Shoulder pack

07-02-2004, 05:04 AM
I'm looking for the shoulder pack which was released about the time of Version 1.0 of DOD.
IT WAS on the editor 321 site but I cant find it...

Any ideas?


07-02-2004, 10:59 PM
i need it also.

I did some messing around in the qc with the $origin setting, close, but no cigar. I need to learn how to model.

07-03-2004, 04:41 PM


07-03-2004, 06:34 PM
Reorigining is easy with Jed's, all you need is that and a (de)compiler. Just play with the origin tester, remember the settings, decompile and add in a line in the .qc that goes like so and recompile.

$origin -2 -25 0
--------X Y Z

I put in a -25 because for some reason decompiling removes the origins and it ends up about 23 ahead in Y, at least it does for me, I use the default tools on an old expired Milk Shape.
To get around it I usually just de and re compile it without touching it, look at the new model and compair it to the old, use Jed's to find out how much negative Y to put on, then just add or subtract to what usually ends up as 0 -23 0 in the .qc.

07-05-2004, 09:39 PM
i didn't find any links in DODEC that are recient enough for 1.2, though the ones there are like the ones I want. I will be paying for the milkshape extension soon so I will be able to reallign the weapons the way I like them. Yes Jed's is what I used to move the weapons around before, but they are not exactly how I like them, you need to use a model program to angle them off the default axis. Jeds just lets you move them on the default axis, good, but not exactly what I want.

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