DoD IK Rig by Jennifer
07-07-2004, 07:21 AM
Hello all,
I thought you'd be interested in seeing this:
That thread explains it all :) If you don't remember Jennifer is the guy who animated my Garand release.
Trp. Jed
07-07-2004, 09:05 AM
Thats pretty cool. :)
I tried making one for the player models but ran into a load of problems with setting limits so I gave up! :mad:
07-07-2004, 10:57 AM
bolt action animation is smooth and nice... i wish I could put the animation to my custom k98 model.... or be a looney and put that model's skin over to this one and get all sorts of crazy crap happening! :eek:
reload animation is a cool change. i like the part where you flick off the back-of-the-clip-covering-thinga-ma-jigga
also the stab where it adds the extra "umphh" when u stab something.
... i like it so much ima try to put my custom skins on this sucker
07-07-2004, 11:16 AM
Pretty nice, though the only animation i like is the draw animation. :(
Maybe its just me or her anims feel as if i was a girl aswell, theres something about the movement of the hands that seem feminine. Same goes for her garand animations. :(
Trp. Jed
07-07-2004, 11:18 AM
The nice thing with a good IK rig is you can drag the hand where you want it and the bones will follow and not bend in unnatural angles.
Personally I tend to go the other way and use the timeline, setting the keyframes for each bone, their rotation and then the easy using curves.
07-07-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Splinter
Pretty nice, though the only animation i like is the draw animation. :(
Maybe its just me or her anims feel as if i was a girl aswell, theres something about the movement of the hands that seem feminine. Same goes for her garand animations. :(
Its a GUY. Jennifer is his girlfriend's name.
Jed, I've always been intruiged with animating but I've never been able to 'aquire' max and I never had the motivation to struggle with ms.
Mr Sparkle, try putting them onto that lovely high res k98 that was released. I can't remember who made it but props to them. It deserves to be put on these anims.
Also if you raise the k98 ( -1.5 on the Z through HLMV) I think it looks a bit nicer.
Trp. Jed
07-07-2004, 12:49 PM
Yeah MS is a pain for animating because of the wierdness with setting individual bones keyframes. Max can be tricky but it depends on what your doing. I had Max 5 at work and installed it to do some animating and figured it out within about 15 mins.
07-07-2004, 05:28 PM
man, i wish I could animate like that, but MS only goes so far, and I've pained myself enough with max :(
It makes me a bit sad sometimes :(
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