Animators (even wannbe Beginers)

07-20-2004, 02:54 PM
We are looking for someone that can animate for the Pacific Theater Conversion Pack (Japanese / Aussie / USMC, aka the PacPack, hahaa, just thought that up now, sorry... )

We have a few weapons that are done/near completion that just need to be animated/reanimated.

If anyone has any sort of desire and the ability (not realy needing skill, just has milkshape or something) let me know or [BOSS]Junior (BadKarma is going to lose internet anyday now)

And we can send the models we need to get fixed.

we are so close, it would be sad to see this fall apart just because of lack of animations. We are not to picky ATM, just need something that works for now.


my email = billynair at

(The link to the Japanese Pack in question) (

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