shoulder straps on weapons?

10-05-2003, 02:15 PM
I keep hearing that shoulder straps can't be attached to weapons because they don't move around when you are walking. I have seen live straps that move on a bunch of old models from before 1.0... Here is an image of one.

Can you guys start adding these to your weapon mods?

10-05-2003, 02:16 PM

Doug the Head
10-05-2003, 04:10 PM
You can put them on there, but it doesnt look quite right (especially when you jump and the sling stays still).

10-05-2003, 04:12 PM
The model will be moving and the strap would be stationary which would look gay.

10-05-2003, 05:07 PM
The sling could be animated though, or somebody could put those old animations on the new models.

10-05-2003, 06:58 PM
Exactly, the sling is animated in both of those screenshots and various other mods from old versions of DoD. Just use the old animations and they will move rather than stay still.

10-05-2003, 07:00 PM
yet some of the animations are different or have new sequences which makes them incompatible with the new version, unless some1 redid a few of the animations, if they were ambisious

10-06-2003, 12:40 AM
what tools animators used to animate things?

10-06-2003, 12:45 AM
You know what, I'd be glad to reanimate those goddamn straps...
and in the process, ill reanimate each and every belt fed weapon. Yeah.

if only milkshape had better bone adding capabilities and some IK...

When Milkshape 2.0 comes out with IK, then im in some major buisness.

10-06-2003, 11:11 PM
Those straps would have to be animated, bone by bone, for all the weapons in all the anims. It's a pain in the ****ing arse, cos I tried animating a belt fed weapon and it's a *****.

10-09-2003, 05:35 AM
i think in 1.2/1.3 the thompson had a strap?

lol i dunno if it was animated or not.. i guess it was default, so it was

you can animate the strap.. when you jump, animate what it might look like it would if you were to jump, likewise on reloads... so on so on

10-09-2003, 06:53 AM
Yes you can, but with most of us having Milkshape, we don't want to spend the time.

10-12-2003, 03:56 PM
Well here is the Dod 1.0 default tommy that i've added the 3.1 sling and sling bones by editing the reference smd file in notpad. It's all assingned and ready to decompile and animate if someone would like to have a go at it.


Download (

10-12-2003, 04:13 PM

If you're going to try it on a 1.0 model, can you use Dillinger's reskin instead of the default thompson? Its the same thing but just with better textures and it will save me the time to request it once the animated straps are released.

You can download it on the second page of the Thompson SMG section off the Editing Center.

10-13-2003, 02:51 PM
*sigh* get HLMV my dear dear freind;) with it you could just do a simple import/export and POOF!

10-13-2003, 02:51 PM
*sigh* get HLMV my dear dear freind;) with it you could just do a simple import/export and POOF!

10-13-2003, 04:00 PM
Thanx to Bishop for the hosting!

I haven't tested it ingame, but what the point.
Its fully animated, though you can barely see it, as the sleeve blocks it. But it was some good animation practice.

10-13-2003, 04:30 PM
here are some ingame shots of that...

you cant really see the sling until you reload but the animations on it are great. maybe the sling would show up better on model with different origins.

by the way, if its not too much trouble can you add that sling to this re origined thompson v model?

10-13-2003, 04:44 PM
walker, I don't mean to be harsh here but I've noticed you've been requesting quite a few things that could be done yourself, they arent too head really. Have a look around for tutorials if you are keen, do some searches on these boards and such. :)

Anyways, that tommy you just posted is just a reskin and reorigin of the default.

What you need is a program called HLMV (half-life model viewer) open the strapped tommy in this thread, import texture's from your desired onto the strapped one and voila! :D

10-13-2003, 05:06 PM
i tried using milkshape 3d and had a lot of trouble editing things. i did a little modding back when i played mohaa and it took up too much of my time so i turn to requesting things for you people who enjoy doing it.

10-13-2003, 10:01 PM
i gave it a shot and didnt get very far... i took all of the files out of sushis v model and then took the files out of my reskinned v model. i went to replace the textures and i wasnt sure if i should over write the other files... then i didnt know how to pack it all back up into one .mdl file. sorry if this is confusing.

here is a .zip containing 2 folders. they are:
tommy reskin and 1.0 with strap

can you overwrite the files that need to be overwritten and send it to me? my email is ... let me know.

10-15-2003, 01:55 PM

10-15-2003, 07:31 PM
overwrite the texture files. Anything that isn't .bmp is not a texture. Then go to the tools>compile. You have to can never get anything perfect the first time.

