Hackjobbing without MS?

05-24-2004, 05:19 AM
I've always wanted to replace this all-beret British pack with some helmets. I'm gonna give it a shot and change the .qc files of the groups, and replace it with new submodels so that I can fully integrate helmets and berets with it.

05-24-2004, 05:24 AM
Secondly, how would I make invidual submodels for each class for a Brit? I'm having problems integreting the helmets.

EDIT: Looks like it doesn't work... I get scalped heads. :eek:

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-24-2004, 04:15 PM
Jed released an all-helmet group of Brit paras.

05-24-2004, 05:06 PM
@Wolf: He wants a mix of both

@Swedish: I'm not too sure about this but... decompile both beret and helmet models in different directories. Then copy the "beret.smd" and "red_beret.bmp" and paste it into the helmet model's directory. Then open the helmet models .qc file. Scroll down until you see :

$bodygroup "helmet"
studio "helmet"
studio "helmet"

I don't know what's the corresponding class is to each space but replace the word "helmet" with "beret" on one of them and copy and paste each one randomly i guess. For example:

$bodygroup "helmet"
studio "beret"
studio "helmet"
studio "beret"
studio "helmet"
studio "beret"
studio "helmet"
studio "beret"
studio "helmet"

and then compile


Trp. Jed
05-27-2004, 06:10 PM
They'll all wear the same headgear for brits. The only guy who gets his own helmet is the sniper.

- Jed

Ska Wars
05-27-2004, 06:19 PM
I did a wee hack job of jeds paras with a mix of head gear for my own perosnal use.

All I did was attach the relevatn head gear to the head submodels e.r. beret for bren and Sarge, helmet without scrim for Rifleman, helmet with scrim for sniper

And the jus edited the .qc file so it said

$bodygroup "helmet"

and then jus compiled that.

Only draw side is you cant blow the helmets off, but that dont really bother me.

EDIT: jus read the fecking title of the thread lol Ignore me, I'm tired and talking bollocks :p

- Ska

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