Hmm a little help please?

07-12-2004, 12:08 AM
Hey all, you can welcome me here since im new, but not really, just new to the forums, i have been playing since 3.1, but anyways, to get to my point, i saw the old 3.1 skins and noticed that they had slings, but i didnt really like them......i dunno why, its just.....because its then i was wandering around here and found a garand with a sling, but it was the newer versions, like 1.2 or 1.3, so my question is, Im gonna download it and install it, but, can someone make it like those slings for other weapons for me? Perhaps something like a sling for carbine, grease gun, thompson, everyweapon!! besides pistols and machine guns, and make sure they all have p and w models, and of course V LOL, anyways, if you do this, omg thank you.......this is one thing I always wished for in Day of Defeat.

07-12-2004, 12:40 AM
If I were you, I'd possibly go for a sling for the MG42 seeing as they did have them. I'm not sure on the MG34 though. But either way, it's just a suggestion.

07-12-2004, 12:58 AM
Alright then, well the thing is, i think if i tried making stuff, like modding, and skinning, and changing the guns to make em have slings, etc..I have no clue, so i wish i knew how to make my own, so i want people to basically, take the default models and add slings to em, but make them in the right place, i noticed on the garands they had like 3 sling attachment hook things, like one in back, one in middle, one in front, it was weird, basically, i want one in back and middle so the sling part in front looks attatched, also, i would like to have different color slings, not all the exact same color, make different details and brownish and some green......omg i dont know what im talking about do i? well, if u get the idea, PLEASE DO IT!! ...then i can learn how to skin, or edit the gun and polys and all that other crap.....all i want, is slings, all weapons, exept pistols, maybe mg42 if its possible, none for 30 or mg34, and thats it.....well if u can do it.....please.......also, make sure they are in p and w models.

07-12-2004, 02:38 PM
Ok, is anyone gonna reply? or are you already working for me? if so, thanks, but uhh, i was surfin on internet and i saw this pic, and it was a german with a mg34 and it had a sling.......just letting you know...heres the picture

07-12-2004, 06:13 PM
Geez forget it, it seems that noone is gonna answer. If you are working on them, TELL me, but i got a feeling noone cares..

07-12-2004, 06:57 PM
The MG34 had a large leather strap, the same as the MG42 I think. However since both MGs are really god damn huge I doubt they'd be attached or used in combat.

07-12-2004, 07:51 PM
I'd do it for ya, but alas, i dunno how to model. I'm only just getting started to skin of an average skinner. Wood is kinda my thing when skinning. I seem to know how to make pretty good wood textures. If it's metal or cloth I would need some help.

07-12-2004, 09:18 PM
Nah its ok, all i want is slings, on the default skins, then u could post em then i could download them, then, put ingame, its as simple as that. oo also, i would like for them to be attatched to the models for w and p models, but I WOULD ALSO like for the garand to have those hooks, those 3 hooks, with the sling attatched to one in back and one in front. here, the hooks are right here, if u look under the gun, u will see them

the picture.....

See where the sling is attatched?

07-12-2004, 09:24 PM
With a bit of patience and practice you can do it.

Follow the yellow brick road... (

07-12-2004, 09:53 PM
Ok well thanks, hmmm...Actually, thats the third time someone gave me that link, and i went to it, but why should i do it when there is someone out there that has alot more skill than me, all i want is one little thing......well maybe a few, just slings.......i cant do it because its so confusing...

07-13-2004, 05:03 PM
you know you're allowed to use full-stops in your posts.

Also, if its such a "little thing", why arent you doing it yourself?
...thats because its not such a "little thing" as you put it.

This request requires a lot of time, hence why people arent so willing to do it.

07-13-2004, 05:14 PM

07-14-2004, 12:20 AM
Then follow this little road

Lots of stuff :D

07-14-2004, 02:01 AM
I always go there, they dont have like all the guns i want with slings, like i got a garand with sling, but it has no p and w models, so its gay, but then their is a k98 with sling, but then that doesnt come out good because it has no p or w far....i have 3 weapons with slings and none have p and w models, those things are REALLY important to me, its weird when i have a v model but then the p or w model dont match.

07-14-2004, 06:05 AM
I don't find it weird. You gotta be imaginitive. Not everyone had a sling on their weapon during the war.

07-14-2004, 07:56 AM
yea maybe your right.......but i think MOST men walked around and had a sling on their weapon, hey vash u said u could so some for me, perhaps u can do a few weapons that i need?

07-14-2004, 11:38 PM

Try posting in the request forum, maybe someone there will do it
if you promess you will worships them for the rest of there life... until they respawn ;) .

good luck

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