Ref Pics: Operation Market Garden...
09-18-2004, 11:15 AM
Great pics of Operation Market Garden can be found Here. (
...I feel so dirty posting out here... *runs*
EDIT: And as a bonus, Indian Army phtos from WW2 can be found Here. ( *runs*
Get back to where you belong!!! :p
Some good pics of Market Garden here also:-
Great intro .wav file to the site also.
Nice pics. I wish I found those a few years ago when I did a report on Market Garden.
Question: What gun is this guy holding?
click (
President Shrub
09-20-2004, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Star Wars Kid
Nice pics. I wish I found those a few years ago when I did a report on Market Garden.
Question: What gun is this guy holding?
click (
Looks like a Sten mk III cuz the barrel cover isnt vented, but doesnt have the solid stock like the sten mk 5
09-20-2004, 07:51 PM
ya it looks liek some sort of a sten i thought it was silenced but maby not
Black Lotus
09-21-2004, 07:01 AM
That gun is the Mk III Sten, yes. *Holds sten* Mine looks shinier though.
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