replies)
  189. 1.0 Version of British Delisle Commando..Yay? Nay?rbine (36 replies)
  190. Blue Portions of weapon skins. (14 replies)
  191. [mreq]satchel (1 replies)
  192. [Mreq] Marksman Stielhandgranate on v1.0 version (1 replies)
  193. sreq: swastika capture and map sprites (5 replies)
  194. sreq: rounded british player sprites (1 replies)
  195. 3.1 Grenade explosions (9 replies)
  196. K98 and Enfield without bayonet (1 replies)
  197. German camo references (0 replies)
  198. [Req] Poly's M1 skin on default (0 replies)
  199. MREQ shoulderview stg44 and thompson (7 replies)
  200. [mreq] default w_bar.mdl (1 replies)
  201. Garand w/ Bayonet (6 replies)
  202. [MREL] Ankalar's BAR Convertion (10 replies)
  203. Swastika VGUI axis selest here (22 replies)
  204. Swastika player icon on camera-map here (4 replies)
  205. REQ: Scope sprite tutaorial. (6 replies)
  206. [MWIP]STG44 reskin (6 replies)
  207. Are there any bots for v1.0 (7 replies)
  208. Fixed Team Select VGUI (3 replies)
  209. DOD Customisation pack (1 replies)
  210. Regarding para skins... (0 replies)
  211. Blood Tunning .... (33 replies)
  212. Enfield & Garand conversions (31 replies)
  213. |WIP| Band Of Brothers Stlye Paras (26 replies)
  214. Some bad news (25 replies)
  215. mreq: default stick nade with 3.1 wood (5 replies)
  216. mreq: default black mp40 p&w models and menu art (0 replies)
  217. [Srel] Accurate Crosshair (16 replies)
  218. help needed with sprites (4 replies)
  219. DOD TEAM- Muzzel Flash (5 replies)
  220. SREL:Single-pixel red dot crosshair for 1.0 (10 replies)
  221. Changing 1.0 Origins (6 replies)
  222. Request: Get rid of the dog! (11 replies)
  223. So has it been proven? (5 replies)
  224. [MWIP]Ankalar's Bar Converted (8 replies)
  225. British sleeve is fugly (2 replies)
  226. [mreq] 3.1 Crosshair ? (11 replies)
  227. MREQ - Kar98 and Enfield with no Bayonet (1 replies)
  228. Blue version of default x-hair (3 replies)
  229. [Pack REQ] Australian Infantry Pack (1 replies)
  230. Crosshair attmept (1 replies)
  231. Merca_Spriteset 1.0 (13 replies)
  232. 2 questions! (4 replies)
  233. SPREL: New Sniper Scopes (14 replies)
  234. MREL: Black springfiled bolt recolor (18 replies)
  235. |REL| allied normal sleeves (2 replies)
  236. Swastika head icon here (10 replies)
  237. MReq: Real US Models (9 replies)
  238. SPREL: Totenkampf deaths head skull replacment. (14 replies)
  239. Call To Arms!!!! Los Los Los !!! (34 replies)
  240. Communication scripts? (1 replies)
  241. SRel - icu DoD crosshair NEW FOR 1.0! (21 replies)
  242. Release: Black mp40 (14 replies)
  243. mreq: black mp40 default model (4 replies)
  244. MREQ: Default Axis Models with proper markings (0 replies)
  245. MREL: Allied Model Reskins. (US 3rd ID/Darker Brit) (31 replies)
  246. Release: Black BAR (19 replies)
  247. [MREQ]Garand (13 replies)
  248. My Canpack need hosting... (17 replies)
  249. MRel - mp28 (Sten replacement) (6 replies)
  250. W_bar Model with Bipod (12 replies)
Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.