How to make your own Flags

06-05-2004, 03:47 PM Custom Game Source

This is a basic tutorial on editing existing models, note that I said existing models. This is not on how to make models. This tutorial works only for preexisting models, do you get the hint yet.

1. You will need Half-life model Viewer to do this. Jeds HLMV is the best

2. Find the flag or picture you wish to make into a flag model.
Use Google Images

3. You will need Paint Shop Pro or similar to do this.
This quick tutuorial is based on JASC Paint SHop Pro, since I own it.

4. Open the picture up in the paint program.

5. Open the flag model of your choice in Jeds Half-life Model viewer
A. Click on the textures tab, pick the texture you wish to edit, use the drop down menu.
B. Hit the button that says export.
C. name the bmp file something, it doesnt matter what you call it, it wont matter when you import later

6. Open up the bmp with paint shop.
A. Increase to 16 Million colors, if needed
B. Hit Image
C. Goto Increase color Depth
D. Choose 16 Million Colors (24 bit)

7. Resize the picture you are changing to match the size of the BMP
A. Hit Image, button at top.
B. Hit resize.
C. Put in the demensions

8. In the name area of the picture you want to make a flag right click.
A. hit copy.

9. Right click in the name area of the BMP.
A. Hit Paste
B. Choose Paste as New layer.
C. Adjust if needed
D. Adjust tool is fourth down on left, looks like a celtic cross

10. Change to 256 8 bit color, if needed. But must saved as 256 color 8 bit
A. Hit Image
B. Goto Decrease color Depth
C. Choose 256 colors (8 bit)

11. Goto the model viewer
A. Make sure the texture you are importing is the same as displayed in the window
B. Hit Import Texture
C. Hit Model Display, to view your work.
D. If you are happy with that.
E. Hit File goto Save model as
F. Save it as w_aflag.mdl, that is the default allies flag
G. For British use W_bflag.mdl
H. For German use w_gflag.mdl

12. Place in your dod/models/mapfolders
A. Enjoy

Tutorial by (4THIDUSA) SSG H.
Questions or Comments feel free to drop by the site or post here.
This is a basic tutorial not meant to cover every aspect of Texture editing.
This is also the basic way to edit any texture on any model.

Items Needed
Jeds Half-life Model Viewer Available at, then Day of Defeat, then Mapping files
Free trial of JASC Paint Shop Pro, link available in the Mapping Files.

Please Stickie if you want to, thanks Custom Game Source

06-05-2004, 06:21 PM
how do you add the transparent layer around the edges to make the flag look worn?

06-05-2004, 07:47 PM
just paint the full blue colour around the edges for the transparency.....

[AGM]# R0MM3L #
06-05-2004, 08:10 PM
I tried to open the texture of a flag, put blue upon the existing transparence blue, import it in HLMV ... but the place where I put blue stay opaque, however, the other place around are still transparent ... I dont understand what append

06-05-2004, 09:36 PM
To make the transparency work make sure the blue, 0 0 255, is the last color in the pallet position 255, open the flag.bmp you are editing and make sure it is in 256 color, hit image then pallet, then edit pallet, the bottom right color block is position 255,

double click it, on the right is a R then number the G a number the B and a number those are Red Green and Blue, red and green put to 0 blue change to 255 then hit ok notice it now changes the block to blue, Also make sure the color you use for transparency isnt used in the flag, the transparent color can be any color you pick, doesnt have to be blue, the model viewer will change it to blue,

hit ok, then goto pallet , then set pallet transparency, choose set to pallet entry put it to 255, notice blue goes in the little window, hit ok, then save it as what you want , import back into model viewer, make sure the transparent box is checked under textures, and check it in the model display to make sure it worked

06-05-2004, 09:40 PM
or when you compile the model, check the transparency box in jed's hlmv then save the model...

[AGM]# R0MM3L #
06-05-2004, 11:51 PM
it don't work :(

Can you put tranparency on these plz ? Thanks

06-06-2004, 08:56 AM
Remeber what I said,

"7. Resize the picture you are changing to match the size of the BMP"

you had 512x512, the largest flag I have is 576x256


"Also make sure the color you use for transparency isnt used in the flag, the transparent color can be any color you pick, doesnt have to be blue, the model viewer will change it to blue"

since you had pink in slot 255, pink should have been the color you used, or what ever color you put there, thats why it didnt work. But here you go fixed BMP

06-06-2004, 08:57 AM
Upload limits

06-06-2004, 08:58 AM
and 3

06-06-2004, 08:59 AM

06-06-2004, 09:00 AM

[AGM]# R0MM3L #
06-06-2004, 04:05 PM

It work now and it's just woderful :p

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