Added forums and format.
07-26-2003, 12:21 PM
Hey ppls.
We added some specific forums to MSA. So the main forum can be for discussion and the ones above can now hold specific works from fans for fans.
There may be a Tutorial subforum as well ...
You may notice some threads will disappear from the main area so dont fear they are deleted (unless they have dead links or just spam).
Also I re-added the free software section and will add more to that.
If you guys have anything to add to this. Let me know as I will leave this open.
07-26-2003, 12:33 PM
Also what do you guys think of a 'credits' format.
Ska Wars
07-26-2003, 12:40 PM
What exactly is that? mabye I'm just being slow but what do you mean by 'credits format'?
07-26-2003, 01:32 PM
A format that everyone has to follow which guarantees that proper credit is given to all who have contributed in a project. All text would be placed within a preview image or placed in a compressed file (as it is now).
ex. Garand Reskin
Model: Original Modeler
Texture: Original Skinner
Animation: Original Animator
Reskin: Me
This way if a work is picked up by someone. The info of who was before that person will always carry through. It also helps keep track of who did what in case someone needs to ask questions of a specific person.
Members are good at giving credit but some fail to keep track sometimes.
It's Definately a very intelligent choice on your part, Sgt.Rock, to create seperate forums for releases, mwips and so forth.
Thank you,
07-26-2003, 04:35 PM
Very good idea. I like it a lot. Thatīs something I actually would call senseful use of moderating power.
Lt. Firmalo
07-26-2003, 05:33 PM
Great idea. Now we can be more organized :)
=DD=Wolf Kahler
07-26-2003, 10:05 PM
Yes! Breaking MSA down to its core components is good. Makes searching easier.
Thank you, Rock.
As for the credits, I would suggest strongly against using "Me" in the credits. In future generations of the file, someone may not replace the word "Me" with the releaser's actual nickname, thus leaving everyone else open for at least a moment of confusion before explanations are offered.
07-26-2003, 10:52 PM
Well "me" was a very loose example.
Garand Retexture.
Release by Hornswallower
Model : Bishop
Animation : Pickitup
Texture : Sgt_Rock
Retexture : Hornswallower
A thread posted with pics would contain the format somewhere in the pic and they will be easy to read.
That way the credits on the pic are recognized right away. The credits in the zip file contain the same so that no matter what happens credits can be found. Not too many people actually read the txt file contained within the zip file and I am guilty of that most of the time. This is by far the best way to build a comunity by giving proper recognition to those who have participated.
Mystic Cobra
07-27-2003, 05:13 AM
Will this also be done with the mapping forum?
07-27-2003, 09:02 AM
Ehhh, I personally think that the idea of splitting the forum is unecessary. It'll make browsing difficult since now we've got to go through 4 forums, and since most of our talk is fairly evenly split up, then no one forum will have a big page of new material. I say leave it the way it was before, just enforce the 'MRel' 'MWiP' and 'MReq' rules.
could you sticky the M3 post in the request forums.
I'm not the greatest fan of the splitting up but meh.
07-27-2003, 01:31 PM
M3 covers all the topics, though. So it would be better to have the main thread in the Mapping forum and the one I put up here linking to it in the main MSA forum. Unless I can somehow have it exist in both Mapping and MSA.
Originally posted by Sgt_Rock
A format that everyone has to follow which guarantees that proper credit is given to all who have contributed in a project. All text would be placed within a preview image or placed in a compressed file (as it is now).
ex. Garand Reskin
Model: Original Modeler
Texture: Original Skinner
Animation: Original Animator
Reskin: Me
This way if a work is picked up by someone. The info of who was before that person will always carry through. It also helps keep track of who did what in case someone needs to ask questions of a specific person.
Members are good at giving credit but some fail to keep track sometimes.
I've given up hope on credits, considering post people can't tell the difference between a model and skin and just interchange them. It's a good choice to seperate the forums, in my opinion.
07-29-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Sgt_Rock
A format that everyone has to follow which guarantees that proper credit is given to all who have contributed in a project. All text would be placed within a preview image or placed in a compressed file (as it is now).
ex. Garand Reskin
Model: Original Modeler
Texture: Original Skinner
Animation: Original Animator
Reskin: Me
This way if a work is picked up by someone. The info of who was before that person will always carry through. It also helps keep track of who did what in case someone needs to ask questions of a specific person.
Members are good at giving credit but some fail to keep track sometimes. I have always posted this exact format in all my releases since my very first release. I think it should definately become standard.
07-31-2003, 04:40 PM
Ok ... here is another friendly reminder to POST such threads as
in their proper forums.
Dont make me take off my belt!
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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by
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