Anyone know of an Installer Creator with Backup Uninstall functionality?

06-06-2004, 09:27 PM
I need to find a free install-creator program with the following features to install my custom material:

-Selectable components to install
-Uninstall functionality
-Check if certain files are being overwritten. If yes, provide a backup compressed format of those files for the uninstall program to rollback to those files if user chooses to uninstall.
-Uninstall program on Start Menu program folder.
-Look for Steam folder path in registry to install into game
-Check if installation package is installed already. If installed already, do not allow re-install but have to uninstall first.

Trp. Jed
06-07-2004, 02:26 AM

- Jed

06-07-2004, 08:51 AM
Urm...darn, before i posted my first post, i already know about NSIS installer. Unfortunately, I don't seem to see any "rollback-changes" uninstall functionality in NSIS. (or maybe i'm just ****-eyed). What i want is for the installer to provide backups of overwritten files, so the uninstaller can revert back to where it was before during uninstallation. If you can somehow do this in NSIS, show me the code perhaps.

Trp. Jed
06-07-2004, 09:41 AM
Theres a ton of examples on how to do just that on the user support forums at nullsoft.

Its really just a simple case of setting up the code to see if a file already exists and to back it up before installing. What your asking isnt impossible and is a feature of most installer software.

Heres a good place to start looking:,11,211

- Jed

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