Another Goodbye

08-30-2003, 02:48 PM
Well guys, I know I had some plans for great things ahead, but the more I spent time looking at the amount of time spent on DoD and whatnot, the more I realized how trivial it was devoting my very little free time to a game. Not just any game but a game built on a five or six year old engine. I was spending months and months customizing and learning skills that would be obsolete in less time than it took to learn, and so after a week of being away from it all and thinking I have decided to step out of the community. All my projects have been cancelled, I deleted all my WIPs from my computer. I will still play DoD and Counter-Strike (more CS than DoD, as DoD is a laggy little pain in the ass on my PC) however I cannot devote any more of my time, sitting by watching myself do poorly in school, become more and more solitude, when I should be out staying fit, and maintaining a healthy life. For me, gaming should be a hobby, not a life style. I've found it to be nothing more than a hinderance on my life.

I'm not sure if anyone will read this whole post, or care for that matter. However, I won't return to check on it, or read it. Or even to see if anyone looked at it. I might see you all again in a game some day, but until then, this is goodbye. I thank the community for all the fun and quality teaching and cool sound, skins, models, fixes, patches, and sprites that have made this game so cool. Especially Ska_Warz and Devin Kryss, two guys who made my small stint in the modelling community fun.

If you (for some odd reason) still want to contact me my e-mail will be deleted soon, to get rid of all the spam and folks from old forums (I'm quitting MANY forums) trying to get at me. The only way to contact me is through the forums, Try as I might is something I can't walk away from. Its my home. apply for the forums and send me a PM if you wish.

Farewell, and good luck to you all.

Ska Wars
08-30-2003, 04:08 PM
Damn, shame to see another go, you were a good laugh.

Good luck in whatever you do, I'll be sure to drop by so say hello.

If you're ever in England drop us a bell and we'll get you a pint down the local :D


08-30-2003, 04:53 PM
bye... :(

08-31-2003, 11:35 AM
i wish i could do the same thing

Russ. Conscript
08-31-2003, 11:47 AM
i might end up having to leave this community as well. not saying im leaveing now, oh no. ive still got a few things up my sleeve, ive been with this community for a long time.

but i have to agree with skullz on this one. gaming should be a hobby, not a lifestyle. and i think about it, and it scares me because i really do not want to be one of those scrawny little nerds who vegiate in front of a computer. (no offense to anyone who already is one :eek: ) but yeah, "Life get out and experiance it." its what i like to do, and id' rather not give it up to a game. not only that, theres going to be much to learn once HL2 comes out, and many of the skills learned here on the HL1 engine will be obsolete.

anyways, guess well' see ya around skullz.

Mystic Cobra
08-31-2003, 12:18 PM
Yes, to all those who arent nerds that vegitate in front of a computer..keep it that way lol. And you will never have to leave the Gaming community. Ive been playing since 1.3 and havent got bored or made gaming a lifestyle. Play when you can, and enjoy life as much as possible. :) Sad to see you go vandal, but Ill see you in school :D

09-01-2003, 12:20 AM
i will miss your work sadly, your best creation - skullz airbourne will forever donn my dod as they rox0r!!! gl with you future endeavors

09-01-2003, 01:26 AM
yeah... there just isn't that many good servers for DOD and all the uber fast are all CS and I have now started waiting for HL2 to come out now and HL has got to retire soon before my whole life is HL...

09-02-2003, 03:26 PM
This is oddly exactly how I have felt for a long time. I took a good look at my life and its almost the exact way how I felt. Its not to be that im depressed with life, but that I need to start focusing on more important things on life than if Devin Kryss has released a new model. Im nearing the end of high school and i need to focus on what is important, such as SATs, College essay's etc. I play games way to much when I shouldnt be. I have really never given much back to the community as in models, and stuff used in the game, all I have been able to give back is my support. So I dont mean to be alittle follower and all, but I have felt the exact same way as Skullz for all but to long. I will never stop playing games, as for its in my blood :). But I will no longer be playing them as much, Im going to try to further my skillz in other things than trying to "pwn with my l33t skillz at da kar". I dont wanna seem as a follower cause everyone is doing this, its just this is the wakeup call I needed in order to do what i needed to do. So i want to bid you all a farewell in this community, for its prolly the best gaming community I have ever been apart of. I wish you all the best of luck.

Axiom (formerly known as Sn00p)

09-03-2003, 11:30 AM
Well guys I can understand how you all feel. At the same time I am older. I have been working at the same job for 10 years, those times when I become totally absorbed in something like this is the only time that I can forget the torment, torture and degredation that is factory work. :(

So it is best if you do focus more on school, or what you are going to do after. If you end up in a job like mine, then I guess we'll see ya back here in a few years on DoD3 when you're trying to escape as well :D:D:D

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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.