P_30cal compiling question

07-27-2004, 11:56 PM
Hey guys

Got a quick question. Went to replace the Player model for the 30cal. After i made my model i decompiled the 1.0 version, deleted all the verticies on that one, copied my version in and assigned all the vertices to the correct joint. When i tried re-compiling i got this error:

illegal parent bone replacement in sequence "p_30cal_idle"
"Bip01 R Hand" has "Bip01 R Forearm", reference has "Bip01 R Arm2"
illegal parent bone replacement in sequence "p_30cal_shoot"
"Bip01 R Hand" has "Bip01 R Forearm", reference has "Bip01 R Arm2"

Can someone help me?


07-28-2004, 10:08 AM
I got a similar error when I changed the names of bones to remember which bones were which for animations
changed name from
Bone40 (Elbow)

"Bip01 R Forearm", reference has "Bip01 R Arm2" - either the names are different, or the bones got moved around, I don't know which is easier to fix.

My guess is that there are name changes needed to get this to compile. What might (just a thought mind you) is to make ASCII txt for both the old and new, then open both is notepad, set them up side by side and see where the names are different (start at the bottom since I think all the stuff on top is stuff you are not dealing with)

There might be a totaly easier way to do this, but as for your question, I am pretty sure that is what is wrong.

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