Anyone know of a UV method/tool that can do this?

08-09-2003, 07:41 AM
Anyone know of a UV method/tool that can do this on the ATTACHMENT??

I know for a flat patch surface, Face mapping works. Unfrotauntely, on a bumpy patch surface, it gets garbled as the faces orient itself to the normals of each patch facing and it Face mapping reads triangles....not patches!! Face mapping would produce seams. Of course, for simple textures like clean white snow, the seams are barely noticable and the irregularity actually serves in making it look more natural. But for detailed grass textures and rubble, it's a differnet story and i need a perfect top (x,y) texture on each indiviudal face!

Of course, i can select every individual square patch and apply a Decal Top map scale to canvas. But imagine if i have 1200 patches to work on!! I'll have to select each individual patch, and apply Decal top!!! I'll have to do these process 1200 times!! NO WAAAYY man!

What's the purpose? Well, I want to easily create large terrains (consisiting of 256x256 sized patches and 256x256/512x512 textures applied on them) without having to apply UV mapping on every individual patch of that terrain!! I jst want to select the entire terrain mesh and apply some UV mapping thingy that basically gets the job done!

Trp. Jed
08-09-2003, 08:42 AM
You could do it un LithUnWrap fairly easily.

Open you patch, unwrap the UV in decal mode using a top view.

That will layout the UV as per the patch at the top of your diagram.

Next, select face mode, drag over a vertex in the top left had corner and that will select the two faces that make up the top left square. Move them to the side away from the rest of your patch.

Repeat with the square next to it but drag it OVER the first square you move aligning it roughly over the top (accuracy isn't critical at this point - just make sure the corners are pretty much over the top of each other).

Do this with all the other squares in your patch until you end up with them over the top of each other giving the appearance of one square. Switch to vertex mode, select all and do Edit -> Weld. That will make the all the corner points lie exactly on top of each other.

Then just drag the corners over to the corners of your texture.

Shouldnt take more than about 10 mins for a 9x9 patch grid.

- Jed

08-10-2003, 02:27 AM
Urm, so i do that with 1900 patches?


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