Is it possible?
Captain Dan
06-10-2004, 07:01 PM
Hey all,
I was looking at my dod/models directory, and i noticed a phono.mdl file. The phonograph inside was VERY detailed, complete w/ a spinning turntable. I was wondering, is it possible to bind a clip from "Es Tu Partout" to the spin action in the .qc file? That would be REALLY cool, it would give Merderet a more Saving Private Ryan feel to it. I think the original recording was taken out of the former version of Merderet (Ramelle) because of copyright restrictions. So, anyways, is this possible?
-Captain Dan
06-10-2004, 09:01 PM
Sure is! I can't remember the exact code you put into the .qc to tell it to play the sound but they do it in v_ models.
Trp. Jed
06-10-2004, 09:52 PM
Event 5004 off the top of my head with the path to the WAV file relative the sound folder as the parameter and the triggering frame.
Decompile one of the v_models like the MG42, you should find a similar event in there too.
Bear in mind though, if you model animation loops EVERY time it hits that frame it will start playing the wav.
Captain Dan
06-12-2004, 07:36 AM
So that means that Edith Piaf is gonna be repeating herself everytime the record animation loops? :D.
-Captain Dan
Trp. Jed
06-12-2004, 10:31 AM
wel if the animation is 10 frames long and runs at 30 frames per second she's start all over again every 1/3 of a second.
Niccccccce.... not.
Captain Dan
06-12-2004, 04:40 PM
I doubt it goes that fast but thanks :).
-Captain Dan
06-13-2004, 05:44 PM
for the Japanese pack i just changed the WAV file that the model access.
Don't know if that is exactly what you were looking for, but it will play a pretty long file from what I remember.
=DD=Wolf Kahler
06-17-2004, 06:02 PM
Didn't that phonograph play at least part of that song in DoD b2.0?
06-18-2004, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by =DD=Wolf Kahler
Didn't that phonograph play at least part of that song in DoD b2.0?
yea on dod ramelle or whatever it played that song, but the .wav file wasnt part of the model it was part of the map kinda like ambience you know what i mean?
and that song was in one of the 1.3 ramelle's and in the 2.0 one as well.
06-20-2004, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
wel if the animation is 10 frames long and runs at 30 frames per second she's start all over again every 1/3 of a second.
Niccccccce.... not. So just lengthen the animation.
Captain Dan
06-20-2004, 07:08 AM
I checked, the anim is 101 frames long :eek: :D :cool:.
-Captain Dan
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