10-15-2003, 09:11 PM
i am done overwriting the textures (the .bmp's) and i went into ms3d and under tools there is no compile option. the only thing close to it is "tools --> compile quake1 .mdl" and "tools --> half life --> compile qc file". i want to compile a .mdl file. how do i do this?

10-15-2003, 09:26 PM
i tried to compile a half life qc file and renamed it v_tommy and this is what i got. pretty messed up.

the reskin is shown, and you can see some of the strap, and it seems like the re-origin worked from the reskinned v model, but its all so small and pushed forward and the arms are cut off.

any advice?

10-15-2003, 10:13 PM used Milkshapes built in Decompiler. Don't ever use that one. Make sure you use Kriasto's Decompilers next time.

Ill upload the necessary tools. Assuming your using Jeds HLMV, go to the tools in the tooltip, and select configure tools. Extract the decompiler (mdldec.exe) and compiler (studiomdl.exe.) to a folder. Then in when your configuring the tools, find where you put the compiler and decompiler.

Use the decompile feature under tools. Overwrite the textures in the folder, and then you use the compile feature. Viola, a model packaged.

10-15-2003, 10:53 PM
just readjust the origins so that the model is closer to the screen. the arms are meant to be cut off like that (they gotta end somewhere) and you make to model close enuff to your screen so that you cant see their ends.

10-16-2003, 01:10 PM
you just confused the hell out of me sushi lol.

i dont know how to re-origin anything.

cant someone just do it for me if it is so easy for you all?

here is a .zip with all the files in it for the thompson. can someone put them all in a .mdl file and call it v_tommy? also check to see if it will work. i replaced all the texture files from sushi's 1.0 with sling version and also added 2 files (reference.smd and v_tommy.qc). i dont know if they belong in there or what so check that please.

10-16-2003, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Walker
you just confused the hell out of me sushi lol.
i dont know how to re-origin anything.

Well now is a good time to learn..:)

Tutorial on setting up weapon origins (

10-16-2003, 01:50 PM
the model was already re-origined when i compiled the file... theres no need to do it again.

10-16-2003, 02:01 PM
Well i'm not sure what you want doing, i just downloaded your file and compiled the slingtom.qc using HLMV and the new textures are there and the sling, aswell as the origins being fine.

10-16-2003, 02:08 PM
i did the same thing and it showed up like in those screenshots, can you send me the mdl you ended with?

10-16-2003, 02:21 PM
There's a texture alignment problem with the model sushi posted, otherwise I'd use it

10-16-2003, 02:28 PM
i replaced the textures on that model so there shouldnt be any problems.

10-16-2003, 04:10 PM
That screen was made with the metal from dillingers Thompson, and the misalignment shows up with the default metal as well. It's not something swapping the texture will fix, I would have to assume it's something to do with the QC file?

10-16-2003, 04:16 PM
i dont even know what a qc model is, this sucks.

10-19-2003, 12:11 PM
now that the thompson has animated straps, lets move on to the garand... as you can see in my original post, the old garands had animated slings just like the thompson so see what you can do.

10-19-2003, 01:56 PM
I need the garand with the strap bones to do it you know...

And im not doing it for you, me or anyone else. Im just doing it to help me with more organic animations (straps, humans, belt fed weapons)

Note belt fed weapons...

Oh, and the skinmesh kinda got screwd up when I decompiled it, but the sling is all the work ill be doing on the thompson. Have one of the other talented modelers/hack jobbers/skinners take care of it (Marzy, Strider, Dillinger and everyone else).

10-19-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Otacon
There's a texture alignment problem with the model sushi posted, otherwise I'd use it

Nearly all custom models have this problem. Its so simple to avoid it.

It has nothing to do with the .qc file BTW.

You have to use the Texture Coordinate Editor in Milkshape to fix it.

10-19-2003, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Sushi
I need the garand with the strap bones to do it you know...

And im not doing it for you, me or anyone else. Im just doing it to help me with more organic animations (straps, humans, belt fed weapons)

Note belt fed weapons...

Oh, and the skinmesh kinda got screwd up when I decompiled it, but the sling is all the work ill be doing on the thompson. Have one of the other talented modelers/hack jobbers/skinners take care of it (Marzy, Strider, Dillinger and everyone else). Heh, you wanna try animating belt fed weapons, I got a couple for ya. A Maxim and an SG-43.

10-19-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Sushi
I need the garand with the strap bones to do it you know...

How about this, the default enhanced Garand including sling and bones assigned, all ready to decompile and start animating...:)

Picture (

Download (

10-20-2003, 04:58 PM

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