Animation help

08-19-2004, 07:39 PM
hey guys im working on a new set of band of brothers models and im going ot have new animations but i need to know some thing first

1. when u are editing lets say dod_idel do u have to animate it with the body.smd imported as well or can u just do it with the dod_idel.smd.

2. u know when u decomple the player model and there is the stand_thommy_shoot and stand_thommy_aim and all that well is there one for the idel animation for just that gun and any others or is it all played as the stand_idel and crouch_idea? and it plays it for what ever gun u have. if there is a idel animation for each gun in the player.mdl can u please tell me what it is called?

thanks Swede

08-19-2004, 08:04 PM
1. No you do not have to, it really doesn't matter. But, it is easier to animate it with the model so you see where parts run into eachother and sutff

2. stand(crouch,prone, whatever)_(insert weapin here)_aim.smd

08-19-2004, 08:18 PM
ok thank your very much Malarkey

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