Flag and Hud Icon Help needed

Gunther Gr00nz
06-17-2004, 06:41 AM
before anyone ask, I've already looked through the searches and various related topics.

But does anyone know where I can get realistic american and swastikas for the hud flag icons.

Also I did install some custom flags, but they weren't working at all. Is this a 1.2 thing or something.

Need American Flag and axis batteflag, and a short guide on exactly how to install these items.

Thanks in advance.

No silly post please, hope to get this done by today.

06-17-2004, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by Gunther Gr00nz
before anyone ask, I've already looked through the searches and various related topics.

But does anyone know where I can get realistic american and swastikas for the hud flag icons.

Also I did install some custom flags, but they weren't working at all. Is this a 1.2 thing or something.

Need American Flag and axis batteflag, and a short guide on exactly how to install these items.

Thanks in advance.

No silly post please, hope to get this done by today.

under sprites, objectives sprites there is a swastika pack. I didnt find any better for allies still using the default, if you want some good axis flag i recommand Felix's last one really great war torn and all :p

In the same pack there is also a new allie flag and british, i used the alliedstar.bmp skin to change the default which was an american flag to the allied star more class imo. To do that you need hl model viewer, check on the forum its somewhere cant remember, and open your flag.mdl, then go under the skin tab, find the american textures, and click on import texture get your bmp and dont forget to save, and voila a nice allied star with a rock ass axis flag of your choice. :cool:

The flag model go under the following path: Steam\SteamApps\*your email*\day of defeat\dod\models\mapmodels\

if on some map the flag dont appear right, put the flag.mdl also in Steam\SteamApps\*your email*\day of defeat\dod\models\ i find it can help sometimes

Felix's war torn flag (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34503)

dod ec(for the objectives swastika & flag) (http://dodec.hlgaming.com/main.html)

Gunther Gr00nz
06-17-2004, 08:18 AM
Thanks, just the right site I needed. If I have any more probs I'll know where to ask :)

Gunther Gr00nz
06-17-2004, 08:28 AM
Ahh my flags arent working.

Installed into

c\Games\Steam\SteamApps\****\day of defeat\dod\models\mapmodels

As w_aflag.mdl, W_gflag.mdl, w_bflag.mdl

Anyone know why it isn't working.

06-17-2004, 10:28 AM
there is also a flags.mdl and some various other ways flags get displayed even if you use custom stuff, which I do

06-18-2004, 04:24 AM
Groonz: hey mate, im sorry but i never had flags named that way? always been flag.mdl

06-18-2004, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by (4THIDUSA) SSG
there is also a flags.mdl and some various other ways flags get displayed even if you use custom stuff, which I do

Which is used where? I compiled my own g/b/u/w flag models as well as a flag.mdl but I haven't spotted any maps that aren't using flag.mdl - are the other ones from old versions of dod and have been phased out, or something?

06-18-2004, 11:11 AM
the flags.mdl comes in the mapmodels folder while those flags with w_ in front of, w_gflag for example belong in the models folder , some custommaps might use their own flags with other names so i might have to rename , edit or whatever them

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