Problem with a sleeve

05-29-2004, 03:50 PM
Hello guys,

I'm in the middle of doing a Garand release but when my animator send me back the compile he seemed to have ****ed up the axis sleeves somewhat - he had used the US sleeve .smd and not included a US sleeve skin, so both the US and Axis used to the same sleeve.

I got the compile to include the proper axis sleeve smd and bmp, however during game the following happens:

Which seems to show when you pick up the garand as axis both sets of sleeve model/skin appear..

I don't know why its doing this, but hopefully one of you more experienced hackers know?

Any help would be appreciated,


05-29-2004, 04:11 PM
catch me on msn

05-30-2004, 08:30 AM
Added :)

/e: Peril figured out what it was- my animator had sleeves on the hand.smd :rolleyes:

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